Page 27 - - Special Issue - 2nd International Congress of Engineering
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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) ISSN: 2456-6470
                                  Special Issue of 2  International Congress of Engineering
          Analyze the results obtained from the analysis of  decision-oriented  problems  in  the  different  areas  of
            the  simplex  method  for  the  planning  of  an  Engineering.  Many  companies  are  unaware  that
            industrial process.                                 mathematical techniques exist that help to solve their
                                                                own  processes  in  a  practical  and  easy  way.  The
          Evaluate the results obtained from the analysis of
            the  simplex  method  for  the  planning  of  an    research  is  justified  by  the  importance  that  the
            industrial process.                                 application will have in a production process, which
                                                                will  serve  to  have  knowledge  of  its  production
                                                                Investigation methodology
        The  understanding  of  the  Simplex  Method  is
        important because it allows solving problems of linear  The steps that were followed to develop the project
        programming,  which  is  one  of  the  most  important  are presented in figure 1.
        techniques  for  formulating  and  solving  various

                                   del problema


                                                         del modelo

                                                                     Análisis de

                                                                                 Toma de

                                           Figure 1. Example of project activities

        For  the  Delimitation  stage  of  the  problem,  a  work     Where:
        sample was performed. The industrial process of two
        products  was  taken  into  account.  The  formula  used   n: sample size
        was the one proposed by Dr. Bolaños (2012), which is    Z: value corresponding to the gauss distribution, for
        used for finite or known populations. The formula is    research Z = 90%, which is equivalent to 1,645.
        as follows:                                             p: expected prevalence of the parameter to be
                                                                evaluated, if not known (p = 0.5), which makes the
                                Z  2  * p *q                  sample size larger.
                           n                                q: 1 - p (if p = 70%, q = 30%)
                                  i 2                        i: error expected to be committed if it is 10%, i = 0.10
                                                                The development of the formula is as follows:

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