Page 46 - Special Issue Modern Trends in Scientific Research and Development, Case of Asia
P. 46
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ eISSN: 2456-6470
Water pollution can have dangerous effects on the human this case, one state can become a constant pollution source
body. The main ones are diseases transmitted by bacteria, for another state.
parasites and chemicals. Because by drinking safe water,
people are protected from diseases (plague or typhoid) that At present, air pollution is caused by fuel emissions from
they can suffer from. [14]. vehicles. There are 1 billion cars in the world, and their
exhaust gases contain about 500 organic, toxic compounds,
As a result of the Aral Sea drying up, the land salinity has 40 of which have carcinogenic and mutagenic effects on the
increased 10 times. As a result, this condition accelerated soil body. [1].
erosion. Currently, about 2 billion land hectares are lost due
to erosion. [2]. Heavy metals are also one of the most polluting factors in the
atmosphere. The damage is mainly caused by cadmium, zinc,
The total atmosphere pollution with harmful modern man- cuprum and various wastes burning in furnaces. The plant,
made factors is 4 billion tons, of which the main pollutants which has a capacity of 1 million thermal energy kilowatts,
are aerosols and gases, and 300-500 million tons are harmful emits 1 kg of mercury and 0.1 kg of arsenium lead to the
dust. [7]. atmosphere from burning about 1,000 tons of coal per day.
The main sources of anthropogenic emissions into the
atmosphere are thermal energy and industrial producers, oil In the end, all these harmful substances accumulate in the
and gas refineries and vehicles. biosphere, and then they enter the humans and animals’
body through food, drinking water and air, causing various
Sulfur and nitrogen oxides, which are industrial wastes, can diseases. Because these substances have neurotoxic,
be stored in the atmosphere for up to 15 days, during which hematotoxic, hepatotoxic, nephratoxic and respiratory
time they can be blown away by winds up to 1,000 km. In traumatic effects that are harmful to the body.
A number of harmful wastes emitted from industrial enterprises and their effects on the body, as well as toxicity and
danger level.
Table 1
Name of
The norm Manipulation
harmful waste
1 0,39 mg/l Causes acute and chronic poisoning in the body. As a result, the hemoglobin
amount in the blood decreases, leading to an increase in the methemoglobin
2 9,1 mg/l amount. Oxygen deficiency occurs in the animal's body. It also reduces fetal
growth and development in pregnant animals. It belongs to III class in toxicity
3 0,02 mg/l and danger terms.
Induces acute poisoning. The eyes and respiratory system are injured. Pain,
4 Ammonia 0,046 g/s swelling and burning of the skin are observed. It belongs to IV class in toxicity
and danger terms.
In water 0,7-1,5 Fluorosis in the body (disrupts the minerals, carbohydrates and proteins
mg/l metabolism in the body's enzyme system) leads to disease, as well as
5 Fluorine
20 mg/kg in osteomyelitis, infertility, lung tumors, skin burns, necrosis, and disrupts
coarse feed calcium metabolism. I class
It has strong poisons and dangerous effects. It has reproductive activity,
Hydrogen In the air 0,1
6 ganadotoxic and embryotoxic effects, cumulative properties and mutagenic
fluoride mg/m
effects. It belongs to the I class on toxicity and danger level.
Disrupts the central nervous system and blood-producing organs activity in
7 Sulfur dioxide 0,1 mg/l the body. Causes swelling and asphyxia in the lungs. It belongs to II class in
toxicity and danger terms.
Causes acute and chronic poisoning. Causes an increase in the methemoglobin
8 Nitric oxide 0,005 mg/l amount in the blood. Pain, nephrosis, and liver dysfunction are observed. It
belongs to II class in toxicity and danger terms.
Causes acute poisoning in the body. As a result, the central nervous system
Carbon In the air 0.01-
9 disorders occur. It has an embrotoxic, toxic effect on the fetus. It belongs to IV
monoxide 0.9 mg/m
class in toxicity and danger terms.
It carries and spreads germs and worms’ eggs. As a result of exposure causes
10 Inorganic dusts bronchitis, conjunctivitis, dermatitis, allergies, poisoning, oncological diseases
in the body. It belongs to III class in terms of toxicity and danger.
ID: IJTSRD35828 | Special Issue on Modern Trends in Scientific Research and Development, Case of Asia Page 41