Page 22 - Special Issue Modern Trends in Scientific Research and Development, Case of Asia
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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ eISSN: 2456-6470

                        Table 3: Intercorrelational relationships of aggression outcomes (based on Bass-Dark)
                                                   *p<0,05:       **р<0,01

          Types of         Physical          Verbal      Indirect
                                                                   Negativism  Tension  Suspicion  Sadness  Guilt.
         aggression   aggressionагрессия   aggression   aggression
                              1             0,201**      -0,293**    -0,306**   -0,394**   -0,062   0,499**  -0,133*
                                               1         -0,103      -0,358**   -0,440**  -0,177**  -0,353**  -0,102
                                                            1        -0,001    -0,052   -0,305**   -0,097  -0,167**
         Negativism                                                     1      0,139*   -0,233**   -0,006  -0,187**
           Tension                                                                1      -0,004   0,251**  -0,083
          Suspicion                                                                        1      0,100    -0,065
           Sadness                                                                                  1      -0,010
            Guilt                                                                                            1

        However,  the  value  in  “anti-rule  behavior  form”  had  an   factor  questionnaire.  The  methodology  was  conducted  in
        inversely correlated relationship with the remaining values (   both the training group and the control group students. The
        is equal to r= -0,293, r= -0,306, r=- 0,358, r=-0,133, p<0,01).   personality  traits  of  group  students  with  low  levels  of
        In addition, students have not yet been able to develop their   aggression  and  students  of  groups  with  high  levels  of
        creative potential, to be active enough in social relationships,   aggression differed. In a group of students who exhibited
        to be able to work on themselves, to develop willpower, to be   aggression  and  hostility  at  the  norm  level,  factor  A  was
        dissatisfied with their work and performance, to have the   significant  (r  =  1,68;),  which  meant  that  students  in  this
        ability to evaluate their behavior. it is obvious that they are   group  had  high  levels  of  openness  and  sincerity  in
        not formed and do not have the ability to form independent   communication.  In  the  group  of  students  with  high
        opinions in the acquisition of knowledge.              aggression,  the  level  of  communication  can  be  seen.
                                                               Significant  negative  (-0,98**;  p<  0.01)    correlation  was
        III year students who participated in the study had a   identified in the second group on the F-phase (reasonable) -
        broader  understanding,  which  in  turn  meant  that   sensitivity  (excitement)  factor.This  means  that  the  more
        they  had  a  higher  level  of  psychological  and    aggressive and hostile a person is, the more likely he or she
        security information. We believe that the process of   is to complicate everything, take everything seriously, and be
        forming  information  psychological  security  in      affected.  L–  reliability  -  a  negative  (-2,86*;  p<  0.05)
        students will be successful if they have a high level of   correlation in the first group and a positive (0,34**; p< 0.01)
        awareness of the threat and its consequences.          correlation in the second group.

        Based on the results of the conducted methods, students can   This means that a person who is in the norm of aggression
        be divided into the following groups:                  thinks that everyone is kind and good, speaks openly even to
          a group of students with a very low level of aggression   people he does not know well, easily trusts them with their
            and hostility, competence to eliminate the threat;   secrets, values, is a compassionate, cheerful, kind person in
          a group of students with the ability to partially eliminate   the  community.  The  higher  the  level  of  aggression  and
            a threat with moderate aggression and hostility;   hostility, the more cautious the students in this group will be,
          a group of students with a high level of aggression and   the more likely they will be misunderstood in the first place.
            hostility, who do not have the competence to eliminate   They see evil everywhere and do not trust anyone. They are
            the threat.                                        not sincere with their friends, claiming that they are capable
                                                               of injustice. Others in the team are jealous of success. They
        We believe that by identifying a group of students with a   think they are not valued. They are strict in their dealings
        high  level  of  aggression  and  hostility,  a  high  risk  of   with people, but they don’t like competition. A negative (-
        intimidation,  and  working  with  them  on  the  basis  of  a   1,15*; p< 0.05)  correlation was found in the first group on
        training  program,  it  is  possible  to  bring  the  student's   the factor of propensity to O - self-confidence - guilt. This
        personal aggression and hostility to the norm.         means that if the aggression is normal or low, the person will
                                                               be cheerful, cheerful, satisfied with life, confident in their
        The  third  chapter  of  the  research,  entitled  "Socio-  abilities  and  luck.  They  pay  close  attention  to  all  that  is
        psychological analysis of the qualities associated with   happening.
        information psychological security in youth" highlights
        the threats expressed in society, the results of monitoring the   No  such  link  was  identified  in  the  second  group.  Q2  -
        effectiveness  of  psycho  correctional  program,  psycho   conformism (group dependence) - a positive (2,07** p< 0.05)
        correctional training.                                 correlation  was  found  in  the  second  group  on  the
                                                               independence factor.Based on the result, it means that the
        An  analysis  of  the  methodologies  conducted  after  the   higher the aggression, the more likely they are to give up any
        psychological  trainings  aimed  at  the  formation  of   facilities  to  maintain  their  independence  and  ignore  the
        information  psychological  security  and  the  comparative   opinions of others in their activities.
        results  of  the  methods  of  clarifying  experiments  were
        conducted.  In  order  to  determine  the  socio-psychological   R. Through the Kettell test, students ’personal characteristics
        characteristics  of  the  aggressor,  we  used  R.  Kettell’s  16-  were  explored.  The  test  was  calculated  and  analyzed

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