Page 51 - Special Issue Modern Trends in Scientific Research and Development, Case of Asia
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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ eISSN: 2456-6470

        potential barrier height depends on the energy distribution   In [4], the measurement was carried out on the same type
        width of the defects state density near the Fermi level. As is   sample, but at different illumination powers. As can be seen,
        known,  the  defects  state  density  near  the  Fermi  level  is   with decreasing illumination power, the number of photo
        several orders of magnitude lower than the state density in   generated holes decreases, when the concentration of photo
        the rest of the mobility gap. Therefore, when the incident   generated holes goes down below the p=ND boundary, the
        light is absorbed at these levels, all the electrons in these   quadratic section is not observed. This is also an additional
        states pass into the conduction band and due to this, the   proof of our assumption.
        Fermi level shifts downward. The distribution of these states
        obeys the Gaussian law[7].                             From the experimental plots obtained in [8], it can be seen
                                                               that  no  other  photocurrent  dependences  on  the  applied
                                                               voltage  were  observed  before  the  quadratic  beginning
                                                               section. That is, when voltage is applied, a section begins,
                                                               which obeys a quadratic law. This photo-CVC behavior can
        Here E0 is the state density peak of the Gaussian distribution;   be explained by low value of the defect concentration in the
        σ is the energy width of this distribution. Given the above   mobility gap. In [4], a-Si:H samples were investigated by the
        data, it can be assumed that the potential barrier height is   vidicon method at different temperatures [Fig. 2]. Different
        comparable to that value.                              sections of the photocurrent can be distinguished from the
                                                               graph depending on temperatures. The calculated data of the
        When the ∆φ = U condition is fulfilled, all photo generated   vidicon photo-CVC target according to formula (6) with some
        holes are injected into the entire i-layer without obstruction.   photoelectric  parameters  dependence  use  on  the  applied
        And then the two conditions p>>N and p=const are fulfilled,   voltage and without it is shown in Fig. 3.
        therefore, the section that obeys the quadratic law begins
        with this voltage.

        If the total photo generated holes concentration is less than
        the defects concentration, that is, p<N, the area that obeys
        the “quadratic” law is not observed. This is evidenced by the
        obtained photo-CVC at low illumination or samples with a
        high defects concentration [4,8]. Thus, we will be able to
        determine  the  voltage  at  which  the  "quadratic"  section

        Since in a-Si:H samples lightly doped with boron, hole traps
        are the main trapping centers for non equilibrium holes [4].
        In this case, the hole lifetime τp is determined by hole traps

                                                                Fig.3. Experimental (1) and calculated (2,3) vidicon
        concentration  Nd  ,                Here    is  hole   photo-CVC target. (2) - taking into account the change
        capture ratio.                                           in ε and τ from the applied voltage, (3) - obtained
                                                                 without taking into account the change in ε and τ
        With the holes injection with a higher concentration, that is,
        p>N , with increasing voltages, hole traps gradually capture   As  you  can  see,  if  we  take  into  account  the  above-said
        more holes. This leads to these traps recharge, as a result of   dependences,  then  the  calculated  photo-CVC  are  in  good
        which the hole traps concentration decreases. Accordingly,   agreement  with the experimental data. A decrease in  the
        the  hole  lifetime  increases  and,  as  a  consequence,  an   photocurrent  at  low  temperatures  can  be  explained  as
        additional increase in the photocurrent should occur.   follows: a decrease in temperature reduces the holes thermal
                                                               ejection probability from trap states into the valence band. In
        At high voltages, the entire i-layer is filled with injected holes   addition,  the  potential  barrier  value  also  depends  on
        with  an  almost  constant  volume  concentration  p,  which   temperature;  therefore,  the  photo-CVC  behavior  at  low
        means that the photocurrent does not obey the quadratic   temperatures requires additional research.
        This voltage can be estimated by equating the hole transfer   Based on the above, we can conclude that on the quadratic
        time to the i-layer thickness with the Maxwell relaxation   section of the photo-CVC vidicon target based on a-Si:H, the
        time,  from  this  voltage  the  ohmic  section  or  saturation   photocurrent  not  only  depends  on  the  applied  voltage
        current begins. Comparing the hole transfer time with the   directly, but it is necessary to take into account changes in
        Maxwell relaxation time, we can estimate the stress in which   the dielectric constant of the ia-Si:H layer, the lifetime holes τ
        the quadratic section ends.                            from the applied voltage. Thus, it is  impossible to obtain
                                                               reliable information on the hole mobility from equation (6).
        Obtained  results  discussion  and  their  comparison  by   To determine the hole mobility, it is necessary to take into
        experiments                                            account the changes in the dielectric constant of the sample
        To compare the theory with experimental data, let us use the   under the influence of an  external voltage. As mentioned
        results  of  [4],  in  which  a-Si:  H  samples  with  different   above, with a change in the distribution of injected holes, the
        parameters and under different illumination were studied by   lifetime  increases  and,  in  turn,  the  transfer  of  holes
        the vidicon method.                                    decreases. Therefore, these changes are also appropriate to
                                                               take into account.

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