Page 105 - Special Issue Modern Trends in Scientific Research and Development, Case of Asia
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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD)
                  Special Issue on Modern Trends in Scientific Research and Development, Case of Asia
                                   Available Online: www. ijtsrd. com e-ISSN: 2456 – 6470

                "Methods for the Study of Digestion in the Oral Cavity”

          The use of Multimedia Technologies in the Study of the Topic

                                 Suraya Gulyamova, Aziza Nishanova, Oisha Alyavia

                                        Tashkent State Dental Institute, Uzbekistan

        ABSTRACT                                               1.  Mastikaciography. MM program "Biopac student lab".
        The  use  of  alternative  methods  in  the  study  of  the   2.  Observation  of  the  amylolytic  activity  of  saliva.  MM
        physiology of the digestive system in the modern education   program "Practical Physiology".
        system, information and pedagogical teaching technologies
        plays  a  rather  large  role.  Increasingly,  multimedia   Mastikaciographyis  a  method  of  studying  the  chewing
        technologies are being used in training, which enrich the   movements  of  the  lower  jaw.  The  graphic  study  of  the
        learning process and make it more effective by involving   chewing movements of the lower jaw makes it possible to
        most  of  the  sensory  components  of  the  student  in  the   establish the sequence of cycles of the chewing process, the
        process of perceiving educational information. Multimedia   ratio of the duration of the individual phases of the chewing
        technologies make it possible to programmatically combine   period and the nature of the chewing movements, which
        text,  graphic,  and  animated  slides  with  the  simulation   differ  in  individual  characteristics.  With  the  help  of
        results of the processes under study.                  mastikaciography, it is possible to determine the time of the

                                                               chewing  cycle  before  swallowing  and  the  duration  of  its
        KEYWORDS:  multimedia  technologies,  mastikaciography,   individual phases, the number of chewing movements, the
        Biopac, amylolytic activity, salivary amylase          magnitude of the amplitude of mouth opening. The quality of
                                                               the chewing process affects the digestion and absorption of
                                                               food, stimulates the reflex activity of all parts of the digestive
        Currently,  one  of  the  promising  areas  for  improving  the
                                                               tract and is of great importance for the study of digestion in
        educational  process  is  the  use  of  multimedia  (MM)   the oral cavity in health and disease [1].
        technologies.  The  use  of  MM  technologies  opens  up  new

        opportunities in organizing the educational process, as well
                                                               In  order  to  optimize  the  experiment,  a  modern  Biopac
        as in developing the creative abilities of students [1,4]. The
                                                               apparatus with a multimedia program “Biopac student lab”
        advantage  of  using  multimedia  technologies  is  the   is used to study the functional characteristics of the chewing
        operational use of information, the combination of audio and
        visual material, animations, etc. This makes it possible to

        implement the classical principle of didactics - the principle   Calibration:
        of clarity - at a new, qualitatively higher level. Multimedia   1.  The  subject  should  sit  in  a  relaxed  state,  breathing
        technologies  enrich  the  learning  process,  make  learning
                                                                  normally with his mouth closed.
        more  effective,  involving  most  of  the  student's  sensory
                                                               2.  An imitation of one cycle of chewing movement is made
        components  in  the  process  of  perceiving  educational   (2 sec.).
        information. Thanks to multimedia technologies, oral speech
                                                               3.  One oscillating movement of the curve is noted on the
        has  changed  from  static  to  dynamic,  that  is,  it  became
        possible  to  track  the  studied  processes  over  time.
                                                               4.  The  whole  process  of  calibration  during  registration
        Multimedia  technologies  can  be  used  both  for  individual   takes 8 seconds.
        distance learning with interactive properties of control of

        acquired  knowledge,  and  for  group.  They  activate
                                                               Check in:
        educational information, make it more visual for perception   1.  Turn on to Record - record.
        and easier to assimilate.
                                                               2.  Introduce food into the mouth and begin the chewing
                                                                  recording process.
        A multifunctional complex for electrophysiological studies   3.  Chewing is registered on the monitor with a time stamp
                                                                  on the lower scale and a mark of the amplitude of jaw
        Biopac Student Lab is used to record a mastikaciogram. The
                                                                  movement on a vertical scale.
        complete  set  of  the  equipment  allows  to  conduct
                                                               4.  At the end of the recording, the Done mode is entered.
        demonstration  practical  classes  on  all  topics  of  human
        physiology  presented  in  the  curriculum.  This  complex   5.  The sensor is removed from the patient.
                                                               6.  The description of the steps of data analysis is made.
        contains  a  whole  range  of  classical  and  modern  clinical

        methods for studying the functional state of the human body.
        Among which there are 9 basic and 11 additional methods.   On the curve of the mastikaciogram, the chewing phases are
                                                               sequentially recorded (within 18 seconds):
        Mastikaciography  (face  electromyography)  refers  to
                                                               1.  rest phase
        additional methods.
                                                               2.  The phase of introducing food into the oral cavity
        Results                                                3.  Trial chewing
        As an example, we give one lesson on the topic "Methods for   4.  Main phase of chewing
        the study of digestion in the oral cavity." In this lesson, the   5.  Formation of the food lump
        following work is performed:
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