Page 108 - Special Issue Modern Trends in Scientific Research and Development, Case of Asia
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        Therefore, the materials in this section can be fully used by   Here,  this  postulate  was  treated  with  suspicion,  because
        students studying the basics of geometry.              people  experienced  the  correctness  of  other  Euclid's
                                                               postulates on a daily basis in practice.
        The second part of mathematics of the book "The Book of
        Knowledge" is devoted to arithmetic and consists of seven
        sections. The first section describes the types and general
        properties  of  numbers.  Here  are  given  the  divisions  of
        numbers into even and odd numbers and their properties.
        The second section deals with even numbers. It describes
        about even-even numbers, about even-odd and about the
        properties of these numbers. The third section talks about
        odd numbers and the fact that they come in three forms, as
        well  as  their  properties.  They  are  composed  of  prime,
        compound and reciprocal prime numbers. The fourth section
        talks about "imperfect" and "perfect" numbers. It describes

        the characteristics of division and the properties of numbers
                                                                          Picture 1 Euclid`s V postulate
        into three types based on the equality or inequality of the

        sum of divisions of these numbers. The fifth section talks   Avicenna proved the fifth postulate by accepting without
        about  "excess"  and  "insufficient"  relationships  and  their   evidence the statement that "Two lines located on the same
        properties.  The  sixth  section  is  devoted  to  "complex"
                                                               plane and not intersecting with each other are located from
        relationships and statements over numerical examples. The   each  other  at  the  same  distance."  But  this  statement  is
        seventh  section  describes  the  types  and  properties  of
                                                               equivalent to the fifth postulate.

                                                               The  fifth  postulate  of  Euclid  plays  a  significant  role  in
        II.  Ibn  Sina's  book  "The  Book  of  Healing"  is  one  of  the   geometry. After Euclid Notable scientists of the world have
        valuable works in his life. This work is similar to the book
                                                               been conducting research on the way to prove this postulate
        "The Book of Knowledge" and is divided into large books
                                                               for several centuries. As a result of this, by the arrival of the
        called "Logic", "Physics", "Mathematics" and "Metaphysics".   19th  century,  non-Euclidean  geometry  named  after
        The book "Mathematics" of his works consists of the sections
                                                               Lobachevsky appeared.
        "Abbreviated  Euclid"  or  the  foundations  of  geometry,
        "Abbreviated  Almagest"  and  "Arithmetic".  The  "Abridged
                                                               The  "Arithmetic"  part  of  the  "Book  of  Healing"  provides
        Euclid" section of this book is divided into 15 sections, and   information on the methods of operations with numbers.
        the information on the basics of geometry is presented in a
                                                               Here are the rules for checking the validity of methods for
        similarity to the book "Inception" of Euclid. In this part, the
                                                               raising numbers using the number 9 to the values of a square
        concepts of geometric figures in plane and space are given   and a cube. After that, Ibn Sino designated the Indian method
        and their properties are considered. It is also worth noting   test using the number 9 squares with the following rules:
        here  that  these  geometrical  materials  are  not  a  direct
        translation of the book "Beginning", because the required     If a digit is divided by 9, and the remainder is 1 or 8,
        materials  of  mathematics  in  kration,  expressed  by  their   then  the  square  of  this  number  is  divided  by  9,  the
        opinion, enriched this part with accurate information. For   remainder is 1.
        example, besides the 5 postulates, Euclid gives the following
        postulates:                                              If a digit is divisible by 9 and the remainder is 2 or 7,
                                                                  then the square of that number is divided by 9 and the
        VI. Two straight lines contain no space.                  remainder is always 4.

        VII. A straight line does not coincide in its direction with two     If a digit is divided by 9, and the remainder is 4 or 5,
        straight lines at the same time.                          then  the  square  of  this  number  is  divided  by  9,  the
                                                                  remainder is 7.
        Here you can see that the V postulate and the 9-axiom of
        Euclid are the same. At the same time, in this book, as well as     If a digit is divided by 9, and the remainder is 3 or 6,
        in  "The  Book  of  Knowledge",  scientific  researchers  were   then the square of this number is divided by 9, and the
        done  to  prove  the  V  postulate  of  Euclid  in  the  form  of  a   remainder is 9.
        theorem. The V postulate of Euclid is more complicated than
        the other four postulates, i.e. this postulate is presented in   As we know, in his era, Avicenna, along with the spread of
        the following form: "If a straight line falling on two straight   the  mathematical  work  of  Euclid  and  Ptolemy  to  Central
        lines forms internal and on one side angles, in total less than   Asia, developed and enriched them, and also had the talent
        two straight lines, then these two extended straight lines will   to  masterfully  use  them  at  the  right  time.  Therefore,  in
        meet indefinitely on the side where this sum is less than two   awakening  students'  interest  in  mathematics  and  in
        straight  lines."  By  virtue  of  this  postulate,  at  most  one   educating  them  with  the  right  people  in  society,  it  is
        straight line passing through A and not intersecting a can be   important to familiarize them with the contribution of our
        drawn  through  point  A  outside  the  straight  line  a  in  the   great scientists to science.
        plane defined by point A and straight line a (in Fig. 1, the
        angles ABE and BAD are in total less than two straight lines   List of references:
        and AD and BE intersect, the angles BAC and ABE are equal   [1]   Ibn Sino. “Selected philosophical work”. Publishing
        to two straight lines and the lines AC and BE are parallel).   house "Science", Moscow-1980.

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