Page 43 - Special Issue Modern Trends in Scientific Research and Development, Case of Asia
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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ eISSN: 2456-6470

          theoretical basis of Labor security. An understanding of   Chapter Two
            ergonomics and labor safety psychology;            legislation  on  the  implementation  of  labor  protection  in
          a  system  of  basic  principles,  methods  and  means  of   production  on the legal and organizational basis of labor
            ensuring labor safety;                             protection, creation of healthy and safe working conditions,
          fundamentals of labor safety management;            including state laws (the law on labor protection, the Labor
          legal and organizational bases of Labor security.   Code, etc.), regulations, normative acts, state standards, ways
          Laws  on  labor  protection,  system  of  standards,   of  their  implementation  and  responsibilities  of  the
            regulations, instructions, norms of sanitary production   management  personnel  in  this  regard,  state  control
            and other normative acts:                          organizations and public controls on the creation of healthy
          the content of planned activities on ensuring labor safety   and  safe  working  conditions,  their  functions,  rights  are
            in  production,  creating  healthy  and  safe  working   studied such issues.
            conditions, the procedure for its development;
          procedures  for  analyzing,  verifying  and  documenting   On organizational bases, such issues as the organization of
            unfortunate events in production;                  work and rest regimes, the provision of workers with special
          to  examine  the  methods  of  increasing  the  economic   clothing, personal protective equipment and prophylactic
            efficiency  of  Labor  security,  identifying  the  causes  of   food, the organization of medical examinations, the role of
            unfortunate events;                                trade  unions  in  the  organization  of  labor  protection,  the
          the procedure for providing workers and servants with   conclusion of labor contracts, guarantees of employment and
            personal protective equipment aimed at ensuring safe   the realization of the rights of citizens to work, wages, the
            working conditions and ways of their use;          establishment of labor discipline.
          sanitary and hygienic measures to create healthy and
            safe working conditions;                           Chapter Three
          safety rules in the use of technical means of production,   In "industrial sanitation and labor hygiene" the causes of
            machine tools and devices;                         pollution  of  air  in  production  buildings  and  workplaces,
          fire  safety.  The  reasons  for  the  origin  of  the  fire,  its   normalization  of  harmful  substances  contained  in  air,
            prevention,  technical  means  and  methods  of    sanitary norms and requirements, permissible amounts of
            extinguishing the fire;                            harmful  and  toxic  substances,  normalization  of  air
          procedures and rules for providing first aid to injured   composition of workplaces, ventilation and heating systems,
            persons.                                           noise and vibrations, reducing their impact on human health
          Based  on  the  above  theoretical  knowledge,  each   and  working  capacity,  as  well  as  methods  of  protection
            professional  should  be  able  to  practice  the  following   against them, issues such as sanitary hygienic requirements
            with the study of science:                         for  enterprises  and  production  buildings,  as  well  as
          assessment  of  hazardous  and  harmful  production   residential and residential areas of the population, personal
            processes;                                         hygiene are studied.
          make independent decisions in the selection of optimal
            options for ensuring labor safety;                 Chapter four
          to  know  the  procedures  for  familiarizing  with  and   general  safety  requirements  imposed  on  the  working
            documenting safety equipment manuals ("instruction");   processes of cars and cars in the "fundamentals of safety
          competently examine unfortunate events and identify   equipment", technical means that provide security (fences,
            their causes;                                      storage devices, brakes, alarms, safety signs, etc.), working
          independent  analysis  and  study  of  labor  protection   with safety equipment, lifting and unloading machines and
            guidelines ("instruction");                        devices  in  the  use  of  machinery  and  equipment  in
                                                               production, electrical safety, maintenance of machinery and
        Main sections of labor protection                      equipment,  repair  and  maintenance  of  machinery  and
        The  science  of  labor  protection  consists  mainly  of  the   equipment,  carrying  out  transport  works,  when  using
        following 6 sections:                                  pressure-operated containers and devices, cooling liquids
        1.  Theoretical basis of labor protection.             (freon,  ammonia,  etc.)  and  working  with  toxic  chemicals,
        2.  Legal and organizational basis of labor protection.   drilling of oil and gas, use of oil and gas wells, transportation
        3.  Sanitary and labor hygiene of production.          and storage of oil and gas, safety techniques are studied.
        4.  Safety equipment basics.
        5.  Fire safety.                                       Chapter five
        6.  Provide first aid when injured.                    general  requirements  for  fire  safety  in  "fire  safety",  the
                                                               essence  of  the  burning  process,  the  causes  of  fire  and
        Chapter One                                            explosion,  classification  of  materials  according  to  the
        in  the  theoretical  framework  of  labor  protection,  the   properties  of  combustion  and  explosion,  categories  of
        ergonomic and psychological basis of labor protection, the   explosion, burning and fire hazard in production, fire zones,
        main ways of creating harmless and safe working conditions,   fire  protection  systems,  classification  of  buildings  and
        the analysis of the main factors that determine the working   structures on fire resistance, fire extinguishers, fire water
        conditions  and  safety,  the  characteristics  of  the  working   supply, fire extinguisher, issues such as fire connection and
        conditions  in  production,  the  methods  of  verification  of   alarm,  organization  of  evacuation  work  during  a  fire  are
        working conditions and safety, the classification of work by   studied.
        physical weight and harmfulness, in production, issues such
        as the prophylactic foundations of injury and occupational   Chapter Six
        illness, social and economic aspects of labor protection are   "provision of first medical care" provides information on the
        studied.                                               methods of providing first medical care in the event of injury.

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