Page 27 - Special Issue Modern Trends in Scientific Research and Development, Case of Asia
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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD)
                  Special Issue on Modern Trends in Scientific Research and Development, Case of Asia
                                    Available Online: e-ISSN: 2456 – 6470

                               Classification of the Activities of the

                                Madrassah of the Temurian Period

                                            Imomov Ulugbek Ismoilovich

                     Student, The Faculty of History, Samarkand State University, Samarkand, Uzbekistan

        ABSTRACT                                               consisted of three rooms for two students: a hostel, a study
        In the ancient Oriental world, the madrassahs built by the   room and a boiler room.
        Timurid and the educational process in them had a very
        high  status.  This  article  gives  a  brief  overview  of  the   Another important issue that needs to be clarified. In the
        education system in madrassahs built during the Timurid   past, mosques and khanaks were built near the madrassah.
        period and the subjects taught there. In addition, it lists the   According to Soviet ideology, khanaks were often considered
        leading scientists of their time who worked under Amir   in scientific works only as places of memory for dervishes
        Temur and Mirzo Ulugbek.                               and  calandars,  sheikhs  and  ascetics.  The  Uzbek  Soviet

                                                               Encyclopedia says this: the mosque was built as a resting
        KEYWORDS: Amir Temur, Qur’an, hadith, teaching, debate,   place for dervishes, and large halls of large khanaks, built as
        mudarris, mutawalli, sheikh, naqv, orthography, classroom,   part of mausoleums as a centre of dervish associations, were
        treasury, khanaqah                                     surrounded by rooms for pilgrims.

        INTRODUCTION                                           Usually there are verses from the Koran or hadith on the
        The famous madrassahs of the East have historically been   roofs and doors of madrasahs that require knowledge. For
        established as universities, which are inextricably linked to   example, Mirzo Ulugbek's invitation was engraved on the
        the emergence of new methods of education. In the eighth   roof of a madrassah in Bukhara built in 1417 under the title
        and ninth centuries, students were taught science, mainly in
                                                               "Education  is  compulsory  for  every  Muslim  and  Muslim
        mosques, where they were taught the sciences of Islam as   woman". Such verses in the Koran and the call for hadith had
        well  as  Islamic  sciences  (the  science  of  transport)  and   helped to develop knowledge among young people.
        individual sciences (the science of the mind). They wrote
        what  the  Taliban  were  told  during  the  teachings.  This   The classification of the sciences taught, the level of teaching
        method  is  called  the  'spelling'  method.  Since  the  10th   and the position of teachers are divided into two levels: the
        century,  schools  have  abandoned  the  'spelling'  method.   first is a general education institution called a madrassah. In
        Adam Metz, a Swiss Arab scientist, writes: "The advent of
                                                               this group of madrassahs, the science of transport - religious
        new  teaching  methods,  in  turn,  has  led  to  new  types  of   sciences - and the science of the mind - general sciences and
        educational  institutions.  While  the  'spelling'  method  was   social sciences are taught in depth. These madrassahs have
        considered  the  highest  in  learning,  the  'tadris'  method   existed in small towns and sometimes in big cities. Students
        (commentary) has been the leading method since the 10th
                                                               who graduated from madrassahs worked mainly as teachers
        century. The tadris method was inextricably linked to the   in ordinary schools, imams in mosques, muftis in Kazakhstan
        scientific debates that took place at the time, and mosques   and  in  other  positions,  and  some  talented  young  people
        were not suitable for debates. As a result, a madrassah was
                                                               continued their studies in madrassahs.
        established by that time. Schools were left in front of the
        mosques.                                               The second was called Madrassahi Oliya, and education was
                                                               at the highest level. There were high school graduates, and
        Special  buildings  were  built  for  madrassahs,  the  largest
                                                               these madrassahs were located mainly in central cities, in
        madrassahs were built by rulers, large landowners, Sharia   cities  with  developed  science  and  culture,  such  as
        and  religious  leaders.  The  madrassah  reflects  the  most   Samarkand, Bukhara and Herat.
        beautiful traditions of Eastern architecture. Extremely high
        and majestic minarets have also been built in madrassahs
                                                               In madrassahs, as a rule, four days a week - Sunday, Monday,
        and mosques. The building accommodated rooms for 2-4   Tuesday and Saturday; two days - Wednesday and Thursday
        students, teachers, a trustee, the mosque imam, a muezzin   are self-studying days; and Friday is a day off. The study
        room and several classrooms. There was also a rich library,
                                                               lasted six months a year, and as a rule the school year started
        reading  room  and  a  place  to  observe  their  work  in  large   on the first day of the month and ended on the first day of the
        madrassahs of national importance. For example, Mir Arab   hamal month. In the months of Hamal, Savra, Javzo, Cancer,
        Madrassah  in  Bukhara  had  rooms  for  over  a  hundred   Asada and Sanbulah, students were busy with their work.
                                                               Special  decrees  from  the  khans  and  kings  came  to  the
                                                               madrassah about this.
        Main body
        Samarkand  madrassahs  played  an  important  role  in  the   In both groups of madrassahs, the morphology and syntax of
        science of the Timurid period. Ulugbek Madrassah was one of   the Arabic language are studied deeply and for a long time.
        the  most  famous  madrassahs  in  Movarounnahr  and   Because in madrassahs almost all the works in all subjects
        Khorasan. It was two-storey and had 55 rooms. Each room   and  their  comments  are  written  in  Arabic,  and  perfect

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