Page 25 - - Special Issue - 2nd International Congress of Engineering
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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) ISSN: 2456-6470
                                  Special Issue of 2  International Congress of Engineering
                    Z Max    C 1 X  C 2 X  ...  C n X       optimization  technique  to  deal  with  problems  of
        Subject to:                                             allocation  of  scarce  resources  between  competing
                   a 11 x 1   a 12 x 2   ... a 1n x n   b 1  activities, dealing exclusively with objective functions
                                                                and linear constraints.
                   a 21 x 1   a 22 x 2   ... a 2n x n   b 2
                   .                                            Schwarz  (2014)  points  out  that,  within  the
                                                                professional career of industrial engineering,  an area
                   .                                            of research is the research of operations. The lines of
                   .                                            investigation that emerge from there are:
                   a m 1 x 1  a m 2 x 2   ... a mn x n   b m
                   x , x 2 ...x n   0                            Optimization of operations and processes
                                                                  Route and transport scheduling
        And its matrix form is given by the expression:           Location of Facilities

                     Z Max   CX                                  Process simulation
        Subject to:                                               Solutions with Artificial Intelligence techniques

                  AX   B                                       Kowalski, Enríquez, Santelices, and Mercedes (2015)

                  X   0                                        In  engineering  careers,  and  in  the  case  of  Industrial
                                                                Engineering,  algorithms  occupy  an  important  place,
        Where:                                                  particularly in the discipline Operative Research.

        C = It is the matrix of costs or utilities, formed by the   Applications of the simplex method
        coefficients    of     the     objective    function.
                                                                This method or procedure has countless applications
        A = is the matrix of coefficients of the system formed   in  linear  programming,  but  also  use  in  mathematics
        by the constraints.                                     and geometry. Among the most common applications
                                                                of the simplex method are (Martínez, 2012):
        B = is the column matrix of independent terms of the
        constraint system.                                        It is a technique used to give numerical solutions
                                                                   to problems of linear programming.
        X = is the column matrix of the variables X1, X2, X3,     It is commonly applied to find an optimal solution
        ..., Xn of the constraint system.                          to problems of maximization and minimization.

        Romero,  Muñoz,  and  Romero  (2006)  point  out  that     It  is  useful  for  solving  large  and  complex
        Industrial Engineering as a discipline dedicated to the    problems.
        design,  innovation,  improvement,  installation  and    Variables commonly used in linear programming
        administration  of  integrated  systems  of  human         have been developed from the simplex method.
        resources,  materials,  equipment  and  technologies,     This  method  has  been  extremely  useful  for  the
        organized  for  efficient  and  manufacturing  and         development  of  software  that  facilitates  the
        services.  Acevedo  and  Linares  (2012)  point  out  that
        Industrial  Engineering  has  been  boosted  since  the    calculation  process.  An  example  of  this  is  the
                                                                   WIN QSB®
        industrial  revolution,  its  importance  grows  by  its
        efficient  contribution  to  efficiency  and  business    This model is used for the correct interpretation of
        productivity  that  leads  to  new  levels,  the           decision   models     based   on    mathematical
        competitiveness of industrial sectors in the countries.    descriptions in order to help in decision making in
                                                                   situations of uncertainty.
        Guédez  (2011)  points  out  that  linear  programming
        (PL) is part of mathematical programming and is an

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