Page 45 - Special Issue Modern Trends in Scientific Research and Development, Case of Asia
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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD)
                  Special Issue on Modern Trends in Scientific Research and Development, Case of Asia
                                    Available Online: e-ISSN: 2456 – 6470

                          Ecotoxicants and Pathologies Occurring in

                      Productive Animals Body under their Influence

                   Tashmurodov Elmurod , Alibaev Sunnatilla Keldiyorovich , Salimov Yunus
                       1 Independent Researcher, Head of the “Veterinary and Livestock Development”,
                                 Department of Samarkand Region, Samarkand, Uzbekistan
                                 2 Assistant of “Pharmacology and Toxicology” Department,
                              Samarkand Veterinary Medicine Institute, Samarkand, Uzbekistan
                          3 Associate Professor, Head of “Pharmacology and Toxicology” Department,
               Doctor of Veterinary Sciences, Samarkand Veterinary Medicine Institute, Samarkand, Uzbekistan

        ABSTRACT                                               Navoi  region,  which  are  affected  by  industrial  waste.  In
        The  article  provides  information  on  the  ecotoxicants   monitoring  the  hydrocarbon  oxides,  nitrogen  oxides,
        composition  formed  by  industrial  production  and   nitrogen  dioxide,  gas  temperature,  differential  pressure,
        pathological processes occurring in the productive animal   technological  parameters  and  emissions  calculation  from
        bodies from their harmful effects.                     industrial enterprises, using special photometric equipment

                                                               multigas "OPTIMA-7" gas analyzer and drinking, natural and
        KEYWORDS: man-made, industrial waste, pesticide, dyspepsia,   wastewater  and  soil  composition  determination  "Expert-
        bronchopneumonia,  fluorosis,  lung  cancer,  neurotoxic,   003”.
        hematotoxic, hepatotoxic, nephratoxic
                                                               In determining the ecotoxicants toxicity level based on the of
        INTRODUCTION                                           L.I. Medved and etc. classification (1986), on the basis of G.F.
        Today, the ecology and food issue remains one of the global   Karomoslov and etc. classification (1986) in animals immune
        concerns in the whole world.                           status assessment, effects on animals’ reproductive activity
                                                               on  the  basis  of  I.V.  Sanotsky  and  etc.  classification  was
        Man-made  factors  are  also  caused  by  human  impact  on
                                                               determined  using  similarly  accepted  clinical  diagnostic
        nature and have a detrimental effect on the environment,   methods.
        wildlife and the food products quality.
                                                               Research data
        As  a  result  of  chemical  and  technological  processes   According  to  the  World  Health  Organization,  the  cancer
        introduction in various economy sectors in order to develop   incidence in the world has increased fourfold in the last 25
        industrial production, conditions are being created for real   years. [5].
        environmental pollution.

                                                               Millions  of  tons  of  mineral  fertilizers  and  pesticides  are
        In  recent  years,  in  the  regions,  as  a  result  of  extraction   applied  to  crops  every  year.  According  to  the  data,  the
        processes  and  industrial  raw  materials  processing   pesticides production exceeds 3,000 tons per year. [6].
        expansion,  a  large  amount  of  harmful  toxic  wastes  are

        released  into  the  atmosphere,  causing  its  pollution.  A   The  number  of  chemical  compounds  produced  in  the
        number of toxins accumulate in the feed, and eventually such   chemical industry today is more than 500,000, from which
        products are used for animal and human consumption.
                                                               about  40,000  are  harmful  to  humans  and  animals.
                                                               Unfortunately, about 12,000 of these chemical compounds
        Industrial  wastes  are  wastes  from  factories,  industrial   contain hereditary toxins. [1].
        enterprises  and  mines  that  are  generated  as  a  result  of
        industrial activities, including any means that are unusable
                                                               Ammonia,  which  is  released  from  the  air,  causes  many
        in the production process. Hazardous wastes can be toxic,   respiratory problems. Diseases caused by air pollution can
        flammable, reactive or radioactive. Industrial wastes can fall   extend to the eyes, skin, nose, and throat, eventually leading
        into  the sea  basin as a result of polluting the air, soil,  or   to pneumonia or bronchitis. There have also been reports of
        nearby water sources. [10].                            numerous  headaches,  nausea  and  dizziness  occurring  in
                                                               people in the area. [12].
        The  United  States  produces  7,6  billion  tons  of  waste
        annually. [11].The World Health Organization states that air
                                                               About 20-24 water tons is used to extract each coal ton from
        pollution is the most dangerous in terms of its impact on   the mines. During the year, 2.5 billion m  of contaminated
        human health. [13].                                    wastewater  from  coal  mines  is  pumped  to  the  surface.
                                                               Excessive levels of various harmful substances in the water
        Scientific research                                    increase the underwater animals sensitivity to it and cause
        The  research  was  conducted  using  existing  livestock   various  levels  of  poisoning  among  them,  which  has  a
        belonging  to  farms  in  Sariosiya  and  Uzun  districts  of   negative impact on environmental processes. [8;9].
        Surkhandarya region and Karmana and Kyzyltepa districts of

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