Page 135 - Special Issue Modern Trends in Scientific Research and Development, Case of Asia
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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ www. ijtsrd. com eISSN: 2456-6470
of identification signs (the most characteristic by which one finished product), mentally change the position and shape of
can recognize a particular property). In the process of the object (an imaginary turn, mental connection or
orientation (where possible), they use techniques known dismemberment of the product). The same difficulties are
from General education (mathematics, drawing). For shown in drawing lessons, when the task is to find the third
example, count the number of identical parts, determine the projection from two data.
size of parts by measuring. In most students of special
schools and boarding schools, such actions (if they have not A characteristic drawback of work plans drawn up by
been specially trained) can rarely be detected. students with intellectual disabilities is their low mobility.
Having prepared work plans, students usually do not change
The analysis of the use of speech in orientation actions them even under circumstances that interfere with further
reveals a particularly large difference between students of work.
mass and special schools and boarding schools.
Experimental studies show that simpler spatial relationships The difficulties experienced by students in special schools
and other subject properties of a sample product can be and boarding schools in planning their work, as well as the
correctly reflected in the memory of students of special lack of training in this skill, contribute to the formation of the
schools and boarding schools, although speech is not used habit of making a work plan during the task, rather than
much in this process. before work. Each subsequent operation they think about
and plan after the previous one is completed. Observations
It should be noted that the lack of ability to use their speech show that often many students of special schools and
in orientation actions is manifested differently in different boarding schools are not guided by their own plan, but copy
students of special schools and boarding schools. the labor actions of the most successful group mates. This
Opportunities for developing this skill are very closely practice leads to a decrease in the activity of students and a
related to the intellectual level of students. decrease in the correctional orientation of educational work.
Thus, the stage of orientation in the work assignment of A number of difficulties in teaching self-control to students
students of special schools and boarding schools is with intellectual disabilities are associated with the inability
characterized by the poverty of their content. At a low level to perform measurement operations. Poor knowledge of
of correctional orientation of training, students do not measurement units and techniques makes it difficult to
possess the techniques of mental activity that allow them to master control operations performed using measuring tools
form a clear image of the future result of work and take into (ruler, measuring tape, caliper, protractor, protractor).
account all the conditions of the upcoming activity.
Inspection of a product sample before starting work is often Students of the third group lag behind in the assimilation of
reduced to passive viewing. Increasing the time for such an program material in labor lessons due to the
inspection improves the results of preliminary orientation underdevelopment of the properties of the energy side of
very slightly. Therefore, the less time students with activity. In some cases, students who are lagging behind in
intellectual disabilities spend on preliminary orientation, labor training have a combination of disadvantages inherent
compared to the norm, is largely due to their inactivity, in different groups. However, most of them, along with
inability to organize their actions. disadvantages, have significant positive qualities in their
The independence of students in work depends largely on
their ability to anticipate each subsequent course and Thus, the analysis of the didactic aspects of labor training of
intermediate results of their actions, i.e. to plan their students with intellectual disabilities indicates that labor
activities. lessons contain more opportunities for using information
technologies at all stages of training, and their use in the
The planning process can be extended when the child classroom can be both an independent element of the
consciously decides that they need to carefully consider the methodology and used in conjunction with other tools in the
content of the upcoming work. In other circumstances, they processes of orientation, planning and self-control of
may not realize that they need to plan when preparing for activities.
work. However, even in this case, the work is carried out
according to a pre-created plan, but the planning process is List of literature
minimized. Usually, this is how the work is planned by a [1] Akramova, X. (2020). АҚЛИ ЗАИФ ЎҚУВЧИЛАРНИ
more experienced person who has the opportunity to apply a КОМПЬЮТЕР ТЕХНОЛОГИЯЛАРИ АСОСИДА
ready-made plan stored in memory in new conditions. МЕХНАТ КЎНИКМАЛАРИНИ
Educational work most often requires detailed planning. ШАКЛЛАНТИРИШ. Архив Научных Публикаций
JSPI, 1(16), 1-9. извлечено от https://science.i-
It is well known from practice that students of special
schools and boarding schools without special pedagogical Akramova, X. (2020). КОРРЕКЦИОННО-
measures do not need detailed planning of work tasks. This [2] ПЕДАГОГИЧЕСКИЕ ОБОБЕННОСТИ
is due to the peculiarities of their psyche (lack of motivation
and thinking), the fact that the planning process is difficult ФОРМИРОВАНИЕ НАВЫКОВ ЗДОРОВОГО ОБРАЗА
for these students and they do not realize its necessity on СЕМЕЙНЫХ
their own. The disadvantages of planning are largely due to УСЛОВИЯХ. Архив Научных
the low ability of students with intellectual disabilities to act Публикаций JSPI, 15(1). извлечено от
"in the internal plan", i.e. use your imagination to build
dynamic images of a changing object (from a blank to a
ID: IJTSRD37972 | Special Issue on Modern Trends in Scientific Research and Development, Case of Asia Page 130