Page 41 - Special Issue Modern Trends in Scientific Research and Development, Case of Asia
P. 41

International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ eISSN: 2456-6470

        Under the guidance of a teacher, students should be able to   Solution: If we first travel 40 km in 4 hours, we find that we
        write a short and clear description of the problem, and be   travel 10 km per hour, which is 40/4 = 10. In the second
        able to draw or illustrate the condition to make it easier to   case, it is said to be less than 2 times this speed, which means
        find  solutions.  Students  should  be  able  to  clearly  explain   10-2 = 8, which means that it travels 8 km per hour on the
        what is known and what is not known in a problem, what   way back, and the distance does not change to 40 km. If we
        arises from the condition of the problem, and in what order   find the time, we divide the distance by the speed of that
        the answer to the problem can be found using arithmetic   distance, 40/8 = 5 hours.
        operations. Students will be able to understand why they
        chose  each  action,  the  expression  on  the  problem  or  the   The  following  factors  contribute  to  the  difficulty  of
        meaning of the action to solve different types of problems,   understanding and solving problems in the primary grades:
        this or that concept in addition to the formation of this or     not teaching to imagine;
        that relationship. serves to provide a deeper understanding     it  is  easier  for  guardians  to  solve  problems  than  to
        of the connections between. In order for students to acquire   explain them;
        the skills needed to solve a problem, they need to be taught     students' attention to numbers in the form of problems;
        to understand certain connections between given and sought
        in different life situations. Thus, when working on problem   Conclusion
        solving, the student should not only think about this or that   In  order  to  take  advantage  of  the  opportunities  to  solve
        problem, but also take care of the systematic and systematic   problems  in  elementary  school  math  classes  and  to
        development of specific skills that shape problem solving   formulate the arithmetic operations used in solving these
        skills. Because the general complex skill of problem solving   problems, the essence and content of each concept and its
        consists of these special skills.                      practical experience of students should be used. training in
                                                               concretization, along with the study of methods of division,
        In addition, tables, diagrams, and graphs are used to display   in general, is based on the comparison of similar patterns in
        a variety of information in newspapers, magazines, reference   other operations, as well as on the analysis of exercises and
        books, and encyclopedias in the lower grades. They help to   problem  solving,  working  on  errors  and  using  them
        convey information in a concise and visual way.        effectively.

        Problem 4: A cyclist travels 40 km in 4 hours. On the way   References
        back, his speed was less than 2 km per hour. How many   [1]   M. Allamova "Improving students' thinking skills in
        hours did he spend on his return?                           primary school mathematics" - Samarkand, 2014.
                                                               [2]   N. Abdurahmonova, L. Urinbaeva “Mathematics 2nd
        If the 4th graders understand and solve this problem, it will
        be very useful in the future study of physics, where we are   grade textbook” - Tashkent, 2018.
        talking about speed, the essence of which will be revealed in   [3]   S.  Burkhonov,  O.  Khudoyorov,  K.  Norkulova
        later classes, below is an example of how a 4th grader can   “Mathematics 3rd grade textbook” - Tashkent, 2016.
        solve it. we bring.                                    [4]
                                                                    N. Bikbayeva, K. Girfanova “Mathematics 4th grade
                                                                    textbook” - Tashkent, 2020.

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