Page 17 - Special Issue Modern Trends in Scientific Research and Development, Case of Asia
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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD)
Special Issue on Modern Trends in Scientific Research and Development, Case of Asia
Available Online: e-ISSN: 2456 – 6470
“All Is Well, That Ends Well”-
Stylistic Features and Shakespearean Language
Ismoilova Dilorom
Fergana State University, Master Level Student, Uzbekistan
ABSTRACT Significantly, the title is still considered as the most
The article describes the peculiarities of distinctive points frequently spoken phrase by English speakers throughout
of writer’s style, utilization of expressive means and the world. This saying is used in everyday speech and native
grammatical deviations. The author focuses on the findings speakers utter it unconsciously, not knowing to quote the
from the play “All is well, that ends well” by William “quintessential British dramatist” (Maria Delgado, a theater
Shakespeare. The article also reveals some features of his professor).
writing style acknowledged as Shakespearean language.
In the first place, Shakespearean language is distinctive for
KEYWORDS: Grammatical deviations, license of poets, stylistic boundless metaphors. He utilized them to express the
devices, oxymoron, metaphor, writing style, expressive means feelings and thought of characters, consequently managed to
colour their speeches. “All is well that ends well” involves
A language is a diamond for skillful writers and bards to numerous impressive metaphors, easily lead to feel the state
shape it with varying styles. English is a language of of the characters.
international repute as it has significant historical
development. Crucially, any language user should have Countess: The tyranny of her sorrows takes all livelihood from
knowledge on luminaries and contributors who have vast her cheek.
impact on language development. Majority of the English
speakers claim the vital influence of William Shakespeare on
Helena: Knowing him is enough. On’s bed of death;
English literature as for dramatic works and sonnets. King: Skill infinite or monstrous desperate;
However, not everybody has discovered the valuable Parolles: A most harsh one, and not to be understood without
contribution of the skilled playwright into the English bloody succeeding;
language. He coined considerable amount of new words and Bertram: And found her wondrous cold;
phrases which made an enduring contribution to the Parolles:I know him: ‘a was a botcher’s prentice in Paris, from
enrichment of English language. whence he was whipt for getting the shrieve’s fool with child-a
dumb innocent that could not say him nay.
Importantly, in terms of speech culture of the English King: Our own love waking cries to see what’s done,
language, William Shakespeare made an outstanding While shameful hate sleeps out the afternoon.(King, Act V,
contribution. The grammar and sentence structure were the Scene 3)
basement for the Standard English.
Second Gentleman: Ay, madam, with the swiftest wing of
speed.(S.G. Act III, Scene 1)
His every literary work contains impressive stylistic devices, King: Th’ inaudible and noiseless foot of Time;
expressive means, coined phrases as well as sentence
Parolles: Drunkenness is his best virtue, for he will be swine-
constructions which are self-evident proof for ubiquity of his drunk;
legacy. “All is well that ends well” features inclusive expressive
means, especially exaggerations, representation of
Material and Methods
something as more extreme or dramatic than it really is,
The study reveals the peculiarities of Shakespearean serve to bewitch the readers:
language due to the standpoints of stylistic analysis. The Parolles: I find my tongue is too foolhardy; but my heart hath
primary data source is “All is well, that ends well” compiled the fear of Mars before it, and of his creatures, not daring the
in a collection called” The Complete Works of Shakespeare”.
reports of my tongue.
In order to reference the study data, the researcher mentions The writer skillfully used oxymoron in the play, one of the
Act, Scene and the Character. stylistic devices- a combination of contradictory or
incongruous words:
The article targeted to clarify the linguistic deviation and Be not holy-cruel. Love is holy; (Bertram, Act IV, Scene 3)
writing style of Shakespeare in the realm of “All is well, that No,no,no,son was misled with a snipt-taffeta fellow there,
ends well”. The author utilized the observation method and whose villainous saffron would have made all the unbak’d and
conducted the qualitative research. doughy youth of a nation in his colour.
Hopefully, stylistic approach could be helpful to the ESL The talented bard was the man of creativity. He was a real
speakers to digest the Shakespearean language. The master of the language, who knew no boundary to create
researcher reckons this study serves to analyze grammatical remarkable speech acts. Even the writer dared to “break” the
deviation and creativity of the writer. regular rules for literary service also called “the license of the
ID: IJTSRD35770 | Special Issue on Modern Trends in Scientific Research and Development, Case of Asia Page 12