Page 21 - Special Issue Modern Trends in Scientific Research and Development, Case of Asia
P. 21
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ eISSN: 2456-6470
discs of famous singers in their dormitories, and 11% of
students answered that there is books collection.
"Who can easily change your mind?" 50,6% of students chose
the answer “parents” and 18% chose the answer “teacher”.
This means that 68.6% of students ’opinions can be
influenced by people who are a reference group for them, i.e.
parents and teachers.
Figure 1. Information about "information attacks"
Table 1: Indicators distribution of family and external sources of youth
influences importance in students life.
Based on the results of the questionnaire survey analyzed
(marks are in percentage (%) (n=424)
above, young people have a partial understanding of the
Girls Boys Total
appearance of external threats. In the first stage, they have a
(n=204) (n=220) (n=424) high tendency to follow attacks that are alien to them,
The importance of without having a complete picture. In the 3 year of studying
1. family and loved 41.2 30,3 71.5 at a scientific school, it is possible to observe changes in their
ones views on information attacks. Mostly students receive
Rely on your own information about external threats from social networks and
2. 3,4 12,2 15,6
conclusions mass media and are exposed to the effects of alien attacks
Significance of
3. 7,6 5,3 12,9
external influences
For research purposes, we used Bass-Dark’s methodology
“Identify manifestations of aggression” in our study.
By categorizing the emphasis in the questionnaire, the
analysis was carried out by dividing it into areas that are In processing the results obtained, a comparative qualitative
important in students’ lives and can influence their opinions. analysis of the mean value of individual and group
The results showed that 71,5% of students' opinions can be aggression with a high degree of visibility was performed.
influenced by family members and close relatives, 15,6% rely The most common type of aggression in all subjects was
on their own conclusions and experiences, and 12,9% are physical and aggression, and the least defined was
exposed to external influences. Family and close relatives negativism and guilt aggression.
and susceptibility to external influences can be observed in
female students than in male students (Family and close Table 2: Aggression Indicators in youth
relatives 30,3%, external influences 5,3%). We think this is (according to “student”)
probably due to our mentality.
№ Types of aggression x tst= P
For research purposes, we used a questionnaire developed 1. Physical aggression 6,2 2,02 Р=0,05
by us to study the threats of social networks and the impact 2. Verbal aggression 4,8 3,55 Р=0,05
of “Information attacks” on youth psychology. 3. Indirect aggression 2,9 3,55 Р=0,05
4. Negativism 5,73 2,7 Р=0,001
The collected data were statistically processed and analyzed 5. Tension 7,8 2,02 Р=0,001
using computer programs. A total of 445 students were 6. Suspicion 6,16 2,02 Р=0,01
involved in the study. 7. Sadness 7,8 2,02 Р=0,05
8. Feelings of guilt 6,2 2,02 Р=0,001
The results of the empirical study were quantitatively
analyzed and it was found that the negative impact of As a result of the correlation analysis of the interactions
information attacks on the upbringing of young girls was also between the results of the methodology, the physical
high. aggression in the students formed a positive correlation with
the aggression directed at someone, that is, physical
“Where can young people get information about aggression is directed at others in a high-achieving student
"information attacks"? - 58% of respondents answered from (r= 0,2010**; р<0,01), verbal(r= 0,499**; р<0,01) aggression
the Internet, 20% from the press, 22% from close friends. is also high, while irritability and negative emotions (r= -
This means that information about "information attacks" is 0,293**; р<0,01), law - aggression in the form of behavior
spread through the Internet. against the rules (r= -0,306**), guilt and remorse (r= -
0,133*) on the contrary, the negative link showed an
ID: IJTSRD35771 | Special Issue on Modern Trends in Scientific Research and Development, Case of Asia Page 16