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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD)
                  Special Issue on Modern Trends in Scientific Research and Development, Case of Asia
                                    Available Online: e-ISSN: 2456 – 6470

                       Issues of Psychological Security Formation in

                                Youth Against Information Threats

                                        Mukhtarov Otabek Shukhratjanovich

                      Teacher of Psychology Department, Andijan State University, Andijan, Uzbekistan

        ABSTRACT                                               dangers and harmful drug addiction effects, immorality, and
        The article presents research analyzes and conclusions on   "information  attacks"  have  begun  to  enter  into  Uzbek
        various  information  impact  on  youth  psychology,  youth   families and youth lifestyles.
        protecting importance from information threats.

                                                               "It is well known that the younger generation upbringing has
        KEYWORDS:  information  threats,  psychological  security,   always been important and relevant. But in the 21st century
        socio-psychological  analysis,  personality  threat  qualities,
                                                               in which we live, this issue is really becoming vital matter."
        manipulation, aggression manifestations, students’ education.    For education to be perfect, however, there must be no room
                                                               for  complacency.  "Threats  such  as  religious  extremism,
        INTRODUCTION                                           terrorism,  drugs,  human  trafficking,  illegal  migration,
        One  billion  of  the  world’s  population  is  young  people   'information attacks' are on the rise, undermining the beliefs
        between  10  and  24  ages.  “Youth  are  our  hope.  Peace,   and family values that have existed for centuries." .
        economic  development,  social  justice,  tolerance  -  all  this
        depends on youth potential realization... ". More than 400   A  social  psychological  questionnaire  was  used  to  study
        million youth live in troubled parts of the world and face   students  ’core  values  and  susceptibility  to  external
        various challenges. In addition, youth with education and   influences. Our students were more interested in what they
        employment problems are more likely to be various threats   valued and what they did in their spare time. The obtained
        target.    The  "hired  workers"  majority  in  destructive   data were analyzed by categories. In the social psychological
        organizations are young people at 17-24. Young people need   survey,  "Whose  advice  did  you  rely  on  when  choosing  a
        special protection .                                   profession?", the question was answered by 31% students,
                                                               my parents, 53,7% have their own opinion, 13,2% of my
        One of the most pressing issues in social psychology around   teacher and 2,1% of my close friends. It can be seen from the
        the world is the youth ability to withstand various threats,   answers that the issue of career choice was taken seriously.
        extensive work is being done to prevent delinquency and   It  should  be  noted  that  the  answer  that  I  have  my  own
        crime  among  students,  destructive  ideas  expressed  as
                                                               opinion on this  issue was found to be 3,5% for girls and
        manipulations result of various kinds, to eliminate threats   50,2% for boys. Hence, on the above issue, it can be said that
        against them. These studies serve as a theoretical basis for   girls are often influenced by the opinions of those around
        comprehensive  socio-psychological  features,  scientific   them, while boys rely on their independent opinions.
        research  on  its  formation,  the  characteristics  study  of
        independent thinking in students, behavioral issues in the   "Do you think a person can be friends with everyone?" 40%
        educational process study of deviations in student behavior,   of students answered no, 53% answered that they can be
        aggression,  emotional  instability,  the  accumulation  of
                                                               friends with their parents, and 7% answered that they can be
        assertive behavior in the individual.                  friends with a person they like. From the answers, one can
                                                               witness that the family is valued for more than half of the
        One  of  the  significant  directions  of  our  state  policy  is  to   students.
        follow the motto "Youth education is always relevant" in our

        country,  to  bring  them  up  as  harmoniously  developed   To the question connected with information attacks "What
        people, to protect them from foreign ideologies and attacks,   kinds of music do you like the most?" 37,6% of respondents
        to  form  skills  to  combat  various  ideological  threats.  The   liked classical, classical melodies and music, 8% of rock, 18%
        Action Strategy for five priority development areas of the   of  modern  national  music,  8,7%  of  foreign  melodies  and
        Republic  of  Uzbekistan  for  2017-2021  sets  "Education  of   music, and (21,5%) did not listen to music at all. "What discs
        youth who are physically healthy, mentally and intellectually   do you have more at home?" 30% of students answered that
        developed, independent-minded, loyal to motherland, strong
                                                               foreign feature films, 18% of students answered that there
        outlook  on  life,  deepening  democratic  reforms  and   are discs of national feature films, 28,8% of students have
        increasing  their  social  activity  in  the  civil  society
        development "  tasks. In the globalization era, various vices,

        1 Source: UN News. Report by UN Secretary General Antonio
        Guterres on the occasion of International Youth        3 https://sputniknews-
        outh-day-2018.html                                     Hukumat-eshiklarini-ochdi.html
        Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan on February 7, 2017 PD-4947 "On the Action
        Strategy for further development of the Republic of Uzbekistan." Collection of legislation of the

        Republic of Uzbekistan.2017. - Issue 6 (766). .

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