Page 23 - Special Issue Modern Trends in Scientific Research and Development, Case of Asia
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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ eISSN: 2456-6470

        separately  in  the  control  and  training  group  students.   At the end of our formative training sessions, the results of
        Experimental group subjects formed personality traits such   the ‘Bass-Dark’ ‘‘ Identifying manifestations of aggression
        as  communicative,  high  intelligence,  emotional  stability,   ’’questionnaire survey were compared in the experimental
        independence,  thoughtfulness,  high  normative  behavior,   group and the control group, and a decrease in aggression
        courage, gentleness, diplomacy, self-confidence, high level of   was observed in the experimental group.
        self-control, adequacy of self-esteem.
                                                               It can be observed that aggression and hostility were high
                                                               among  students  during  the  pre-training  period  and
                                                               decreased  after  the  training  sessions.  In  the  pre-training
                 15                                            condition, physical (7,06), person-centered aggression (6,4),
                                                               irritability  (5,2),  negative  emotion  (3),  verbal  aggression
                 10                                     Душманлик
                                                               (7,27), showed high rates. Hostility (-13,75) and aggression
                  5                                            (3,299) have differences in pre-training and post-training
                                                               performance, and confidence level equal to r = 0.001; r =
                  0                                            0.002.
                       Тренингача   Тренингдан сўнг
         Figure 2. Changes in the rate of aggression in students
                                                               The  training  aimed  at  the  formation  of  information
                   as a result of training sessions.           psychological security in young people affected the socio-

                                                               psychological  characteristics  of  students  and  led  to  a

                                                               decrease in the indicators of aggression and hostility.

                      Table 4: Comparative analysis of the results obtained by the Bass-Dark methodology
                                                   Before training  After training
                        Appearances of aggression                                t-criteria   p
                                                     М       σ       М      σ
                           Physical aggression      7,06    1,03    5,06   0,9     3,553     ,031
                           Indirect aggression      6,4     1,10    3,03   1,07    9,548     ,045
                                Tension             5,2     0,93    5,1    1,16    -3,548    ,001
                               Negativism            3      1,14    1,73   0,9      4.65    0,001
                                Sadness             2,6     1,12    2,4    1,33   -11,926   0,001
                                 Doubt               4      1,92    3,2    2,16    -8,059   0,001
                         Through verbal hearing     7,27    2,06    4,0    1,81    6,498    0,001
                                Hostility           6,63    2,52    5,4    1,98    -13,75   0,001
                               Aggression           19,5    3,95    16,2   3,87    3,299    0,002

        The  training  aimed  at  the  formation  of  information   model of social protection" (reflection), the definition of
        psychological security in young people affected the socio-  acceptable and undesirable characteristics in the system
        psychological  characteristics  of  students  and  led  to  a   of  personal  characteristics,  as  well  as  the  subject's
        decrease in the indicators of aggression and hostility. The   knowledge and skills are involved in ensuring resilience.
        training sessions showed a positive result. So, we believe
        that  a  special  program  can  have  a  positive  effect  on   4.  Threats  to  various  areas  of  youth  have  a  complex
        personality traits.                                       structure,  and  the  main  means  of  protection  against
                                                                  them  is  the  formation  of  information  psychological
        As a result of scientific research on the socio-psychological   security. The formation of the psychological element of
        aspects  of  the  formation  of  information  psychological   information  is  effective  in  a  systematic  way,  if  the
        security in young people, the following conclusions were   information is carried out taking into account all the
        drawn:                                                    factors  that  determine  the  formation  of  the
        1.  In the process of rapid development of information, the   psychological  element,  in  particular,  the  individual
            number of threats is growing, and the formation of a   psychological and mental characteristics of the person.
            psychotype of threatening youth remains a topical issue.
        2.  Senior  students  have  a  broader  understanding  of   [1]   UN News. Report by UN Secretary-General Antonio
            “Information Attacks” than 1 year students. Most of the   Guterres on the occasion of International Youth Day.
            subjects  had  a  partial  knowledge  of  “information
            attacks” while studying in the 1 year, and they did not   cial/youth-day-2018.html
            have  an  idea  of  the  threat,  the  consequences  of  the
                                                               [2]   Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan
                                                                    dated February 7, 2017 No PF-4947 "On the Action

        3.  It  is  effective  to  recommend  anti-threat  information   Strategy for further development of the Republic of
                                                                    Uzbekistan." Collection of legislation of the Republic
            components of psychological security in the form of a
                                                                    of Uzbekistan.2017. - Issue 6 (766).
            model  "Emotional  element  -  Behavioral  element  -
            Reflection process - Cognitive element" on the basis of   [3]   https://sputniknews-
            functional  participation.  The  emotional  element  -
            "compensation" and "hypercompensation", "choice of a    yoshlarga-Hukumat-eshiklarini-ochdi.

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