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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD)
                  Special Issue on Modern Trends in Scientific Research and Development, Case of Asia
                                    Available Online: e-ISSN: 2456 – 6470

                            The Effect and Significance of Vitamin D

                             on the Course and Effects of Pregnancy

         Isroilova Guljannat Pardabaevna , Azimova Komila Islomovna , Juraeva Gulnora Ergashevna
                1 Assistant of the Department of “Obstetrics and Gynecology”,  The Head of the 6th Year Student,
                                1,2 Samarkand State Medical Institute, Samarkand, Uzbekistan

        ABSTRACT                                               with  low  body  mass,  gestational  diabetes,  preterm  birth,
        Background. The high prevalence and negative effects of   preeclampsia, inflammatory reactions. [2]
        vitamin  D  deficiency  is  a  problem  for  a  wide  range  of
        specialists worldwide. Pregnant and lactating women are at   Materials and methods
        risk for vitamin D deficiency, as evidenced by the results of   An analysis of 18 sources of foreign literature on this topic
        many  epidemiological  studies.  Vitamin  D  plays  an   was carried outInfluence of vitamin D on satellites, especially
        important  role  in  providing  the  mother-placenta-fetus   on trophoblast cells.
        system,  including  implantation,  placenta  formation,
        embryogenesis,  intra-  and  postnatal  periods.  Vitamin  D   The placenta contains all the components of the signaling
        deficiency leads to placental insufficiency, low birth weight,   system of vitamin D (VDR, RXR, CYP27B1 and CYP24A1).
        gestational diabetes, premature birth, preeclampsia, and an   Weisman et al. [2]
        increase in the inflammatory response.
                                                               It was found that detsidualnaya tissue in the placenta is able
        The purpose of the study: an analytical review of the role   to  synthesize  1,25  (OH)  2D  and  24,25  (OH)  2D,  which
        and importance of vitamin D during pregnancy in modern
                                                               predispose  to  the  formation  of  cytokines,  granulocytes,
        scientific literature.
                                                               macrophages 2 (GMCSF-2), stimulating colony a (TNF-). a),
        Materials and methods. An analysis of 18 foreign literary   suppresses  the  synthesis  of  protivovospalitelnogo
        sources on this topic was carried out                  interleykina-6 (IL-6) and increases the indicators of TsAMF
                                                               in detsidualnyx cells and cytotrophoblastax [3, 5, 6].
        Conclusion.  Vitamin  D  plays  an  important  role  in  the

        system  of  pregnant  women,  the  placenta  and  the  fetus,
        especially  during  implantation,  placenta  formation,   In the case of using vitamin D after exposure to E. coli on the
                                                               third  row  of  trophoblast  cell  cultures,  a  relatively  low
        embryogenesis, intra- and postnatal period. According to
                                                               infection rate was confirmed compared to the case without
        the literature review: Low level 25 (ON) D has an adverse
                                                               using vitamin D [6,7]. This indicates a high level of SAMR. It
        effect  on  the  course  of  pregnancy,  outcome,  fetal   follows that adding vitamin D to the diet with a serum 25
        development,  and  infant  health.  Eliminating  vitamin  D
                                                               (OH) D level <30 ng / ml (vitamin D deficiency or deficiency)
        deficiency has a positive effect on pregnancy outcomes and
                                                               during pregnancy may reduce infectious processes.
        baby's health, i.e. serious complications during pregnancy -

        preeclampsia, gestational diabetes, placental insufficiency,   Functions of vitamin D during pregnancy
        chronic  infection  and  other  diseases  are  significantly
                                                               The satellite has been proven to be capable of synthesizing
                                                               1.25  (OH)  2D.  Placental  product  -  1.25  (PO)  2D.  During

        KEYWORDS: 25 (OH) 2D, 1.25 (OH) 2D, vitamin D deficiency,   pregnancy, against the background of massive synthesis of
        preeclampsia, gestational diabetes                     this vitamin, the rate of entry of this vitamin into the kidneys
                                                               increases, which leads to the accumulation of ego [7].
        High prevalence and negative consequences of vitamin D   Observations have shown that the level of 1.25 (OH) 2D in a
        deficiency  are  a  problem  for  many  professionals  in  the   recent series in the third trimester of pregnancy was twice
        world. Vitamin D deficiency is associated with health risks,   as high as in non-pregnant women and in the postpartum
        including  cardiovascular  disease,  cancer,  metabolic   period  [8,  9].  1.25  (OH)  2D  is  a  link  in  the  auto-  and
        syndrome, bone marrow, autism, multiple sclerosis, diabetes   paracrine  immune  systems  and  has  been  shown  to  be
        and mental health. It is proved that vitamin D deficiency   synthesized during pregnancy [10]. 1.25 (OH) 2D inhibits the
        causes infertility, affects the longevity of pregnancy and good   release of Th1 cytokines and increases the amount of Th2
        health (in the womb and in the late adulthood). [1]    (Th2 cytokines predominate during implantation) [10, 11].
                                                               This  modulation  of  the  immune  system  prevents  the
        Pregnant and breastfeeding women are exposed to the risk   implanted  embryo  from  separating.  1.25  (OH)  2D  also
        of vitamin D deficiency, which is confirmed by the results of   promotes  the  transformation  of  the  endometrium  into
        many epidemiological studies. Vitamin D plays an important   decidual cells [12, 13]. An important gene for  embryonic
        role  in  supporting  the  maternal-placental-fetal  system,   implantation and myeloid differentiation in early gestational
        including  implantation,  formation  of  the  placenta,   age  increases  the  synthesis  of  HOXA10  [13,  14].  It  was
        embryogenesis, intra and postnatal periods. Deficiency of   reported  that  1,25  (OH)  2D-syncytiotrophoblasts  control
        vitamin D leads to placental insufficiency, birth of children   secretion, secretion and increase the synthesis of steroid

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