Page 53 - Special Issue Modern Trends in Scientific Research and Development, Case of Asia
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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD)
                  Special Issue on Modern Trends in Scientific Research and Development, Case of Asia
                                    Available Online: e-ISSN: 2456 – 6470

                     Problems and Reforms in the Training of Higher

                   Education Personnel in the Years of Independence

                           (On the example of the Fergana Valley regions of Uzbekistan)

                                               Utkirjon Khoshimov PhD
                                        Doctor of Philosophy in Historical Sciences,
                        University of Journalism and Mass Communications of Uzbekistan, Uzbekistan

        ABSTRACT                                               In  order  to  meet  the  needs  of  the  Republic  in  higher
        The article analyzes the reforms of the higher education   education, meeting the requirements of the times, the Decree
        system carried out during the years of independence in the   of  the  President  of  the  Republic  of  Uzbekistan  "On  the
        republic  and  regions  of  the  Fergana  Valley,  aimed  at   establishment of new higher education institutions of the
        training  highly  qualified  personnel  meeting  the   Republic"  dated  February  28,  1992,  PF-356.  In  order  to
        requirements of modern times. The study also reflects the   further improve the system of higher education, improve the
        existing problems in this area and the measures taken by   training of highly qualified specialists and researchers, as
        the government to eliminate them.                      well as to provide all regions of the country with them more

                                                               fully and evenly, a number of higher education institutions
        KEYWORDS: Republic of Uzbekistan, Fergana Valley, higher   have been established in the country [3. p 60–61].
        education system, reforms, regulations
                                                               If in the pre-independence 1991/1992 academic year, there
        INTRODUCTION                                           were 52 higher education institutions in the country [4. p 3]
        One of the most important stages of the education system is
                                                               In  the  2016/2017  academic  year,  there  were  76  higher
        the  higher  education  system,  which  is  aimed  at  training   education  institutions  in  the  country,  including  20
        highly  educated  personnel.  At  this  stage,  the  training  of   universities, 36 institutes, 2 academies, 11 branches, and 7
        personnel who can have a significant impact on the rapid   branches  of  foreign  OTMs  [5  ].  At  the  opening  of  foreign
        development  of  the  economy.  In  the  early  years  of   higher education institutions and branches, special attention
        independence, as in all stages of the education system of the   was  paid  to  the  cooperation  of  the  republic  with  the
        republic, the priority was to develop the system of higher   developed  countries  of  the  world,  the  United  Kingdom,
        education, to raise it to a new level, to train personnel that   Russia, Singapore, Italy and Korea.
        meet modern requirements. In this regard, great importance
        was attached to the adaptation of this sector to the market   It  should  be  noted  that  in  the  first  twenty-five  years  of
        economy, the radical reform of the higher education system.   independence,  the  coverage  of  young  people  with  higher

                                                               education has not increased, in line with the growth of the
        One of the main reasons for the beginning of the reform of   number of higher education institutions in the country. This
        the  higher  education  system  in  the  early  1990s  was  the   has  created  problems  in  the  training  of  highly  educated
        shortage of modern staff in the country. According to the
                                                               personnel  in  various  fields.  President  of  the  Republic  of
        data,  the  percentage  of  university  graduates  trained  for   Uzbekistan Sh. Mirziyoyev, in his address to the Oliy Majlis
        industrial and construction enterprises in the Union is 34%,   on the results of 2018, touched upon this issue, emphasizing
        in Uzbekistan - 17%, plus 27-30 people per ten thousand   the  following.  “In  the  past,  the  coverage  of  graduates  of
        people in the Union, and in Uzbekistan - 16-21 people with
                                                               higher  and  secondary  special  education  institutions  in
        higher  education.  The  need  for  higher  education  in  the   Uzbekistan with higher education was 9-10%. Thanks to the
        country is twice as high as in the Union, and even higher in   measures taken over the past two years, we have managed to
        Fergana region [1. p 3].                               increase  this  figure  by  more  than  15%.  But  that  is  not

                                                               enough. Because if we look at the experience of developed
        MAIN PART                                              countries in the world, this figure is 60-70% of them "[6].
        It was in this context that the reform of the higher education
        system began. The main emphasis in the implementation of
                                                               Despite  the  increase  in  the  number  of  higher  education
        the initial reforms was based on the requirements of the time   institutions in the country, the quotas for the enrollment of
        and  the  needs  of  the  republic:  first,  the  sustainability  of   young people in higher education, ie admission to higher
        university  education;  secondly,  the  division  and   educational institutions, have not been increased in line with
        specialization of higher education institutions; thirdly, it is   the growing population. This, in turn, has led to a reduction
        aimed at regionalization and expansion of higher education   in  the  number  of  highly  educated  people  among  the
        [2. p 301].                                            population.  The  following  table  provides  detailed

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