Page 114 - Special Issue Modern Trends in Scientific Research and Development, Case of Asia
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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ www. ijtsrd. com eISSN: 2456-6470

        As the disease progresses, it goes through several stages.   Physiotherapy  exercises  for  osteochondrosis  of  the
        Each stage has its own characteristics and is characterized   cervical spine
        by certain features.                                   Remedial  gymnastics  gives  visible  results  and  is  less
                                                               dangerous at the stage of recovery. The principle of action of
          1 stage. The bone and cartilage tissue of the vertebrae   physiotherapy exercises is to restore blood flow to damaged
            gradually begins to deteriorate. Symptoms of the disease   parts of the body. Performing exercise therapy exercises, the
            are subtle. And very often patients simply do not notice   patient should not feel pain and discomfort.
            them, but associate fatigue and pain with overwork and
            stress.                                            A  set  of  exercises  for  the  cervical  spine  is  designed  to
          2 stage. The disc begins to decrease in height, and cracks   strengthen  the  muscles  of  the  neck,  and  also  acts  as  a
            appear  on  it.  The  patient  experiences  constant  pain,   prophylaxis for the development of cervical osteochondrosis.
            weakness, facial numbness.
          3  stage.  Herniated  discs  begin  to  form,  and  cervical   Massage for osteochondrosis of the cervical spine
            vessels and muscles are damaged. There are complaints   The massage is performed with the aim of strengthening
            of dizziness, pain in the back of the head.        muscle tone and relieving pain. Depending on the stage of
          4 stage. The bone tissue, which protects the vertebrae   development of the disease, different massage techniques
            from unnecessary stress, begins to grow, as a result of   are performed. The classic massage techniques include:
            which the nerve endings are pinched. Stiffness arises in     stroking - this technique consists in affecting the surface
            movements, adjacent joints are damaged.               layers of the skin. The massage begins from the collar
                                                                  area and continues to the collarbones and armpits.
        Dangers of cervical osteochondrosis                      squeezing - in this case, the effect during the massage
        The cervical region contains a large number of nerves and   occurs on the deeper layers of the skin. Across the neck,
        arteries that provide nutrition to the brain. In the event of a   thumb and forefinger perform movements to grasp the
        malfunction, the brain will not receive sufficient nutrition for   skin, which resemble squeezing.
        normal functioning. This situation can disrupt human motor     rubbing - performed with the aim of warming up and
        activity,  cause  pain  in  the  limbs,  as  well  as  loss  of   relaxing the skin in order to improve blood flow in the
        coordination.                                             neck area of the cervical spine.
                                                                 kneading  -  has  special  limitations,  as  it  affects  deep
        In the advanced stage of osteochondrosis, ischemia, stroke   tissue. If performed incorrectly, this technique can harm
        and  many  other  diseases  that  are  life-threatening  can   the patient.
                                                               In cases where the patient feels pain on only one side, the
        Therefore,  it  is  recommended  that  you  seek  medical   massage should be started from the healthy part of the neck,
        attention if you develop any symptoms associated with this   gradually moving to that part of the cervical region where
        disease.                                               pain appears.

        Diagnostics of the cervical spine                      The  massage  can  be  performed  both  at  home  and  in  a
        The  following  types  of  diagnostics  are  used  to  examine   medical  facility.  However,  in  the  course  of  its
        diseases of the spine:                                 implementation, one should be very careful not to provoke
        an x-ray is an ineffective way to diagnose this disease,   an exacerbation of the disease or not make it worse.
        MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) shows bone structures,
        disc herniation and their size                         Prevention of cervical osteochondrosis
        CT (computed tomography) is ineffective compared to MRI,   To prevent the onset and development of the disease, it is
        since it is difficult to determine the size of hernias using this   recommended to follow simple rules:
        diagnostic method,                                       lead a healthy lifestyle, exercise, regularly visit the pool;
                                                                 diversify  the  diet  with  foods  rich  in  magnesium  and
        Duplex ultrasound scanning is used when general blood flow   calcium;
        is impaired. This examination shows the existing blood flow     In the case of sedentary work, it is necessary to warm up
        velocity, as well as the presence of barriers in its path.   several times a day;
                                                                 for sleeping you should choose an orthopedic mattress
        Treatment of cervical osteochondrosis of the spine        and a comfortable pillow.
        Treatment of cervical osteochondrosis of the spine should be
        carried out in combination, depending on the situation. A   Literature
        positive effect can be achieved thanks to a comprehensive   [1]   el-MetwallyA,  SalminenJJ,  Auvinen  A,  et  al.  Risk
        and  individual  approach,  which  includes  medicinal      factors   for   development   of   non-specific
        treatment,  physical  procedures,  physiotherapy  exercises,   musculoskeletal  pain  in  preteens  and  early
        massage, and traditional medicine is also used.             adolescents: a prospective  1-year  follow-up  study.
                                                                    BMC                        MusculoskeletDisord.
        During the period of exacerbation, the treatment of cervical   2007;8:46.
        osteochondrosis of the spine is aimed at increasing blood   [2]   Leboeuf-Yde C. Back pain — individual and genetic
        circulation,  at  getting  rid  of  muscle  spasms.  In  this  case,
        agents  are  prescribed  that  improve  blood  flow,  anti-  factors. J ElectromyogrKinesiol. 2004;14(1):129-133.
        inflammatory and analgesic drugs, and a vitamin complex.
                                                               [3]   Roth-Isigkeit A, SchwarzenbergerJ, BaumeierW, et al.
                                                                    Risk factors for back pain in children and adolescents.

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