Page 140 - Special Issue Modern Trends in Scientific Research and Development, Case of Asia
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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ eISSN: 2456-6470
        There are three degrees of dehydration.                ➢  health  education  about  the  ways  of  spreading
        ➢  Severe dehydration (at least two of the following):   ➢  vaccination against rotavirus infection.

            ➢  lethargy / unconsciousness;                     The  main  measures  for  treating  diarrhea  include  the
            ➢  sunken eyes;                                    following:
            ➢  the patient cannot drink or drinks badly;
            ➢  after pinching, the skin returns to its original
               state very slowly (≥2 seconds).                 ➢  Rehydration:  with  oral  rehydration  salt  (ORS)
                                                                  solution. ORS is a mixture of pure water, salt and
        ➢  Moderate dehydration:                                  sugar  that  can  be  safely  prepared  at  home.
            ✓  restless behavior, irritability;                   Treatment with this mixture costs a few cents. ORS is
            ✓  sunken eyes;                                       absorbed in the small intestine and replaces water
            ✓  the patient drinks with greed, is thirsty.         and electrolytes excreted in feces.
                                                               ➢  Zinc  supplements:  Zinc  supplements  reduce  the
        ➢  No dehydration (not enough evidence to qualify as      duration of diarrhea by 25% and lead to a decrease
            moderate or severe dehydration).                      in stool volume by 30%.
                                                               ➢  Rehydration via IV line in case of acute dehydration
        The reasons                                               or shock.
                                                               ➢  Nutrient-rich foods: The cycle of malnutrition and
        Infection: Diarrhea is a symptom of infections caused by   diarrhea can be broken by feeding children nutrient-
        a wide variety of bacteria, viruses and parasites, most of   rich foods (including breast milk) during diarrhea
        which  are  spread  through  fecal  contaminated  water.   and then feeding recovered children nutritious foods
        Infections are most common where there is a shortage of   (including exclusive breastfeeding during the first six
        clean water for drinking, cooking and personal hygiene.   months of life).
        Rotavirus and Escherichia coli are the two most common   ➢  Consult  with  a  healthcare  professional,  in  particular
        causes of diarrhea, both moderate and severe, in low-     regarding the management of persistent diarrhea, blood
        income   countries.   Other   pathogens,   such   as      in stools or signs of dehydration.
        cryptosporidium and shigella, may also be relevant. It is
        also  necessary  to  take  into  account  the  etiological   References
        patterns characteristic of a particular area.          [1]   Коли-инфекция  кишечная  Большая  российская
                                                                    энциклопедия      -   электронная     версия.
        Malnutrition:  Children  dying  of  diarrhea  often  suffer Дата обращения 27 августа 2019.
        from concomitant malnutrition, which makes them more
        vulnerable. Each case of diarrhea, in turn, exacerbates   [2]   Диарея путешественников | Медицинская газета
        their malnutrition. Diarrhea is one of the leading causes   «Здоровье  Украины»,  Медицинское  издание,
        of malnutrition among children under five years of age.     медицинские издательства в Украине
        Source:  Of  particular  concern  is  water  contaminated   eriosis/escherichiosis.aspx Эшерихиоз
        with  human  faeces,  such  as  from  wastewater,
        sedimentation  tanks  and  latrines.  Animal  faeces  also   [4]   Gene Sequence Of Deadly E. Coli Reveals Surprisingly
        contain microorganisms that can cause diarrhea.             Dynamic  Genome (недоступная  ссылка).  Science
                                                                    Daily (25 января 2001). Дата обращения 8 февраля
        Other causes: Diarrhea can also spread from person to       2007. Архивировано 21 февраля 2007 года.
        person,  exacerbated  by  inadequate  personal  hygiene.   [5] Лечени
        Food  is  another  significant  cause  of  diarrhea  when   е
        prepared or stored in unhygienic conditions. The unsafe
        storage and handling of water in the household is also an   [6]   Therapeutic  use  of  bacteriophages  in  bacterial
        important factor. Fish and seafood from contaminated        infections (недоступная ссылка). Polish Academy of
        water can also cause this disease.                          Sciences. Дата   обращения      10    января
                                                                    2013. Архивировано 8 февраля 2006 года.
        Prevention and treatment                               [7]   Medical   conditions   treated   with   phage
        Basic measures to prevent diarrhea include the following:   therapy (недоступная  ссылка).  Phage  Therapy
                                                                    Center. Дата    обращения      10     января
        ➢  access to safe drinking water;                           2013. Архивировано 23 октября 2012 года.
        ➢  improved sanitation facilities;
        ➢  washing hands with soap;                            [8]   Girard M., Steele D., Chaignat C., Kieny M. A review of
        ➢  exclusive breastfeeding of the baby during the first     vaccine  research  and  development:  human  enteric
            six months of life;                                     infections (англ.) // Vaccine : journal. — 2006. — Vol.
        ➢  proper personal and food hygiene;                        24, no.   15. — P.   2732    2750.        —
                                                                    doi:10.1016/j.vaccine.2005.10.014. — PMID

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