Page 101 - Special Issue Modern Trends in Scientific Research and Development, Case of Asia
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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ eISSN: 2456-6470

        understood to teach them to hold their faces in the most   dangerous situation, the whole population will not panic,
        difficult conditions that may occur if they dare to ignite the   and every citizen will be able to fulfill his duties. it must
        flames of a new war.                                   incorporate the necessary behaviors in the right approach. It
                                                               should be borne in mind that the negative consequences of
        As  a  result  of  spiritual  and  political  training,  the  Uzbek   modern warfare, especially the damaging factors of nuclear,
        people must embody such qualities as ideological maturity,   chemical  and  bacteriological  weapons,  are  extremely
        political consciousness, high discipline, constant vigilance,   dangerous, while at the same time sufficiently substantiating
        devotion to the defense of the homeland and selflessness in   the dangers of such weapons.
        situations where it is necessary.
        Spiritual  training  refers  to  the  mental  qualities  that   Another important aspect of spiritual, political and spiritual
        strengthen the most necessary qualities in the population,   training is one of the rich traditions of the Uzbek people - the
        and  especially  in  the  personnel  of  non-military  units,   belief that it can strike at any enemy and drive them out of
        including  the  ability  to  walk  in  the  most  extreme  and   the  borders of  our country, to frighten  them, that is,  our
        dangerous conditions of modern warfare, to act boldly in   citizens. helps to nurture spirits such as not panicking. If a
        accordance with moral principles. , to develop and improve   citizen is in a state of panic or fear, then such people will not
        the human spirit to withstand the hardships of war, all kinds   be  able  to  act  depending  on  the  situation,  and  it  is  very
        of spiritual and physical hardships, to show perseverance,   difficult to think about self-defense. Of course, the role of
        courage, activism and initiative, not to lose oneself even in   practical exercises in the formation of features such as self-
        the most difficult times.                              protection among the population is enormous. , his cases of
                                                               mental anguish disappear.
        It is accepted to divide the concept of "fear" that can occur in
        humans  in  emergencies  into  controlled  and  uncontrolled   Involvement of the population in practical training can be
        types. In the control variant, the person acquires a certain   achieved only if there is a relevant educational and material
        understanding  of  the  danger  and  tries  to  avoid  these   base for the successful solution of the task of spiritual and
        situations.  The  uncontrollability,  according  to  experts,  is   psychological preparation. The basis of such a base is often a
        characterized by panic attacks and a lack of control.   training camp, natural plots of land for work and houses
                                                               belonging to various objects. These types of facilities are
        According  to  E.  Bishon,  uncontrolled  fear  "can  put  a   similar to wartime training facilities: fireplaces, smoky areas,
        physically fit athlete in a very dangerous situation." In the   dilapidated buildings and occupied areas, fake explosions,
        same way, the opposite of this situation, that is, "despite his   various flashbacks, and a variety of other incidents.
        physical weakness, he can become a hero due to his spiritual
        maturity."  It  was  found  that  the  basis  of  the  behavior  of   Another  component  of  the  spiritual,  political  and
        certain groups of the population in emergencies depends on   psychological  training  of  the  population  is  the  task  of
        the behavior of a particular individual in the group. At the   propagating civic knowledge to the population. Also, this
        same  time,  the  solution  of  the  problem  of  emergency   type of organizational work is widespread and all available
        response by a certain team depends on the behavior of a   means and methods are used for this purpose.
        certain group.
                                                               It should be noted that the process of high moral, political
        Spiritual,  political,  and  spiritual  preparation  are   and  psychological  training  of  the  population  and  its
        interconnected and interdependent processes. He is a man   importance will contribute to the successful solution of the
        whose  spiritual,  political  and  psychological  qualities  are   task of protecting the population from various emergencies,
        manifested  in  his  objective  activity;  Its  purpose  is  to   including increasing its reliability and effectiveness.
        influence the human mind  and psyche, to educate highly
        intelligent and courageous defenders of the Motherland. In   REFERENCES
        this single process, the spiritual and political readiness of the   [1]   Law  of  the  Republic  of  Uzbekistan  on  labor
        population is a decisive factor.                            protection. Tashkent, May 6, 1993
                                                               [2]   Emergencies  and  protection  measures.  Textbook.
        Spirituality  is  the  most  important  aspect  of  political  and
                                                                    Institute of Civil Protection - 2001.
        spiritual preparation.
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        One of the ways is to protect against mass weapons. It is   protection of the population from weapons of mass
        important  to  make  sure  that  every  citizen,  including  the   destruction." Uzbekistan Publishing House. Tashkent.,
        community, can get out of any dangerous situation with as   1977.
        few casualties as possible.                            [4]
                                                                    Ilyasova. Z. "Fundamentals of Life Safety". Textbook.
                                                                    Institute of Civil Protection, Tashkent - 2001.
        The enormous damage caused by nuclear weapons and the
        need  to  be  aware  of  their  consequences,  as  well  as  the   [5]   Qudratov. A. Q. Occupational safety. Tashkent- 1995.
        potential damage to the population if defense facilities and   [6]
        equipment are used efficiently and rationally, are greatly   Kharkov.  Publishing  House  of  the  Humanitarian
                                                                    Center, 2007.
        reduced.  If  there  is  enough  propaganda  among  the
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        nuclear weapons, to avoid the notion of neglect, to assume a

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