Page 54 - Special Issue Modern Trends in Scientific Research and Development, Case of Asia
P. 54

International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ eISSN: 2456-6470

        Table 1

        From the above table we can see that in 1991, 26 specialists   academic year it was 264095, in the 2017/2018 academic
        with higher education were trained per 10,000 population in   year it was 279674, and in the 2018/2019 academic year it
        the country, and by 2000 this figure was 13, which is 50%   was 344790 [9]. It is no exaggeration to say that the adoption
        less than in 1991. In 2016, this figure was 20. As we noted   of the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan
        above, in 1991 the Republic was lagging behind the All-Union   dated October 8, 2019 "On approval of the Concept for the
        level in terms of training more highly educated personnel   development of the higher education system of the Republic
        per 10,000 population, while in 2016 the figure was even   of Uzbekistan until 2030" marked the beginning of a new
        lower  than  in  1991.  The  number  of  higher  education  in   reform of higher education in the country. According to the
        Andijan region was 16 in 1991, 14 in 2016, 11 in Namangan   decree, by 2030, the level of higher education coverage will
        in 1991, 11 in 2016, 16 in 1991 and 13 in 2016 in Fergana   be increased  by 50% on the  basis of  the development of
        region. In the Fergana Valley, we can see that the number of   public-private partnership in the field of higher education,
        highly educated personnel per 10,000 population is much   the  organization  of  public  and  private  higher  education
        lower than the number of staff. If we take into account the   institutions in the regions.
        fact  that  the  population  increased  by  more  than  30%
        compared to 1991, this, of course, is a matter of concern.    Great attention is paid to the consistent implementation of
                                                               reforms in the higher education system in the regions of the
        The decrease in the number of people with higher education   Fergana Valley. For example, in Fergana region in 2018, the
        among the population has led to a shortage of people with   Resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan
        higher  education  in  a  number  of  areas  of  society.  For   dated September 26, 2018 No PP-3952 "On the establishment
        example, out of about 60,000 educators working in the field   of  a  branch  of  the  Latvian  Higher  School  of  Information
        of preschool education, only 21% had higher education and   Systems  Management  in  Fergana"  and  the  Cabinet  of
        79% had secondary special education [7]. It was time to find   Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated September 22,
        a solution to this and many other problems in the education   2018 VMQ-754 In accordance with the Resolution "On the
        system,  to  develop  this  area  at  the  level  of  modern   establishment  of  the  Kokand  branch  of  the  Tashkent  State
        requirements.                                          Technical  University  named  after  Karimov",  branches  of
                                                               leading higher educational institutions of the republic and
        It should be noted that in 2017, as in all areas of our society,   foreign  countries  were  opened  in  Fergana  region.  At  the
        a lot of attention is paid to the implementation of a number   same time, it is no exaggeration to say that the establishment
        of reforms in the higher education system. Many important   of  the  first  non-governmental  Kokand  University  in  the
        decrees and resolutions of the President of the Republic on   country in 2019 is the result of the attention paid today to
        the development and reform of higher education have been   the development of the non-governmental education system
        adopted.  Particular  attention  is  paid  to  the  effective   in the country.
        implementation of decrees and decisions. For example, if we
        look at the quotas for admission of young people to higher   The  effectiveness  of  the  work  aimed  at  developing  the
        education  institutions,  in  the  2018  academic  year,  the   system of continuing education in the Fergana region, as well
        enrollment  of  students  in  higher  education  institutions   as  in  the  country,  is  highly  valued  by  international
        increased  by  30%  compared  to  2017  and  by  62.4%   organizations.  In  particular,  the  inclusion  of  Fergana,  the
        compared to 2016 [8. p 1]. At the same time, the number of   only city in Uzbekistan in the UNESCO World Network of
        students studying in higher educational institutions of the   Educational Cities, is one of the most educated cities in the
        republic  has  increased.  For  example,  in  the  2016/2017   world. Two years ago, there were 5 universities in Fergana

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