Page 117 - Special Issue Modern Trends in Scientific Research and Development, Case of Asia
P. 117
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ www. ijtsrd. com eISSN: 2456-6470
Learners: The naming of learners in the distance learning When using an interactive approach in the education system,
system has not yet been determined. Sometimes they are the teacher encourages the student to actively participate. In
called listeners. The distance learning system requires some cases, the quality of education may be adversely
adequate training of students and technical support of jobs. affected by the student's lack of or shyness, or his or her
reluctance to express himself or herself. This, of course, can
Teachers: These teachers, mainly the effectiveness of the reduce the effectiveness of education. In order to avoid such
organization of the educational process will depend on them. situations and to avoid such situations, it is in distance
However, the features of the didactic system of distance learning that the choice and application of a more interactive
learning require different types of Roman functions, method than in other teaching methods helps to achieve the
versatility, and diversity of roles in the activities that intended goal faster and more effectively. When the learning
teachers perform. process is organized on an interactive basis, the student's
interaction increases, and the skills of partner and creativity
Result and Duscussion: are formed. Skills to work with curriculum, syllabus,
The main purpose of the use of interactive methods in textbook, standard norms, manuals, content of the topic are
distance learning of foreign languages is to involve students formed. Independent reading, working, mastering the
in the process of active learning, to help them develop content of education, the text becomes a daily personal
knowledge and research skills. Interactive methods are affair. The student is accustomed to expressing his / her
based on the active relationship between teacher and opinion freely, to defend his / her opinion, to prove it, to
student, full understanding of each other. The ultimate goal confirm it. Most importantly, didactic motives are formed in
of the introduction of interactive methods in the learning the learning process. That is, the needs, desires, and
process is to organize the interaction of the teacher and the aspirations of the student are met. The student's interest in
student in the classroom, regardless of the form of the the learning process increases. This will take the student to a
lesson. The teacher needs to engage the students in the higher level in achieving the learning objectives.
problems of the lesson, activate their movement and teach
them to master as a result. Now let's talk about the advantages of using interactive
methods in distance learning of foreign languages, first of all,
The interactive method of distance learning is becoming the it leads to a better mastery of the content of teaching. In due
most necessary method in today's world. For example, I course, educational communication between student-
express my opinion on a certain topic. I am interested in the teacher-student is established. the learning material is best
attitude of others, the opinion of others in such a situation, it remembered through mutual information, retrieval, and
is interesting to share ideas online, not only from processing. Students develop the skills of communication,
acquaintances, but also from other users who are familiar or expression and exchange of ideas. Each student is able to
unfamiliar with the Internet. Representatives of different think independently, work, and observe. In interactive
nationalities may express different opinions. That's when the lessons, the student not only masters the content of
general conclusion can be drawn. The interactive method education, but also develops his critical and logical thinking.
can also help to make the topic more understandable.
Feedback is the choice of a specific topic. A simple example Conclusion:
can be found in the comments we make on this topic. The term distance education is well known today. Distance
education is a new method in the education system of our
Now, let's talk about the shortcomings of distance education; country, and today this process is receiving serious
The first problem is that distance learning limits attention. All universities have computer classes, most of
communication with people. Given that distance learning which are connected to the global Internet.
may involve participants in different regions (locations),
most trainees receive more personal attention and Distance learning has the following advantages:
communication from tutors, counselors, and classmates than 1. Creative learning environment. There are many ways in
from traditional education. believe that they have the which a teacher can teach, and students can only read a
capacity. Quality distance learning programs engage given material. On the basis of the proposed distance
students through group projects and online discussions. In learning, students themselves search for the necessary
doing so, teachers will be able to answer students ’questions information in a computer database and ensure that
in a timely manner and evaluate their work on a regular their experiences communicate well with others and
basis, and students will have more opportunities to interact. work on their own. encourages education.
2. Possibility of independent study. Distance learning
Another question is whether there will be accuracy in includes primary, secondary, tertiary and advanced
assessing the knowledge of students studying in distance training. Inspectors with different levels of training can
learning courses. You can use any crib from a distance. There work on their own lesson plans and interact with
are no restrictions for him. students at their level.
3. Big changes in the workplace. Distance learning is a
One of the next problems is time. You don't have time to form of education that is accessible to millions of people,
study. You will have the opportunity to study at special most notably young people who are learning to be
times. productive. This type of training plays an important role
in training.
The problem may be with the technology you are using. For 4. A new and effective tool for teaching and learning. The
example, a breakdown in technology or a slow internet word "interactive" is English and means "self-
connection can cause you inconvenience. employed." Interactive lessons encourage students to
think creatively, to actively express information, to
ID: IJTSRD37954 | Special Issue on Modern Trends in Scientific Research and Development, Case of Asia Page 112