Page 119 - Special Issue Modern Trends in Scientific Research and Development, Case of Asia
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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD)
Special Issue on Modern Trends in Scientific Research and Development, Case of Asia
Available Online: www. ijtsrd. com e-ISSN: 2456 – 6470
Postmodernism is the Main Factor of Influence on the
Modern World's Architecture Exhibition Complex
Muqaddas Badirovna Isakova
Associate Professor, Department of Interior Design,
Art Academy of Uzbekistan National Institute of Art and Design Named After K. Bekhzad, Uzbekistan
ABSTRACT At the beginning of the twentieth century, the classical type
The role of postmodernism in the development of modern of thinking of the modern era changes to non-classical, and at
architecture and its use in various public buildings, the end of the century to post-non-classical. To fix the mental
including exhibition halls. specificity of the new era, which was radically different from
the previous one, a new term is required. The current state
The idea of postmodernism and the use of binary of science, culture and society as a whole in the 70s of the
binoculars, including the cornucopia, are believed to have a last century was characterized by J.F. Lyotard as a
place in modern architecture. "postmodern state." Postmodernism took place in the 60-
70s. The twentieth century, it is connected and logically
KEYWORDS: Uncomfortable, cardinally, phenomenon,
follows from the processes of the modern era as a reaction to
pluralism, fluorescent lamps the crisis of its ideas. In the second half of the twentieth
century, the innovative spirit of modernism and
INTRODUCTION international style has exhausted itself. The urban
After gaining independence, Uzbekistan has radically environment has become uncomfortable due to the cheap
changed its attitude towards art and culture. The development of houses built in the spirit of pure rational
democratization and liberalization of society has allowed the functionalism, creating a feeling of gloom, monotony and
art of modern Uzbekistan to develop not only in line with
monotony. In the 70s in the USA, as a reaction to this, huge
traditional types, but also in its most relevant forms. There buildings appeared that were superior in scale to glass
was a great opportunity for the development and support of towers in the style of Mies van der Rohe. Their scale did not
young personnel in the field of culture and art. The correlate with the human body, and was more like some kind
Government of Uzbekistan has adopted various programs for
of cosmic level. The smooth glass surface of the buildings did
the development of spiritual, moral and universal values. In not have horizontal floor artifacts revealed from the outside,
2008, the book of the first President I. Karimov “High as it was in the Misa skyscrapers, and with its entire “body”
Spirituality - Invincible Power” was published. This work of it reflected the sky and the surrounding space, entering into
the President is of great importance in educating the irrational interaction with it. The similar building of the
younger generation, as noted in the work, the manifestation Pacific Design Center in Los Angeles, built by Caesar Pelli in
of spiritual courage and patriotism should be reflected in our 1971-76, stands completely outside the urban context and
everyday life.
sets its own standards for scale. This is a huge building made
of blue glass, locals call the "blue whale". It stands in the
Uzbekistan’s entry into the global economic and cultural midst of chaos of a faceless environment as an anti-
community led to the development of new domestic urban monument and, despite its gigantic dimensions, gives the
planning, architectural and design trends. With
impression of a stranded sea monster with shiny wet blue
independence, the republic created prerequisites for the skin, which inexplicably fell into the human world.
development of national architecture, fine and applied arts
in their most relevant forms. When the formalistic cold constructions of "white
modernism", the mean forms of the "minimal architecture"
Almost every city in the world has its own iconic of functionalism, the cult of technology and high-tech
architectural structure symbolizing a distinctive feature constructions get bored, some architects try to change the
(culture, nationality, technical superiority, etc.), attracting
formal language of architecture by returning forms from past
tourists to this part of the city to the maximum. Naturally, centuries that have been excluded from practice, color and
everyone who visited this zone is interested in leaving other "extra" elements. But it would be wrong to limit the
something for memory. So there are proposals from essence of the new movement to just a nostalgic appeal to
craftsmen for some voluminous miniature symbols. the historical forms of the past, although it played a big role
in the composition of the new style, called by its
Methodology theoreticians postmodernism. The main thing that architects
Postmodernism is the result of denial. At same time, of postmodernism tried to return to architecture is the
modernism rejected classical, academic art and turned to imagery expelled from it many decades ago, making it not
new art forms. However, after many years, he himself just a process of creating spatial structures, but a kind of art.
became a classic, which led to the rejection of the traditions
of modernism and the emergence of a new stage of artistic
The architects of postmodernism tried to introduce other
development in the form of postmodernism, which laws into architecture, in addition to functional
proclaimed a return to pre-modern forms and styles at a new correspondence and the maximum simplification of the basic
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