Page 106 - Special Issue Modern Trends in Scientific Research and Development, Case of Asia
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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ www. ijtsrd. com eISSN: 2456-6470

        The proposed method allows you to make a high-quality   substrate specificity) [3]. After the theoretical part of the
        record of the chewing process with step-by-step registration,   topic, a technology is provided for step-by-step work:
        carrying out the necessary stages of analysis and obtaining a   1.  Add starch and saliva amylase to the test tube;
        printout of the graphic results of the experiment.     2.  Press the "Start" button on the thermostat;
                                                               3.  After the incubation period has elapsed, add a few drops
        To  determine  the  amylolytic  activity  of  saliva,  the   of NaOH to the test tube;
        multimedia  program  "Practical  Physiology"  is  used.  The   4.  Add a 10% CuSO4 solution to the test tube;
        program  "Practical  Physiology"  contains  materials  for  8   5.  Press the "HEAT SAMPLE" button. The contents of the
        sections: heart, nervous, muscular, respiratory, endocrine,   test tube boil;
        digestive systems, excretion, central nervous system. Each   6.  Determine  the  color  obtained  as  a  result  of  the
        section includes from 4 to 6 experiments with descriptions   experiment;
        of the theory, technology for conducting experiments using a   7.  We repeat this experiment with sucrose and cellulose.
        virtual 3-dimensional image. This program allows a great
        depth of experience, the student can work in an individual   In a test tube with starch, at the end of the reaction, a red
        time  mode,  repeat  parts  of  the  exercises,  use  theoretical   color appears, therefore, in the oral cavity, of the proposed
        material,  learn  technologies  for  conducting  experiments,   carbohydrates, only starch is broken down.
        bringing the experience to confidence in the correct results
        [1].                                                   Conclusion
                                                               The  use  of  such  technologies  significantly  activates
        Each  lesson  has  theoretical  material  on  the  topic  with   educational information, makes it more visual for perception
        graphics,  animation,  explanations,  the  possibility  of   and  easier  to  learn,  improves  the  quality  of  teaching  the
        individual manipulation and a practical part describing the   subject, and reduces financial costs for animals.Multimedia
        implementation. This program is used as a teaching system   computer technologies give the teacher the opportunity to
        for the entire physiology course.                      quickly combine various means that contribute to a deeper
                                                               and  more  conscious  assimilation  of  the  studied  material,
        In  the  experiment,  the  substrate  specificity  of  salivary   save lesson time, and saturate it with information.
        amylase is determined. Principle of action:
        Saliva amylase is mixed alternately with three carbohydrates   [1]   Alyaviya O, T., Yakovenko V. I. Modern educational
        (starch, sucrose, cellulose), which have a different structure.   technologies  in  the  educational  process  in  the
        Add 10% NaOH and CuSO4 solution                             discipline  of  normal  physiology.  //  Educational  -
                                                                    methodological manual. Tashkent, 2011.-- 47 p.
        To identify monosaccharides, the Trommer reaction is used,
                                                               [2]   Muminov  T.  A.,  Dauletbekova  M.  I.  Innovative
        and the red color that appears at the end of the reaction
                                                                    technologies in the educational process of medical
        proves  that  only  starch  is  broken  down  by  this  enzyme.
        Salivary amylase is a glycolytic enzyme, the main substrates   universities. Almaty, 2003 - 141 p.
        of which are starch and glycogen [2]. The activity of this   [3]   BoyanovichYu. V., Zhigalina OV, Koba LV, Naglov AV,
        enzyme is enhanced by Clˉ ions. The most effective amylase   Fedosova  SN.  Alternative  methods  of  teaching
        is at a temperature of 37-38 ° C and in a slightly alkaline   physiological disciplines.
        medium (pH = 7.5-8.0). Enzymes, being biologically active   [4]
        catalysts,  have  the  so-called  substrate  specificity,  which   Grabovskaya E. Yu., Mishin N. P., Nazar M. O. A. R. The
                                                                    use  of  alternative  methods  in  the  study  of  the
        means the ability of an enzyme to identify a certain substrate
                                                                    physiology  of  the  cardiovascular  and  respiratory
        and interact only with it (absolute substrate specificity) or to
        identify 2-3 substrates and interact only with them (relative   systems. - Simferopol, 2012.- 74 p.

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