Page 42 - Special Issue Modern Trends in Scientific Research and Development, Case of Asia
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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD)
                  Special Issue on Modern Trends in Scientific Research and Development, Case of Asia
                                    Available Online: e-ISSN: 2456 – 6470

           Labor Protection in Life Activity Study the Legal Framework

                                           Nabiev Akramjon Botirjonovich
                           Associate Professor, Namangan State University, Namangan, Uzbekistan

        ABSTRACT                                               The rights of citizens to work in the Republic of Uzbekistan
        To learn how to overcome and protect the various forms of   in safe and comfortable working conditions are enshrined in
        risks that occur in the production activities of a person, to   the Constitution (Article 37). Specific measures aimed at the
        provide theoretical knowledge and practical skills in terms   practical implementation of this constitutional guarantee are
        of  ensuring  labor  safety  and  creating  safe  and  healthy   specified in the Labor Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the
        working  conditions.  Measures  aimed  at  the  safety  of  a   law "on  protection  of Labor" (6 may 1993), a number of
        person in the labor process, the maintenance of his health   other  laws  and  legislative  normative  acts.  In  Uzbekistan,
        and working capacity have been established.            large  financial  resources  are  allocated  and  mastered  for

                                                               labor protection.  The  right  to work in a healthy and safe
        KEYWORDS: labor protection, ergonomics, Labor Code, basics
                                                               working environment is one of the most basic labor rights of
        of safety equipment, safety equipment                  citizens  of  the  Republic  of  Uzbekistan.  Labor  protection
                                                               requirements and standards the Labor Code, the rules of the
        INTRODUCTION                                           internal  Labor  order  of  enterprises  and  organizations
        The main goal of all economic and political reforms in our
                                                               produced on the basis of the requirements of the law "on
        country is to create decent living conditions for all citizens   labor protection", collective agreements, sectoral or regional
        living in our country. Of course, the creation of suitable living   collective agreements, other internal normative legal acts of
        conditions  is  carried  out  on  the  basis  of  scientific  and   enterprises, labor protection standards, which relate to a
        technical  progress,  and  this,  in  addition  to  the  relief  of   particular sphere, profession, place of work.
        human labor, causes a variety of dangerous phenomena, as a
        result of which all sorts of seemingly unfortunate events:   All enterprises, institutions and organizations must create
        injuries and occupational diseases arise. But everyone who
                                                               healthy and safe working conditions for their  employees,
        lives on this holy land wants to live better, that is, to fully   take security measures, organize labor protection services,
        satisfy his material-spiritual and social needs. It is for this   carry out other organizational technical activities, regardless
        reason that a person becomes engaged in tireless activities.    of the form of ownership and method of Economic Conduct.

                                                               Compliance with the rules of labor protection is controlled
        Activity is one of the main conditions necessary for a person   by special state bodies and the public. The general control
        to live. Labor is the supreme form of activity. Judging by the   over compliance with the laws, including labor protection
        philosophical point of view, the most characteristic definition   laws, is exercised by the Prosecutor General of the Republic
        of the concept of "man" is "Homo agens", that is, "man in   of Uzbekistan and its subordinate prosecutors. Enterprises
        action". Of course, the form of activity and labor is diverse,   that violate the requirements of the labor protection law may
        which includes practical, mental and spiritual processes in   be subject to financial and economic penalties, disciplinary,
        the sphere of production, culture, public works, scientific
                                                               administrative, legal and criminal liability in relation to their
        works  and  other  spheres  of  life.  Labor  in  production  is   officials, and material damage caused by their fault.
        irregular, the current law does not comply with the rules,
        standards and instructions, it can not only cause injury or   The  main  content  and  social  significance  of  labour
        damage to the head, but also in some cases lead to death. Of
                                                               protection science
        course, this requires the organization of a scientific basis to   The  science  of  "labor  protection"  is  a  theoretical  science
        protect  a  person  from  all  kinds  of  hazards  in  his  labor   aimed at studying the ways of eliminating and protecting
        activity-natural, technical, anthropogenic, environmental and
                                                               from risks of various forms that occur in the activities of a
        other types. It is precisely the main objectives and tasks of   person in production. It develops and improves on the basis
        the science of "labor protection" are aimed at solving this   of  extensive  scientific  and  practical  research.  The
        issue, which is carried out on the basis of the science's own   establishment  and  development  of  laws,  regulations,
        laws, methods and principles.
                                                               standards, instructions, rules and sanitary technical norms,
                                                               as well as a continuous education and training system on the
        Labor protection                                       basis of scientific theoretical research, play an important role
        measures  aimed  at  maintaining  the  safety,  health  and   in ensuring the safety of human labor. The main purpose of
        working  capacity  of  a  person  in  the  labor  process.  The
                                                               the science of labor protection is to provide students with
        legislation sets out socio-economic, organizational, technical,   theoretical knowledge of the dangers that arise during the
        sanitary-hygienic, therapeutic-prophylactic measures used in   period of labor activity in the production of man, the reasons
        the process of labor. Safety of the working person, protection
                                                               for their occurrence and ways of elimination, ensuring labor
        of  health,  ability  to  work,  creation  of  healthy  working   unrest,  as  well  as  creating  safe  and  healthy  working
        conditions, prevention of the risk of occupational diseases,   conditions, and an expression of the formation of practical
        prevention of injuries in production, etc., are the tasks before   skills.  In  accordance  with  the  above,  students  should
        Labor Protection.                                      theoretically  master  the  following  during  the  study  of

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