Page 118 - Special Issue Modern Trends in Scientific Research and Development, Case of Asia
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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ www. ijtsrd. com eISSN: 2456-6470
express ideas freely, to take initiative, to find solutions The use of interactive methods in the distance learning of
to problems in groups, to work collaboratively, to foreign languages enhances the participation of students,
express ideas in writing. Nowadays, when it comes to encourages them to achieve maximum results. Interactivity
the introduction of new methods or innovations in the also helps teachers incorporate more complex material into
educational process, it is understood that interactive the course. Of course, the organization of interactive lessons
methods are used in the learning process. Interactivity is has its drawbacks. These are learning processes that take a
the interaction of two people, that is, the learning lot of time. Not all students have the opportunity to be
process takes place in the form of a conversation, in the supervised in interactive classes. When studying very
form of a dialogue (computer communication) or based complex materials, students are not able to solve the
on the interaction of the student. Interactivity is the problem completely and clearly, and in such situations, the
interaction, movement, and interaction that takes place role of the teacher is low. Due to the participation of weak
in the student-teacher interaction. The main goal of the students in the learning process in groups, even strong
interactive method is to create an environment for students get low scores or grades.
active, free thinking of the student by creating the most
favorable conditions for the learning process. It List of used literature:
demonstrates its intellectual potential and enhances the [1] Ochilov M. New pedagogical technologies. - Karshi.:
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pedagogical technologies. -T.: 2005.
to openly express what they see, know and think.
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system, student interaction. In the process of distance
[4] Azizxodjayeva N. N. Pedagogical technology and
learning, the intensity of the exchange of information
between students is higher than the exchange of information pedagogical skills - T.: Science, 2006.
between the student and the teacher, so it is necessary to [5] Yuldashev JG, Usmanov S. Advanced pedagogical
provide e-mail addresses to all participants in the learning technologies. - T.: Teacher, 2004.
process. Allows you to solve multiple problems at once when
using the interactive method. Most importantly, it develops [6] Khodjayev N. H., Khodiyev B. Yu., Baubekova G. D.,
Tilabova N. T. New pedagogical technologies. Study
students' communication skills.
guide. - T.: Fan, 2002.p-38.
Choosing an interactive method of distance learning in [7] Ruzimurodov O.N. Haydarov T. Technologies and
foreign languages is a good idea. Because the interactive principles of distance learning. - T.: Istiqlol. 2006.
method of teaching serves to activate the acquisition of [8]
knowledge by students, the development of personal Safarov A. Bakhramov K. Non-traditional lessons and
qualities by increasing the activity between students and the interactive methods of teaching. - Bukhara. 2004.
teacher in the educational process. The use of interactive [9] Sayidahmedov N. New pedagogical technologies. - T.:
methods helps to increase the effectiveness of the lesson. Finance. 2003
With this in mind, we can say that. The interactive method
leads to many positive results in the process of distance
learning foreign languages.
ID: IJTSRD37954 | Special Issue on Modern Trends in Scientific Research and Development, Case of Asia Page 113