Page 31 - Special Issue Modern Trends in Scientific Research and Development, Case of Asia
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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ eISSN: 2456-6470

        Conclusion                                             system of modules in a continuous, consistent manner. in
        Thus, the more clearly the learning objectives are articulated   connection with the sciences.
        and categorized, the easier it will be to assess the level of
        achievement.  The  closer  we  can  categorize  and  define   References:
        learning goals, the closer we will be to achieving them.   [1]   Borodina N.V., Samoylova E.  S. Modular technologies
                                                                    in   professional   education.   Ucheb.   posobie.
        In short, in modular teaching, each specialty is considered as   Ekaterinburg. -1998.
        a whole module, and the system of disciplines studied in it
                                                               [2]   N. X. Avliyoqulov N. X. Modern teaching technologies.
        are micro-modules of the whole module, which in turn is
                                                                    "Author". - 2001.
        divided into smaller modules, and the listener passes the

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