Page 65 - Special Issue Modern Trends in Scientific Research and Development, Case of Asia
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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ eISSN: 2456-6470

        Analysis and results                                   Researchers  have  identified  different  stages  in  the
        In  the  current  context  of  deepening  the  process  of   development of an organizaion’s innovative development
        liberalization of the economy, one of the urgent tasks is to   strategy  [8].  The  choice  of  the  optimal  strategy  for
        increase  the  innovative  activity  of  industrial  enterprises,   innovation  activity  is  an  integral  part  of  the  effective
        identify factors to increase its potential, develop the main   management of this activity, which increases the share of
        directions  of  strengthening  the  organizational  and  legal   expected income in production.
        framework. The “Strategy for Innovative Development of the
        Republic of Uzbekistan for 2019-2021 was adopted. A “road   The choice of the effectiveness of the innovation strategy is
        map” for the implementation of the strategy of innovative   directly related to the types of activities, such as conducting
        development of the Republic of Uzbekistan in 2019-2021 has   research,  creating  new  products.  Based  on  this  strategy,
        been developed. One of the main directions of strategy is the   strategic  planning  consists,  first  of  all,  in  the  rational
        creation of techno parks, free economic zones, free industrial   allocation  and  efficient  use  of  resources,  that  is,  in  the
        zones  and  research  and  production  clusters  for  the   effective  use  of  financial  resources,  manpower  and
        development  and  introduction  of  advanced  technologies,   technologies that make up the resources of the enterprise.
        production  of  domestic  scientific  products  with  foreign
        partners and its sale in foreign markets strengthening state   To effectively evaluate innovation activity, researchers A.
        support for the formation of joint organizations is one of the   Ovsyanko  and  V.  Kuganovlar  the  following  4  groups  of
        main directions of the Strategy.                       indicators  that  offer  a  balanced  system  [9]:  innovative
                                                               entrepreneurship;  Hypersensitivity  to  the  scientific
        As a result of economic reforms in Uzbekistan, real owners of   progress; the organization or enterprise transformation that
        industrial  enterprises  are  emerging,  but  the  study  of   is taking place in the market and feel the sense of innovative
        innovation processes in enterprises or the widespread use of   actions.
        research is one of the most pressing issues. In particular, the
        Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated   Today, the principles of the innovative strategy for the rapid
        January  10,  2019  “On  measures  to  radically  improve  the   modernization, technical and technological re-equipment of
        system  of  implementation  of  state  policy  in  the  field  of   production at industrial enterprises are:
        economic development” is a very important document in     in achieving a strategic goal, the goal must be clearly and
        terms of accelerating industrial development. By this Decree,   accurately expressed;
        the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Uzbekistan was     it is necessary to conduct a clear analysis of external
        reorganized into the Ministry of Economy and Industry of   factors  (existing  opportunities,  risks,  strengths  and
        the  Republic  of  Uzbekistan.  This  ministry  has  been   weaknesses  of  competitors),  and  then  choose  an
        designated as the authorized state body for the development   innovation  strategy.  Nowadays,  it  is  necessary  for
        and  implementation  of  state  policy  in  the  field  of  socio-  enterprises  to  use  modern  innovation  strategies,  ie
        economic and industrial development of the country, as well   highly effective offensive, defensive, imitation (similar)
        as  the  strategy  of  investment  policy  of  the  Republic  of   strategies.
        Uzbekistan [7].
                                                               In an offensive strategy, the entrepreneur is one of the first
        One of the most important strategic issues facing the Uzbek   to master and bring innovative products to market. In this
        economy is to increase the capacity of enterprises to apply   way, the entrepreneur increases the competitiveness of his
        innovations.  This  issue  prevents  the  emergence  of   business and creates opportunities for him to earn a lot of
        disruptions in the nodal directions of the formation of a low-  money. Because it will not have a competitor in mastering
        industrial technological method of production and the way   products  based  on  offensive  strategy.  Entrepreneurs
        out of the technological crisis. Taking into account the need   working  in  these  areas  are  more  engaged  in  unpopular
        to  develop  the  use  of  innovations  in  strengthening  the   production on the basis of new approaches. This creates an
        competitiveness of all industries and export potential in the   environment that allows them to be among the first.
        country, the formation of modern organizational, economic
        and management mechanisms for the implementation of this   Based on an offensive strategy, other manufacturers can be
        process  plays  a  very  important  role  in  addressing  these   seriously affected. Therefore, before applying innovations in
        issues.  In  particular,  the  creation  of  investment  and   the enterprise, it is possible to conduct "SWOT" analysis. The
        innovation departments in industrial enterprises, as well as   main  task  in  the  implementation  of  research  and
        the  creation  of  all  conditions  for  the  development  of  its   development work in the defense strategy is to accelerate
        activities will bring great economic benefits.         the "cost-benefit" ratio, that is, consumers should know in
                                                               advance the results of innovative activities. Such strategies
        In the world experience, there are three ways of innovative   are  implemented  by  taking  into  account  competitors  or
        development strategy:                                  taking  into  account  their  behavior  as  well.  However,  all
          Raw-based  and  often  smaller  rich  countries     activities  will  be  subordinated  to  the  interests  of  the
            applied strategy (UAE);                            enterprise.
          Simulation-flexible or chasing strategy, including from
            abroad                                             The imitation strategy is used by businesses that are active
            more emphasis is placed on the acquisition of patents   in  using  innovations.  Such  a  strategy  defines  the  main
            and licenses (bright experience Japan);            consumer  feature  of  innovations  brought  about  by  small
          Innovative  development  of  countries  with  sufficient   innovation  firms  with  strong  technological  and  market
            financial resources to spend large sums on education,   positions. Depending on the consumption, innovations will
            science and technology (USA, Germany, UK)          be implemented. It is necessary to choose strategic types on
                                                               the  basis  of  a  thorough  analysis  of  the  type  of  purpose,

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