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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ eISSN: 2456-6470

        place  to  arbitrate  (whereas  Paris  -  53%  and  Singapore  -   rules  of  the  London  International  court  of  Arbitration
        39%) [12]. It is not by chance that the English capital has   entered  into  force  on  1  October  2014  and  apply  to
        gained  this  reputation,  the  English  courts'  attitude  to   arbitration proceedings initiated on or after that date. “These
        international  arbitration  and  the  activities  of  the  London   LCIA  Rules  comprise  this  Preamble,  the  Articles  and  the
        Court of International Arbitration are the most significant   Index, together with the Annex to the LCIA Rules and the
        factors in the choice of experts.                      Schedule  of  Costs  as  both  from  time  to  time  may  be
                                                               separately amended by the LCIA Rules” [7].
        Arbitral institutions
        The London International Court of Arbitration («LCIA») is   These rules contain a number of new features, such as:
        one  of  the  oldest  and  leading  institutional  institutions  of     LCIA arbitration tribunals are explicitly empowered to
        international arbitration, which administers the arbitration   impose costs sanctions on parties who engage in ‘non-
        efficiently and impartially, regardless of the location of the   cooperation resulting in undue delay
        parties and within any system of law. A.D. Kejlin pointed out     Party  representatives  are  deemed  to  have  agreed  to
        that the content of the London Court of Arbitration cases   abide  by  principles  of  ethical  conduct  set  out  in  the
        «  with  various  issues  arising  in  trade  turnover,  in   Annex to the 2014 LCIA Rules
        particular, disputes related to concluded trade transactions,     New  rules  were  adopted  for  the  appointment  of
        interpretation of their terms, execution etc.» [5, p15].    emergency arbitrators [4,p125].

        Established  in  1892  and  serving  as  the  leading   Thus, attractiveness of the London Court of International
        administrative  international  arbitration  institution  in  the   Arbitration for companies and entrepreneurs from different
        United  Kingdom, LCIA is located in London and is highly   countries, including foreign investors, is largely due to:
        sought  after  by  businessmen  and  lawyers  from  many     Its continuing status of the largest financial center and
        countries around the world who seek to ensure that their   world market
        international  disputes  are  handled  independently  and     Its reputation as a neutral and impartial jurisdiction
        competently,  as  well  as  to  ensure  that  arbitration  is     Accounting  for  the  activities  of  courts  in  enforcing
        supervised  by  English  courts  known  for  their  positive   arbitration agreements and awards [2].
        attitude to arbitration.
                                                               This  is  also  evidenced  by  the  statistics  of  the  number  of
        LCIA is a non-profit organization managed by the Board and   appeals  to  this  court.  According  to  LCIA’s  2019  Annual
        the Court. The LCIA Board, “made up largely of prominent   Casework  Report,  a  record  number  of  arbitrations  were
        London-based  arbitration  practitioners,  is  principally   referred to the LCIA - 406 cases, of which 346 were referred
        concerned with the operation and development of the LCIA's   under the LCIA Rules, with non-UK parties accounting for
        business and with its compliance with applicable company   81% of its users. In 20% of those cases where the claims
        law”, whereas the LCIA Court includes a President, six Vice   were quantified, the sum claimed was between USD5 million
        Presidents and up to 35 members, of whom only six can be   and USD50 million, with the sum claimed exceeding USD50
        UK  citizens  at  a  time.  In  this  way,  the  true  international   million in a further 9% of cases. Trending industries once
        character of the activities of LCIA is ensured. The functions of   again included banking and finance, energy and resources,
        the LCIA Court are mainly “appointing tribunals, determining   and transport and commodities (accounting for 32%, 22%
        challenges  to  arbitrators,  and  controlling  costs”  [4].   and  15%  of  disputes  respectively).  Moreover,  one  of  the
        However, the full Court does not administer individual cases   distinctive  features  of  LCIA,  to  date,  is  the  leadership  in
        – these functions are delegated in accordance with Article 3.1   gender  diversity,  with  a  further  increase  in  the  overall
        of the to the President and Vice Presidents of LCIA [8]. They   number of female arbitrators in LCIA arbitrations (163 out of
        offer  a  combination  of  the  best  features  of  the  civil  and   566)  –  representing  29%  of  all  arbitrator  appointments,
        common law systems, including in particular:           compared with 23% in 2018 [10, p2].
          Maximum flexibility for parties and tribunals to agree on
            procedural matters                                 In  addition  to  the  LCIA,  there  are  a  number  of  other
          Speed and efficiency in the appointment of arbitrators,   institutions  that  are  commonly  used  in  international
            including expedited procedures                     arbitrations  held  in  England  and  Wales:  International
          Means of reducing delays and counteracting delaying   Chamber of Commerce (ICC), London Maritime Arbitrators
            tactics                                            Association, Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (CIArb), etc.
          Emergency arbitrator provisions
          Tribunals' power to decide on their own jurisdiction    Arbitration Law
          A range of interim and conservatory measures        In the history of arbitration law in England, many arbitration
          Tribunals' power to order security for claims and for   laws  were  adopted,  which  laid  the  foundation  for  the
            costs                                              development of arbitration law in England. One of the last
          Special  powers  for  joinder  of  third  parties  and   significant statutes is Arbitration Act 1996 of England [1] of
            consolidation                                      17 June 1996 (entered into force on 31 January 1997), which
          Waiver of right of appeal                           relates to arbitration in England & Wales or Northern Ireland
          Costs  computed  without  regard  to  the  amounts  in   (Section 2) and is based on the freely expressed will of the
            dispute                                            parties,  provides  Contracting  parties  with  a  number  of
          Staged deposits - parties are not required to pay for the   appropriate tools that provide the greatest possible certainty
            whole arbitration in advance [9].                  as to the interpretation and fate of their contractual relations
                                                               in the event of a trade dispute. Although the Arbitration Act
        The  procedure  of  arbitration  proceedings  of  LCIA  is   of  1996  contains  many  of  the  principles  enshrined  in
        determined by special rules issued by this court. The current   UNCITRAL (UN Commission on International Trade Law),

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