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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD)
                  Special Issue on Modern Trends in Scientific Research and Development, Case of Asia
                                    Available Online: e-ISSN: 2456 – 6470

                         The System of Innovation and its Impact on

                                         Economic Development

                                                   Taniev A. B   PhD

                                    Samarkand State University, Samarkand, Uzbekistan

        ABSTRACT                                               develop and improve educational services in the republic. In
        The  article  discusses  the  factors  that  influence  the   developed countries, the university s are a hub of scientific
        development  of  innovational  activity  in  the  republic.  In   research development. Many important radical innovations
        order to test the impact of innovation expenditures on the   were created in the laboratories of universities.
        volume  of  innovations  in  the  republic,  we  used  linear
        regression  analyzes  and  found  strong  interdependence.   The main part
        Also, we discuss the role of human capital and the level of   President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Sh.M.Mirzioev in his
        development of financial system in stimulating continuous   message to the Oliy Majlis emphasizes that " ... Today, we
        investments on innovational activity . Furthermore, after   turn to the path of innovative development, aimed at radical
        analyzing the data about implemented innovations in 2019   improvement in all spheres of public life and society. And
        in the republic, we found that higher educational as well as   this is natural. After all, who is winning in today's rapidly
        research institutions participated in innovational activity   developing  world? Only  that  state  that  relies  on  a  new
        very passively, which is of great concern.             thought,  new  idea,  innovation. Innovation  means  the

                                                               future. If we begin to build our great future today, then we
        KEYWORDS:  innovation,  innovational  economics,  service,   must  do  it  primarily  on  the  basis  of  innovative  ideas,  an
        national innovation system, investment, economic mechanism,   innovative  approach [1]. One  of  the  greatest  economists
        R&D, linear logarithmic regression analyzes, venture funds,   Zh.A. Shumpeter first proved h the innovation according to
        angel investors
                                                               him "constructive  destruction" and  "industrial  mutation",
                                                               facilitates  rapid  growth [2]. American scientist  Michael
        INTRODUCTION                                           Porter  in  his  book  “Competitive Advantage  of  Countries”
        Today, Uzbekistan is gradually paying more attention to the   argues that   innovation   is   a key   factor in
        creation  of  an  innovative economy. The  creation  of   achieving competitive advantage at  the  micro  and  macro
        the Ministry of Innovative Development of Uzbekistan and   levels [3]. According  to  Cape,  a  broader  definition  of
        a fund  for  supporting  innovative  development  and   innovation  is  as  follows:  innovation  can  be  a  product  or
        innovative  ideas  is  the  first  step  towards  developing  the
                                                               service,  a  new  production  process,  a  new  organizational
        economy  through  innovation. Adoption  of strategies  of   structure,  or  a  new  plan  or  program for  employees
        action for  further  development  of  the  Republic  of   of enterprises or   organizations [4]. Professor   I.T.
        Uzbekistan on the 2017- 2021 years, allowed to speak boldly   Abdukarimov  defines innovation  as  an  investment,
        about  the  economic  reforms  in  strategic  areas  of  the
                                                               providing and replacing the generations of  techniques and
        economy including the development of a national innovation   technologies, new equipment, technology, arising from the
        system. The level of development of services, in particular   achievements  of  scientific  and  technical  process
        educational services, strongly influences the well-being of
                                                               [5]. According to Professor OA Abdurakhmanov, innovation
        the people. A quality educational service is a fundamental   in tourism is a tourism product and services that contain
        condition  for  creating  a  national  innovation  system. In  a   innovations for implementation and thereby contribute to
        short period of time, a lot has already been done to create an   the professional development of employees [6].
        innovation  system,  most  importantly,  specific  tasks  have

        been  set  for  the  near  future  on  the  implementation  of   Literature Review
        innovation policy.                                     Scientific activity, which is the main source of innovation, is
                                                               one of the types of services. The service sector accounts for
        At the moment, as statistics show, the share of participation
                                                               almost  half  of  the  country's  GDP. Famous  scientists  K. R.
        of universities and research institutes in the development of   Makkonell, S. L. Bryu, F. Kotler, T. Levitt and others in their
        innovations remains low. Also, investment in innovation has   works investigated the definition of services. For example, F.
        declined  in  recent  years  due  to  the  low  efficiency  of
                                                               Kotler defines service as " activities that can be offered to
        investment assets. This all speaks of the need to create a   one  person  by  another  person or  beneficial  effect  which
        sustainable economic mechanism for the implementation of   prevents  own than - or [7]. Among  Uzbek  scientists, I.S.
        innovations, taking into account the interests of business and   Ochilov defines  a  service  as  “the conscious  activity  of  a
        government, which should bring optimal benefits to society.   person, society, and the state that brings benefit [8]”.
        Also, it is important to note, that in the implementation of
        innovation policies should take into account the interests of   Methodology
        business and other internal and external factors that can   We used the log-linear regression model for checking the
        change  the  direction  of  economic  development.  Creating   volume  relationship  of  innovation with the  cost  of
        favorable  conditions  for  business  and  small  business  can   innovation. The  calculations  were  performed  using
        create competitive markets and thereby improve the quality   the Gretl program.
        of the final product. But at the same time, it is important to

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