Page 29 - Special Issue Modern Trends in Scientific Research and Development, Case of Asia
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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD)
Special Issue on Modern Trends in Scientific Research and Development, Case of Asia
Available Online: e-ISSN: 2456 – 6470
Through Modular Training Increasing
the Efficiency of Education
G. H. Nigmatova Ph.D
Director, “Regional Center for Retraining and Communication”, Public Educators of Bukhara Region, Uzbekistan
ABSTRACT The module embodies holistic ideas about a particular field
Professional development through modular training in the of science. The information it contains reflects the widest
article the masses of the wider use of its possibilities to range of complexity with a clear structure and integrity to
make education more effective are described and achieve the didactic goal. The modular system is the science
appropriate conclusions are made, recommendations are itself in a particular completed part or whole of science. It
given. can cover several courses. Its structure will have a
mandatory base component and a variable part.
KEYWORDS: modulе, modular training, micro-module,
taxonomy Materials and Methods
Professor N.H. In the words of Avliyokulov: "The module is a
INTRODUCTION logically complete unit of educational material, aimed at
The effective use of modern education, the wider use of its studying one or more fundamental concepts of the subject".
potential, remains one of the main requirements of modern
education. The modular learning system is based on the assimilation
system, which is a feature of the human brain. The human
The way we organize the educational process, the brain perceives the unit of information as a stream, not as a
mechanism of its implementation is concise, clear, easy to whole, but as a quantum (indivisible quantity). Therefore, it
apply in practice, we can choose the most optimal means and
is recognized that the most effective way is to organize
methods of independent learning, and at the same time education on the basis of the idea of adapting learning to the
increase the pace of learning with minimal time. system of assimilation of the human brain.
As a result of research in this area, new ideas have been put The micro-module in each module serves a specific purpose
forward, including the optimization of education, the gradual and function in the formation of specialty disciplines, whose
acquisition of knowledge and skills, the activation of the goals are reflected in state educational standards or
listener's activity and its transformation into an object of the
requirements and represents the main goal of mastering the
educational process, programmed learning. specialty discipline.
Just as the acceleration of scientific and technological The module is an independent structural unit, and in-service
progress in the XXI century has led to radical reform of all
training students do not have to study the entire course, but
spheres of life, the renewal of the educational process should only a number of modules. It also allows gifted students to
be linked not only with modern information technology but optimally plan their individual and independent work
also with innovative ideas, concepts and technologies and
(modular credit system).
accelerate their optimal use. the task of applying the most
effective methods of education to raise it higher is on the The purpose of the transition to modular training is:
agenda. Continuity of reading;
Individualization of reading;
One of the most common methods of effective teaching today Creating the necessary conditions for independent study
is the "modular system of teaching". of educational material;
Accelerate reading;
Module means "norm" in Latin. It is well known that the
Achieving effective mastery of science;
acquired knowledge has a certain logically complete, Achieving full disclosure of listeners ’abilities and high
indivisible value of appropriate quantities. For example, let's learning outcomes;
take concepts, the idea that is formed in the formation of a
Students are given the opportunity to choose subjects in
concept is expressed through speech, transformed into a their specialty.
combination of words.
The trainee will have the opportunity to complete the
Thus we see that the concept constitutes the basic indivisible training program ahead of schedule.
structure of knowledge, and that the criterion of knowledge
which cannot be divided is the module. (ie: specific tariffs, The beginning of modular teaching in teaching technology is
rules, theorems, laws, axioms, etc.) to define the teaching objectives of the subject. It is a
continuation of it in setting learning objectives on topics.
The module is a logically complete part of a certain form of Theoretical and practical training is a goal-oriented learning
formalization of educational programs in academic process. These processes are conducted to achieve specific
learning objectives that are predetermined. If the learning
ID: IJTSRD35794 | Special Issue on Modern Trends in Scientific Research and Development, Case of Asia Page 24