Page 96 - Special Issue Modern Trends in Scientific Research and Development, Case of Asia
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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ eISSN: 2456-6470

        muon  and  tau  neutrino,  respectively.  It  follows  from  the   Since the net baryon numbers of the reactants and products
        experiment that these are different neutrinos.         are equal, this reaction is allowed on the basis of the baryon
                                                               number conservation law.
        We agreed to consider that
                                                               For reaction (b), the net baryon number of the reactants is
                        + for 1  leptons                      1+ ( ) 01 =-   and the net baryon number of the proposed
         L  =L   =L   = 
          e    m    t    - for 1  antilepton s                 products is 1+ 1+ ( ) 11 =-
                                                                                     . Since the net baryon numbers of
                                                               the  reactants  and  proposed  products  are  not  equal,  this

                                                               reaction cannot occur.
        For all other elementary particles, lepton charges are taken

        to be zero.
                                                               Baryon number is conserved in the first reaction, but not in
        The law of conservation of the lepton charge requires that   the second. Baryon number conservation constrains what
        during neutron decay                                   reactions can and cannot occur in nature.

         n ®  p + e + n                                        Example2: Lepton number conservation
                                                               Based on the law of conservation of lepton number, which of
        together  with  the  electron,  an  electron  antineutrino  was   the following decays can occur?
        born, since the total lepton charge of these two particles is   a)  n ®  p + e + n
        zero.                                                       -      -
                                                                ) b  p ®  m + n + n

        The  law  of  conservation  of  lepton  charge  explains  the
        impossibility of the following processes:
                                                               Determine the total lepton  number for the reactants and

                                                               products, and require that this value does not change in the

        although they are permitted by other conservation laws. The
                                                               For decay (a), the electron-lepton number of the neutron is
                                                               0, and the net electron-lepton number of the decay products
          ~                ~                                   is 0 + 1+ (-  ) 1 = 0 .
        n  +  p ®  e +  , n    n  + p ® m +  +  , n
          e                 m
                                                               Since the net electron-lepton numbers before and after the
        satisfying the lepton charge conservation law were observed   decay are the same, the decay is possible on the basis of the
        experimentally. After it was experimentally established that   law of conservation of electron-lepton number. Also, since
        n  and n  are different particles, different lepton charges   there are no muons or tau-leptons involved in this decay, the
          e      m
                                                               muon-lepton and tau-lepton numbers are conserved.
         L  and  L  were introduced. Similarly, the situation was
          e      m
        with the introduction of the tau lepton charge  L [6-7].   For decay (b), the muon-lepton number of the p  is 0, and
                                                               the net muon-lepton number of the proposed decay products

        III.   RESULTS                                         is 1+ 1+ ( ) 11 =-  .
        We consider some problems below.
                                                               Thus, on the basis of the law of conservation of muon-lepton
        Example1: Baryon number conservation.                  number, this decay cannot occur.

        Based on the law of conservation of baryon number, which   Significance
        of the following reactions can occur?                  Lepton number is conserved in the first reaction, but not in
         a)  p -  +p  ® p 0  +n  +p -  +p                      the second. Lepton number conservation constrains what
        b)  p + p ®  p + p + p                                 reactions can and cannot occur in nature.

                                                               IV.    CONCLUSION
        Strategy                                               Like the law of conservation of momentum, based on the
        Determine the total baryon number for the reactants and   isotropic  nature  of  our  ordinary  space,  a  particular
        products, and require that this value does not change in the   momentum-spin  is  conserved  in  all  interactions.  These
        reaction.                                              conservation  laws  are  fulfilled  in  all  processes  occurring
                                                               with  particles,  and  have  the  property  of  controlling  all
        Solution                                               processes  in  the  world  of  particles.  When  studying  the
        For reaction (a), the net baryon number of the two reactants   physics  of  elementary  particles,  the  analysis  of  the
        is 0 + 1 = 1 and the net baryon number of the four products   fulfillment  of  these  conservation  laws  by  the  example  of
        is 0 + 1+ 0 + 0 = 1.                                   specific  processes  will  undoubtedly  help  to  increase  the
                                                               efficiency development of this field. To this end, the next task
                                                               in studying the fundamentals of elementary particle physics

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