Page 59 - Special Issue Modern Trends in Scientific Research and Development, Case of Asia
P. 59
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ eISSN: 2456-6470
Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Kyrgyzstan and "on the state language" in October 1989 and giving the
Kazakhstan. Another television program – "Uzbekistan in the Uzbek language the status of the State language [1, P.12]. So,
United family", which was prepared by all the studios of the in 1990, the number of programs prepared in Uzbek by the
USSR, also echoed the" friendship Screen". Its goal is to editorial office of industry, construction, transport and
comprehensively show the international relations of communications was 70%.
Uzbekistan and other republics.
By the end of the 80s of the XX century, TV journalism was at
In all these and many other similar TV shows, it was its peak. It was during these years that the first critical TV
demonstrated that the more multinational a Republic is, the programs appeared and “round tables” on the history and
more international it is. The crowning achievement of the theory of state construction began to be used. It was then
national question was the proclamation of the Soviet people that they first started talking about “white spots”, “black
as a new social and international community. holes”and "closed cases". At numerous press conferences
held in 1987, historians opened the curtains on forbidden
The new generation of leaders of the former Soviet Union, topics with an irresistible fear. But soon the timid breath of
who came to power in 1985, clearly understood the need to glasnost with incredible speed began to turn into a deafening
implement fundamental socio-economic changes in the squall, and a departure from dogmatic teaching began. On
country. The main strategic priorities of the new policy were television, problems were raised, questions were asked that
the slogans "publicity" and "restructurings". literally stunned the masses. Because of this there was a
multiplicity of positions, approaches and assessments to the
The glasnost policy provided for the "softening" of Soviet national policy, only yesterday seemed unshakable
censorship in the activities of television (under supervision brotherhood of peoples, the principle of a single and
from above), as well as the publication of a number of indivisible multinational States, the Soviet people as a new
previously banned books and documents. To a certain community of people, doubt began to be very rosenast
extent, the use of censorship in publishing, film production, national problems.
and theatrical performances was restricted, and films that
were previously shot but banned from being shown (put on The media, in particular, television of the perestroika period,
the shelf) were shown. With the development of glasnost, trying to understand the essence of national policy, were
society gained a greater form of freedom of speech. In the critical of its wording. Thus, they analyzed such definitions
end, despite all the efforts made by the party apparatus, with as" nation"," nationalism"," national and interethnic
its prevention is not able to cope. contradictions", "chauvinism". The appeal to these
formulations was dictated by the fact that the old
Many TV shows, publications, books, films and approaches to them no longer satisfied society. However, the
documentaries on previously forbidden topics (for example, media in particular, television in Uzbekistan, as well as all
about Stalinism and repression) related to the restoration of public thought, have developed slowly, with a lot of caution,
historical truth, contributed to the rethinking of history and with less freedom and frankness. And yet, even with
modernity, the rejection of historical and social stereotypes, difficulties, the process of rectification of consciousness was
and the search for new landmarks and prospects for the going on.
country's development. Unfortunately, the "restructurings"
was half-hearted. As a result, stagnation continued to occur The developed program "For political and economic
in the economic, spiritual and educational spheres, as well as sovereignty, spiritual renewal, social justice and decent
in the activities of television. living conditions of the population of Uzbekistan" played an
important role in this, [2] which for the first time revealed
Thus, under the conditions of perestroika, most of the the content of the concept of "full independence at the
broadcasts of the Tashkent city television Studio were Republican level". This program contained the task of
conducted in Russian. In addition, the Uzbek television transition to market relations. She advocated independence
program information and analytical programs "Time" and in foreign economic activity, expanding and strengthening
"Information" were conducted mainly in Russian. Only the the Republic's position in the world market, creating the
program "Information" was broadcast once a day in Uzbek. necessary conditions for attracting foreign investment and
In particular, if the editorial Board of socio-political technology, etc. [2].
programs conducted 70 TV programs in 1985 alone, 58 of
them were in Russian. In this direction, the television of the Republic saw regional
self-financing and self-financing as a starting point for the
In the Uzbek language was mainly cultural-educational gradual introduction of market relations. Therefore, much
program "Otalarso’zi – aqlningko’zi" ("the wisdom of the space was given to this problem in TV shows. But not all of
fathers – the mirror of life"), "Ertaklarolamida" (world of their materials met the requirements of modern Economics.
tales), "Hayotquvonchlarivatashvishlari" (Joys and concerns Numerous discussions on television about regional self-
of life), and others. financing and self-financing have largely contributed to the
fact that new forms of management rent, contract,
Thus, one of the new programs "Joys and concerns of life" cooperation, etc. they have already been introduced into
gained wide popularity in Uzbekistan among millions of everyday production practice. Of course, they did not
viewers of various ages, as this program raised acute socio- develop along a straight, post road, but overcame numerous
economic and moral problems in places. obstacles of a bureaucratic, economic and psychological
The situation changed in favor of the Uzbek language only
after the adoption of the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan
ID: IJTSRD35880 | Special Issue on Modern Trends in Scientific Research and Development, Case of Asia Page 54