Page 36 - Special Issue Modern Trends in Scientific Research and Development, Case of Asia
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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ eISSN: 2456-6470

        but  it  has  some  important  differences,  including  the   At the same time, recognizing some of the shortcomings and
        following:                                             problems of English arbitration, arbitration institutions will
          The 1996 Act applies to all forms of arbitration, whereas   improve  their  legal  frameworks  and  expand  the
            the Model Law only applies to international commercial   opportunities  for  parties  to  obtain  interim  measures  of
            arbitration;                                       protection.
          Under 1996 Act, a party may appeal an arbitral award on
            a point of law (unless agreed otherwise);          Apart  from  that,  there  has  been  some  discussion  as  to
          Under 1996 Act, an English court is only able to stay its   whether  Brexit  will  have  any  impact  on  the  practice  of
            own  proceedings  and  cannot  refer  a  matter  to   arbitration  in  London.  A  2018  survey  carried  out  by  the
            arbitration;                                       Queen Mary University of London determined, that more
          The  default  provisions  of  the  1996  Act  for  the   than half of the respondents, who took part in the survey,
            appointment of arbitrators provide for the appointment   think  that  Brexit  will  not  have  any  affect  to  English
            of a sole arbitrator as opposed to three arbitrators;    arbitration [13]. They believe that its ‘formal legal structure’
          Under 1996 Act, where each party is required to appoint   is likely to remain unchanged and to continue to support
            an  arbitrator,  a  party  may  treat  its  party-nominated   arbitration. The reasons for this, as noted by legal experts,
            arbitrator as the sole arbitrator in the event that the   are following:
            other party fails to make an appointment;            “First, the United Kingdom will remain a signatory to the
          There  is  no  time  limit  for  a  party  to  oppose  the   New York Convention and the pro-enforcement attitude
            appointment of an arbitrator under the 1996 Act;      of the courts will continue;
          The  1996  Act  does  not  prescribe  strict  rules  for  the     Second, the legislation governing arbitration will remain
            exchange of pleadings.                                unchanged as this is domestic rather that European;
                                                                 Third, Brexit will not materially change the substantive
        English  courts  demonstrate  a  pro-arbitration  attitude  by   content and application of English law as a governing
        defending and supporting the parties' agreement to arbitrate   law should not remain a popular choice for parties in
        their  disputes.  This  support  may  include  suspension  of   their international contracts;
        proceedings in English when the case is to be submitted to     Fourth, Brexit may make arbitration more attractive for
        arbitration (Section 9), or temporary proceedings in support   commercial parties as court judgments will no longer be
        of arbitration by suspension of proceedings or injunction   enforceable  under  the  Brussels  Regulation  (recast),
        (Section 44).                                             Regulation 1215/2012 after Brexit is completed;
                                                                 Fifth, Brexit may mean that English courts can issue anti-
        The  1996  law  expressly  requires  that  the  settlement  of   suit  injunctions  to  restrain  parties  from  bringing
        arbitration disputes be fair and uninterrupted (Section 1)   proceedings before courts of a European Member State.
        and that the arbitrator be impartial (Section 33). Based on     Sixth, the UK’s obligations under EU law may sometimes
        the authority granted to the court to remove the arbitrator   conflict  with  its  obligations  under  arbitration-related
        (Section 24), the arbitrator must also have the qualifications   treaties (such as the Washington Convention) but this
        required by the arbitration agreement and be physically and   will no longer be the case” [3].
        mentally capable of conducting the proceedings.
                                                               From the above, we can conclude that arbitration in England
        It is also worth noting that, the 1996 Act cannot have any   will remain in its high position among other arbitrations in
        relations to cases, that were initiated prior to the date on   the  world  for  many  years  to  come  and  will  continue  its
        which the 1996 Act came into force. Therefore, the overall   dynamic growth in attracting more and more international
        impact of the new Act may take some time to bring to the   disputes around the world.
        attention of those who use English arbitration.
        Conclusion                                             [1]   Arbitration Act 1996
        This  study  has  shown  that,  international  commercial   (
        arbitration in England has long been part of the system of   ntents).
        foreign trade, having established itself as a reliable place for   [2]   Berard M., Kirkpatrick A. Arbitration procedures and
        resolving disputes complicated by foreign elements. Having
                                                                    practice in the UK (England and Wales): overview,
        incorporated  a  high  level  of  support  for  the  arbitration
        procedure, it has become really flexible and efficient thanks   Clifford Chance LLP, 2015-2016.
        to its laws and courts that are very respectful of arbitration   [3]   ICLG  –  International  Arbitration  Laws  and
        and  guarantee  minimal  involvement  in  arbitration       Regulations: England & Wales, 2019.
        proceedings, as well as many experienced arbitrators and   [4]
        lawyers  based  in  London  or  in  neighboring  European   JonesA,  McAllisterG.,  NormanE.,  LairdJ.  Getting  the
                                                                    Deal Through – Arbitration 2017: England & Wales,
                                                                    Crowell & Moring LLP, 2017, 125-137 p.

        In addition, a competent international lawyer will be able to   [5]   KejlinA.  D.  Sudoustrojstvo  i  grazhdanskij  process
        choose  an  arbitration  clause  that  corresponds  to  any   kapitalisticheskihgosudarstv,   Vneshtorgizdat,
        contract,  from  multi-billion-dollar  investments  to  the   Moscow, 1961, 15 p.
        delivery of a small batch of inexpensive goods. A party to a   [6]
        dispute that makes full use of the English law granted to it by   LCIA Arbitration Rules (2014)
        the applicable arbitration rules will have the full opportunity
        to  present  its  own  position,  despite  the  fact  that  the
        arbitrators will be foreign specialists.

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