Page 55 - Special Issue Modern Trends in Scientific Research and Development, Case of Asia
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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ eISSN: 2456-6470

        region,  today  there  are  11.  These  factors  also  played  an     By  increasing  the  attractiveness  of  the  country's
        important role in making Fergana the most educated city in   universities,  it  is  necessary  to  create  ample
        the world.                                                opportunities for foreign youth, including young people
                                                                  from Central Asia, to study in the country's universities.
        In  recent  years,  the  state  has  paid  great  attention  to  the     It  is  necessary  to  widely  introduce  information
        development  of  higher  education,  training  in  modern   technology  in  the  system  of  higher  education  in  the
        advanced areas and specialties, the opening of new higher   exchange  of  documents,  as  well  as  to  create  an
        education  institutions.  In  particular,  in  2019,  19  new   environment of free movement and communication for
        universities,  including  9  branches  of  prestigious  foreign   professors and students to work more on themselves.
        universities, were opened to promote higher education. In
        cooperation  with leading foreign universities, training on   BIBLIOGRAPHY
        141 joint curricula has been launched. A total of 146,500   [1]   Butaboev M., Yuldoshev B., Juraev Zh. Problems of the
        students  were  admitted  to  higher  education  institutions,   past or market considerations // Life and economy.
        which is twice as many as in 2016 [11].                     1991 №9. – P. 3

                                                               [2]   Responsible  editor  Alimova  DA  History  and
        As a result of reforms in the sector, over the past three years,
                                                                    historiography  of  the  development  of  education  in
        new  educational  institutions  and  new  ELPs  have  been
                                                                    Uzbekistan.  Essays  II.  Our  "Sparks  of  Literature"
        opened in the country in cooperation with advanced foreign
        countries.  In  particular,  in  2018-2020,  43  OTMs  were   Tashkent, 2017. – P.301
        established, including 28 local and 15 foreign OTM branches.   [3]   Bulletin of the  Supreme Council of  the Republic of
        To date, the number of OTMs in Uzbekistan has reached 125   Uzbekistan. 1992, No. 4, pp. 60–61.
        [12]. As a result of the opening of branches of foreign ETCs in   [4]
        the country and the attention paid to the development of the   Resolution  of  the  State  Statistics  Committee  of  the
                                                                    Republic of Uzbekistan 30.08. Reference number №01
        non-governmental  education  system,  today  there  are  22
        branches of foreign ETCs and 9 non-governmental ETCs in     / 4-01-19-991 for 2018.
        the country. The positive changes that are taking place as a   [5] (March 29, 2017)
        result of the reforms in this area will help young people to   [6]   People's Word newspaper. Dec. 29, 2018, – P. 271–
        acquire knowledge at the level of modern requirements and
        become competitive professionals.                           272
        CONCLUSION                                                  maktabgacha-talim-tizimini-islo-ilishga-ba-ishlang-
        In conclusion, it should be noted that during the years of   14-02-2018?sphrase_id=3473987 (20.02.2018)
        independence, a number of achievements have been made in
                                                               [8]   Current  archive  of  the  Ministry  of  Higher  and
        the field of higher education in the country. But it should be
                                                                    Secondary  Special  Education  of  the  Republic  of
        noted that along with the successes, there were also some of
        the  problems  we  mentioned  above.  In  recent  years,  our   Uzbekistan. 12.12.2018 y. Letter No. 89-02-3735 Page
        government  has  been  paying  great  attention  to  the    1.
        development  of  higher  education  at  the  level  of  modern   [9]   Current  archive  of  the  Ministry  of  Higher  and
        requirements, increasing the quality and quantity of training   Secondary  Special  Education  of  the  Republic  of
        and providing them with all sectors of our economy.         Uzbekistan. (Reforms in the higher education system.
        Based on these, we want to put forward some suggestions;    Electronic resource.)
          It is necessary to set quotas for admission to universities   [10]
            by universities, as well as to allocate targeted quotas in
            areas with high demand for personnel in some areas of   olisi-eng-imishli-sha-arlar-r-ykhatiga-23-09-2020
            socio-economic spheres.
          It is necessary to further simplify the entrance exams to   [11]   Address of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan
            universities and strengthen knowledge control over the   Sh.Mirziyoev   to     the     Oliy     Majlis
            results of courses.                                     (
          It  is  expedient  to  develop  joint  faculties  in  each   prezidenti-shavkat-mirziyeevning-oliy-25-01-2020)
            department of higher education.
          Innovative  technologies  should  be  widely  introduced   [12]   Official telegram channel of the Ministry of Higher and
                                                                    Secondary  Special  Education  of  the  Republic  of
            into the system of higher education.
                                                                    Uzbekistan. ( 24.09.2020).

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