Page 57 - Special Issue Modern Trends in Scientific Research and Development, Case of Asia
P. 57
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ eISSN: 2456-6470
this is obvious. The play reveals the character of different Euphemisms of proverbs play an important role in
social types, and the writer leaves it to them to "decorate" ensuring the individuality of personal speech. In works of
their speech: art, the creative expression of proverbs through the speech
- "Don't beat around the bush: she's dead, she's gone!" Look of the characters, in which he applies the generality to the
at this akahon, the comrade prosecutor, handed over his specificity, substantiates the personal thought with the
wives to the surgeon and went to Yalta themselves. Here is a general opinion, subordinates it to the tasks of "veiling". In
proverb:“If you have money in your bag, spend it in this case, the proverb is euphemized.
Yalta”, is that so, hey?
– Isn't it a sin to rest? I didn't know the weight of the patient, References
did I? I am anxious too. [1] Баишева З.В. Языковая личность судебного
– There is no play. I’m not a fool to start from here. If you оратора А.Ф. Кони: Автореф. дисс. ... докт.филол.
sneeze at a tree in Yalta, a thousand slaves will die. There is наук. – Уфа, 2007.– С. 10–11.
a proverb in Russian: «You don't go to Tula with your own [2] Қосимова М.Б. Бадиий нутқ индивидуаллигининг
samovar ».
– Look, comrade prosecutor, this is what our brother is all лингвистик хусусиятлари (Тоғай Мурод асарлари
асосида): Филол. фанлари номзоди...
about. They even know the Russians. Uzbeks would also have
дисс....автореф. – Т., 2007. – Б.18.
a proverb, you know? What was it “You are counting the
dumplings raw”, right? Brother, I am Tolipov! Behold, if you
do not believe me, let the comrade prosecutor say, I will cut
you off from where I have been caught. No one has yet taken
me to the water and brought me without watering. I’ll tell
you in two or three days who you went with. If you want,
we'll bet: I'll let you play, and you'll ... we'll cut you, shall we?
– No, we disagreed. I know you bring a slap in the face from
the street. (T. Malik, “Shaytanat”)
There is a word game in the text. As long as the proverbs
take part in a word play, it certainly takes on a euphemistic
character, but also serves to individualize the character’s
speech as the artist’s artistic intention. For example,If you
have money in your bag, spend it in Yalta the occasional
proverb was a euphemistic means of conveying the idea
that “a man has a lot of money, so he went to Yalta to make
a living,” by pitching, and at the same time served to show
the level, character, and demeanor of the speaker.You don't
go to Tula with your own samovar,the Russian proverb in
the character's speech is euphemized to reflect the Russian
character and mentality, to imitate the Russians, and to
"wrap up" his earlier statement that "I will not take the
souls from here, there are plenty of them over there." are
counting the dumplings raw, which is mentally
contradictory to these articles, to be used as an euphemism
for the expression of the opinion “do not draw conclusions
yet” while using the proverb to exaggerate the national
mental character of the speaker.Expressing his thoughts
figuratively, in the next part of the dialogue he used the
euphemism of the proverb, that the Uzbek logic served as
the tactical superiority of our ancestor in the Uzbek-Indian
dialogue. After all, the power of the proverb used in its
place is mixed with the level of the speaker, his behavior. In
other words, “a linguistic personality is a concrete native
speaker who is able to understand, reproduce and create
texts; it is a personality expressed in the language and
characterized on the basis of an analysis of the texts
produced by her in terms of using the systemic means of
the language in them to reflect her vision of the
surrounding reality.”
The place and role of parems, especially proverbs, in
ensuring the individuality of personal speech is unique.
3 Баишева З.В. Языковая личность судебного оратора А.Ф.
Кони: Автореф. дисс. ... докт.филол. наук. – Уфа, 2007.– С.
ID: IJTSRD35849 | Special Issue on Modern Trends in Scientific Research and Development, Case of Asia Page 52