Page 134 - Special Issue Modern Trends in Scientific Research and Development, Case of Asia
P. 134
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD)
Special Issue on Modern Trends in Scientific Research and Development, Case of Asia
Available Online: www. ijtsrd. com e-ISSN: 2456 – 6470
Formation of General Labor Skills in
Children with Intellectual Disabilities
H. S. Akramova PhD
Head Department of Special Pedagogy, JDPI Doctor of Philosophy in Pedagogical Sciences, Uzbekistan
ABSTRACT a child to start acting with objects, he must have a need, a
This article highlights the features of the formation of need for their use in mastering ways of acting with them.
General labor skills of children with intellectual disabilities.
However, the need alone is not enough for the development
KEYWORDS: integration, information technology, educational of skills. the child must learn to understand the goal and
process, special school, scientific and methodological, global analyze the conditions for mastering the action in an
intelligence accessible form and within accessible limits. Therefore, the
child must already have a sufficient level of perception
Orientation in the task, planning and self-control are called development. Visual-motor coordination and manual motor
General labor skills, since they provide consciousness, skills. Work with children in conditions of their stay in
purposefulness and independence of work, or intellectual, boarding schools and special groups is aimed at solving
since they are formed due to a certain level of intellectual specific tasks. "It is necessary, using all the possibilities of
development when solving mental tasks in the course of education and training, to form vital skills that will allow
work. The level of their generality is determined by the students to navigate the environment to a certain extent, to
possibility of using them in the new business environment. perform simple work tasks."
Mastering any type of labor activity is associated with the In labor practice, there is often a need for a more significant
acquisition of certain labor skills. In addition, work is a restructuring of a particular method of performing work,
necessary condition and means of education, and especially when the change goes beyond the list of actions known to
for children with intellectual disabilities. the worker, i.e. it is a question of creating (constructing) a
new simplest method based on a known one. However, the
All this required the analysis of scientific data on the content construction of even the simplest techniques is
of the concept of "skill", its formation in manual labor fundamentally different from those changes in the motor
classes. Without knowledge of the features of the formation program of admission that students carry out without going
of skills in this category of children, it is impossible to beyond the known list of actions. The creation of new
properly organize the process of education and upbringing methods of work is possible with a higher level of creative
in a special institution and prepare its pupils for (productive) human activity.
independent work.
Mastering professional methods of work does not yet create
The analysis has shown that there is still a controversy in the the ability to act independently in production conditions.
specialized literature on the definition of the concept of The ability of a person to work independently is based on a
"skill". sufficiently developed ability to navigate the work situation,
plan and control their actions and work in General.
In children with intellectual disabilities, General labor skills
are formed with delay and deviations at all stages of Mass school students usually have basic techniques for
development, which are the simplest knowledge in working analyzing a sample product at the beginning of their training
with paper and plasticine, indicated by the program of in school workshops. So, they first select the main parts of
training and upbringing of this category of children. They do the product (base, body), then-the parts that are attached to
not have any of the activities inherent in this age in a timely the main ones or are located on them, and finally, the details
manner, and the leading activity that is intended to become of individual parts. Students with intellectual disabilities
the support of all mental development in this age period is who have not been trained in orientation techniques
not formed. Therefore, it cannot serve as a means of examine products inconsistently, without a specific system,
corrective influence on the development of a child with and often do not pay attention to individual elements of the
disabilities. Therefore, one of the essential tasks of sample object. As a result, the object image formed by them
correctional and educational work is the formation of does not contain small and inconspicuous parts or elements
prerequisites for the development of activities and targeted of the product.
training in all its types. At the same time, it is necessary to
take into account the stages of development of all types of Mentally healthy children in the analysis of the subject
activities in a normal child. sample based on their existing knowledge and
understanding. So, when they examine a new product, they
Pedagogical prerequisites for the formation of General labor highlight parts, details, and properties that are already
skills of children with intellectual disabilities are the known to them. Moreover, familiar elements of the product
appearance of certain needs, motives, interests: in order for can be included in the formed image of the object faster,
without detailed analysis, but only on the basis of perception
ID: IJTSRD37972 | Special Issue on Modern Trends in Scientific Research and Development, Case of Asia Page 129