Page 66 - Special Issue Modern Trends in Scientific Research and Development, Case of Asia
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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ eISSN: 2456-6470
economic potential and financial resources of the enterprise, Today, the most favorable countries in the world for an
external factors. innovative environment are the United States, Finland and
Ireland. We can also single out South Korea, China, Singapore
Defining the goal of innovative development - this goal can and India among the countries that are rapidly developing
include: diversification, increase market share, increase the innovative economies. The organizational, legal, economic,
competitiveness of the organization, reduce costs and save financial and intellectual resources required for the
resources, increase solvency, strengthen financial stability. development of innovative economies in these countries are
The “Expert Assessment” method can be used to create a expanding to a level that complements each other.
hierarchy of organizational goals [10]
Figure 1 Modern strategy for implementing innovations in the enterprise
Choosing the right and wise strategy will increase the products to Lotte Marte has been successfully launched. Also,
economic efficiency of the enterprise, while increasing the with the leaders of the largest Korean textile enterprises
export potential and strengthening its competitiveness. Our Posco Daewoo, Color Paradise, Solsang International Corp.,
country today needs to increase the level of application of RATEL E&T Co, Ltd, as well as Lotte Marte, the export of
innovations in enterprises. textile products in Uzbekistan in 2017-2018. contracts worth
$ 70 million were signed. During the meeting with the
To this end, measures aimed at introducing innovations in International Trade Association of the Republic of Korea and
public policy are a priority. His motivation for this is well the leadership of the National Electronic Trading Platform,
established. Most importantly, the legal, economic and mutual agreements on the sale of Uzbek textile products on
organizational base in our country is constantly improving. the electronic trading platform KOREA Trade for 2017-2018
Therefore, serious attention is paid to the motivation of were signed. Now the enterprises of Uzbekistan in the
innovative activities in enterprises. But in some enterprises Republic of Korea and the enterprises of Korea importing
it is still possible to talk about the problems of motivation of and transporting are provided with filling in customs
innovative activity. more precisely, the process of applying documents in electronic form. With the largest Korean textile
innovations to some enterprises is very slow. enterprises - Posco Daewoo, Color Paradise, Solsang
International Corp., RATEL E&T Co., Ltd., Lotte Marte, in
Modernization of industrial enterprises on the basis of 2017-2018, Uzbekistan will export 70 million tons of textiles.
innovations means increasing the share of high-tech, high- Contracts in the amount of US dollars were signed [11].
capacity, low-energy products and services in the economy
through the widespread application of innovations; it is It should be noted that the choice of the country's
possible to understand the process of taking it to a new level development strategy is very important in the formation of
by making structural changes. The end result of innovation policy. Based on this, two main models of state
modernization of the enterprise on the basis of innovations innovation policy can be distinguished:
is innovation formation of the economy. 1. The main goal was a priority for the countrym which
was to stimulate the development of innovative
Currently, large Korean enterprises such as Posco Daewoo directions, a model focused on the implementation of
International, Yangguang Corporation, TTJ, Shindong operate scientific and technical programs and projects of
in the Republic of Uzbekistan. In 2017, within the framework national importance.
of trade and economic cooperation, $ 23.4 million worth of 2. The main goal is to master new technologies, economics
textiles and semi-finished products were produced in other a model aimed at disseminating scientific and technical
industries. The products of the enterprises were exported to knowledge, which is to expand the technological
the South Korean market. This year, the supply of textile capabilities of industries and sectors [12].
ID: IJTSRD35882 | Special Issue on Modern Trends in Scientific Research and Development, Case of Asia Page 61