Page 39 - Special Issue Modern Trends in Scientific Research and Development, Case of Asia
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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ eISSN: 2456-6470

        form of calcium carbonate, in addition to producing 71 tons   establish  a  workshop  for  the  production  of  chalk  for  the
        of deposited chalk, a local product for the construction and   medical, pharmaceutical industry and for the production of
        pharmaceutical  industries  can  be  obtained.  Most   toothpaste. The practical significance of the research results
        importantly,  the  creation  of  about  50  new  jobs  will   lies in the synthesis of highly effective composite sorbents
        contribute to the well-being of our people.            used  in  the  process  of  cleaning  natural  and  waste  gases.
                                                               Their use in the process of cleaning natural and waste gases
        Under  production  conditions,  sedimentary  chalk  is   is  justified  by  improving  the  absorption  capacity,  the
        effectively  produced  from  industrial  waste,  imports  are   temperature of absorption and desorption, the content of
        stopped, and products are produced for export instead. It   acidic  components  in  the  regenerated  solution,  foaming,
        uses acid gases from natural gas. Under factory conditions,   reducing the loss of the absorbent, increasing the service life
        increasing the amount of carbon dioxide in natural gas not   of the absorbers, as well as improving the environmental
        only increases the consumption of MDEA in the adsorber, but   condition.
        also leads to a very high rate of corrosion of the adsorber. By
        reducing the amount of carbon dioxide in natural gas, the   REFERENCES
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        dramatically reduces corrosion. This situation is not only   А.М.,  Салахов  И.И.  //  Газофракционирование  //
        beneficial in this regard, but also allows you to turn imports   Л.И. Муллахметова // Вестник технологического
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        Also, carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere creates a   [6]
        greenhouse effect in the Bukhara region, which in turn solves   Муллахметова  Л.И.,  Черкасова  Е.И.  Попутный
        this problem. This also makes it possible to set up a chalk   нефтяной  газ:  подготовка,  транспортировка  и
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        increases  the  level  of  purity,  which  makes  it  possible  to

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