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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD)
                  Special Issue on Modern Trends in Scientific Research and Development, Case of Asia
                                   Available Online: www. ijtsrd. com e-ISSN: 2456 – 6470

                  Study of the Synthesis of Pyrrole and its Derivatives

                             Safarov Megli Djumayevich, Nazarov Asror Allanazarovich
                               Karshi Engineering and Economic Institute, Karshi, Uzbekistan

        ABSTRACT                                               materials are in many cases difficult to obtain. The service
        It  is  of  practical  interest  to  develop  effective  synthetic   life  of  the  catalysts  and  components  used  is  limited,  and
        methods for obtaining pyrrole and its homologues based on   there  are  certain  difficulties  in  separating  the  resulting
        commercially available compounds.                      complex mixture.

        KEYWORDS: medicine, pyrrole, method, ammonia, aromatic,   In this regard, it is of practical interest to develop effective
                                                               synthetic methods for obtaining pyrrole and its homologues
                                                               based on commercially available compounds, in particular,
        Not only poor knowledge, but also the significance, as well as   acetylene and its homologues.
        the most diverse possibilities of application in technology,

        medicine,  agriculture,  etc.  many  pyrroles  and  their   Substituted  pyrroles  are  obtained  in  good  yields  from
        derivatives  are  highly  bioactive.  Among  this  class  of   butadiene  by  reacting  with  ammonia,  primary  aliphatic,
        compounds,  promising  drugs  have  been  found  as  the   aromatic, heterocyclic amines in the presence of catalysts,
        dominant subunit providing the entire play of colors, both in
                                                               with  heating  [1],  as  well  as  the  cyclization  reaction  of
        the animal and plant world.                            diacetylene with primary amines [2-4].

        Pyrrole rings are part of the molecules of many natural and   A compound of this type is of interest, since it is known that
        biologically active compounds. Pyrrole derivatives include a   pyrrole and its derivatives are used in various areas of the
        number  of  important  plant  alkaloids,  such  as  nicotine   national economy [5-7].
        atropine and many others. Pyrrole rings are contained in the
        molecules  of  the  blood  dye,  hemoglobin,  and  the  green
                                                               In this work, we studied the process of obtaining pyrrole
        matter of plants - chlorophyll, vitamin B12, alkali pigment, a   derivatives  (Table1)  by  cyclization  of  diacytylene  with
        number of antibiotics, etc.                            ammonia in the presence of Cu2Cl2, for 1.5 hours, and as a
                                                               dioxane solvent.
        The widespread use of pyrrole and its derivatives is delayed
        due to the lack of cheap and convenient methods for their   During the synthesis, the influence of various factors was
        preparation. The various known methods for the synthesis of   revealed: catalysts, solvents, reaction time and temperature
        the pyrrole ring under normal conditions with a moderate   on the yield of the target product.
        yield  of  the  target  product  are  multistage,  the  starting

                                 Table 1 Physicochemical parameters of pyrrole derivatives
                                                                                     Element analysis, N, %
                Pyrrole derivatives  Exit, %   Temperature, ° С   Rt   Gross formulas
                                                                                      вычисл.      найд.
                   1- derivative     59,7                      0,61      C4H5N          20,89      20,58
                   2- derivative     68,3         71-72        0,76     C16H13N         6,39        6,11
                   3- derivative     66,2         89-90        0,69    C16H4Br2N        3,71        3,48
                   4- derivative     70,1        113-114       0,73    C16H4N3O4        13,59      13,28

        It  has  been  found  that  dioxane  is  the  most  convenient   Information about the catalytic mechanism of the formation
        solvent. The highest yields were obtained when using hemi-  of pyrrole and its derivatives from diacetylene mixed with
        chloride copper as a catalyst. The reaction time is 1-2 hours,   primary aliphatic amines and ammonia was studied in the
        at wide temperature ranges - 90-230-2 С.               works. Only a few authors explain the role and amount of the
                                                               catalyst  used  in  the  cyclization  of  primary  analysis  with
        Thus, as a result of the study, the optimal conditions for the   substituted diacetylene [4-6]. It has been proven that copper
        occurrence of the cyclization reaction have been found.   catalysts  form  dative  bonds  with  a  triple  bond  and
                                                               contribute to the formation of P-complexes. Assuming that
        The  composition  and  structure  of  the  synthesized   the salt is in the form with diarylhexadiine [7-9], it can form
        compounds  were  confirmed  by  the  data  of  elemental   a complex compound.
        analysis  and  IR  spectroscopy.  The  IR  spectra  show
        absorption bands in the range of 1320-1300 cm-1, 1650-  We  have  identified  it  individually.  The  study  of  the  EPR
        1630 cm-1 and 3440-3410 cm-1.                          spectrum of the starting compounds, the complex of final
                                                               products  and  their  comparison  with  the  EPR  spectra  of
        At present, further work is being carried out to identify new   typical  copper  derivatives  of  tolcylacetylene  and  copper
        properties of the obtained compounds.                  phenylacetylenide showed that the molecules of the copper
                                                               complex 1- (π-methylphilin) 4 (π-chlorophyll) butadiene -

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