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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD)
                  Special Issue on Modern Trends in Scientific Research and Development, Case of Asia
                                    Available Online: e-ISSN: 2456 – 6470

                    Medical and Social Rehabilitation of Patients with

                               Vertogenic Cingulate Radiculopathy

                                             Samiyev Asliddin Sayitovich

            Assistant of Department of DCTF Neurology, Samarkand State Medical Institute, Samarkand, Uzbekistan

        ABSTRACT                                               2.  determination of the localization and provoking factor of
        The review demonstrates the urgency of the problem of     pain;
        lumbosacral radiculopathy. Epidemiological data, causes,   3.  characteristics of pain:
        mechanisms of development, clinical picture and methods     beginning of appearance,
        of pharmacotherapy of neuropathic pain in radiculopathy     provoking factor,
        are presented. An algorithm for instrumental diagnostics     duration,
        and  treatment  is  described.  Its  clinical  efficacy  in     intensity,
        neuropathic pain syndrome has been studied in a number      the nature of the pain.
        of clinical randomized trials that demonstrated its analgesic   4.  determination  of  positive  and  negative  sensory
        effect,  as  well  as  the  ability  to  cause  regression  of   disorders:  paresthesia  (non-painful  spontaneous
        concomitant  psychosomatic  disorders  and  insomnia  in   sensations  -  creeping  creeps,  etc.),  dysesthesia
        patients with lumbosacral radiculopathy.                  (unpleasant  spontaneous  or  induced  sensations),

                                                                  hyperalgesia (increased sensation of pain stimulus) and
        KEYWORDS: Radiculopathy, syndrome, mechanism, vertebral   allodynia (pain irritant);
        artery, pain                                           5.  neurological examination, which is carried out according
                                                                  to the generally accepted method and includes:
        INTRODUCTION                                                study of cranial innervation,
        An  increase  in  the  life  expectancy  of  the  population  of
                                                                    research of motor and sensory spheres;
        countries with developed economies, the accumulation of   6.  manual diagnostics, revealing functional disorders in the
        elderly  and  senile  people  in  the  population,  physical   vertebral motor segments, in order to determine the
        inactivity are only part of the reasons for the formation of a   degree  of  joint  mobility  of  both  the  craniovertebral
        group of people with chronic pain syndrome, a component of   junction and the entire spine as a whole;
        which is neuropathic pain.                             7.  study  of  the  muscle  sphere  and  motor  stereotype,
                                                                  muscle spasm and local muscle hypertonicity (trigger
        The most common type of neuropathic pain syndrome (NBS)
        is chronic back pain, which occurs in 20-30% of all cases of   8.  determination   of   the   characteristics   of   the
        chronic pain. The pathophysiology of back pain includes a   psychoemotional state (especially after trauma).
        complex of nociceptive and neuropathic mechanisms caused
        by damage to nerve fibers by degenerative processes in the
                                                               Instrumental diagnostics
        spine. The destruction of nociceptive fibers of the nerve root   To clarify the state of the bone apparatus, an instrumental
        by structures of a degenerating disc (local neuropathic pain),   examination is necessary:
        mechanical compression or narrowing of the lumen of the
                                                               1.  Functional  radiography  (radiation  diagnostics)  -
        spinal  canal  (mechanical  neuropathic  radicular  pain)  or   pictures in frontal and lateral projections in a sitting
        under the influence of inflammatory mediators in systemic   position, as well as in flexion and extension of the spine.
        diseases without any mechanical compression is the main   In most patients with cervical dorsopathy, X-ray examination
        cause of neuropathic pain in the disease.
                                                               of the spine reveals degenerative changes in the vertebral
                                                               motor segments, which are mainly found at the level of CV –
        The  problem  becomes  even  more  urgent  due  to  the  low   CVI, CVI – CVII and CIV – CV. The first spondylographic signs
        efficiency of treatment, despite the abundance of modern   of  disc  dystrophy  are  the  straightening  of  the  cervical
        pharmacological agents. The disease is chronic, progressive
                                                               lordosis and the formation of local kyphosis at the level of
        and negatively affects all areas of the patient's life, including   the  affected  spinal  motion  segment.  The  earliest  signs  of
        sleep,  mood,  self-esteem,  performance,  interpersonal   degenerative changes are uncovertebral arthrosis mainly in
        relationships, and significantly impairs the quality of life,
                                                               the  СIV  –  СV,  СV  –  СVI  and  СIII  –  СIV  segments.
        requiring a significant increase in health care costs.   Spondyloarthrosis  of  the  intervertebral  joints  is
                                                               radiologically characterized by narrowing and deformation
        This review summarizes the current trends in the treatment   of the joint space, subchondral sclerosis of the articulating
        of NBS of radiculogenic origin, and also analyzes the efficacy
                                                               surfaces  of  the  articular  processes,  and  marginal  bone
        of  pregabalin,  a  drug  of  the  latest  generation  of   growths. With the direction of the marginal bone growths
        gabapentinoids.                                        anteriorly, their effect on the vertebral arteries is noted. To
                                                               identify them, posterior images are taken through an open
        Evaluation of a patient with radiculopathy includes.   mouth.  In  arthrosis  of  the  C0  –  CI  and  CI  –  CII  joints,
        1.  a thorough collection of anamnesis of the disease. To   asymmetry of the craniovertebral joints, as well as the CI –
            exclude the secondary nature of pain, a general physical   CII articular spaces and the crevices of the Cruvellier dentate
            examination and examination is also required;

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