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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) ISSN: 2456-6470
                                  Special Issue of 2  International Congress of Engineering
        Importance                                                Union  of  Peruvian  Breweries  Backus  and
                                                                   Johnston  S.A.A.  Project:  Development  of
        Establishing  a  production  schedule  for  a  period  of   Mathematical Models for the Planning of Supply
        weeks  or  months  turns  out  to  be  a  difficult  and   of  Malta  to  Plants  (Decision  Support  System  -
        important  task  in  most  production  plants.  The        SSD).
        operations  manager  must  consider  many  factors:
        labor, inventory and storage costs, space constraints,   PHP SIMPLEX®
        demand,  etc.  Generally,  most  plants  produce  more
        than  one  good,  making  the  previous  task  even  more   PHPSimplex®  is  an  online  tool  for  solving  linear
        complicated (Faulin, S / A). Corominas (2010) notes     programming  problems.  Its  use  is  free  and  free.  To
        that  operations  management  gives  tools  to  solve  the   access  it  simply  click  on  the  icon  on  the  left,  or  on
        planning  problem  raised.  In  particular,  aggregate   "PHPSimplex" in the top menu (PHPSimplex, 2017).
        planning  is  a  typical  case  of  the  research  area.   PHPSimplex®  is  able  to  solve  problems  using  the
        Aggregate planning is an instrument to forecast, in the   Simplex  method,  the  Two  Phases  method,  and  the
        medium term, the activities of the area of operations.   Graphical  method,  and  has  no  limitations  on  the
        It is clear that the results of aggregate planning have a   number  of  decision  variables  or  problem  constraints
        large  impact  on  the  planning  and  coordination  of   (PHPSimplex, 2017).
        resources  throughout  the  organization,  there  is  a
        tendency  to  include  in  the  aggregate  planning     Winqsb®
        decisions  of  other  functional  areas  of  the  company,
        such  as  personnel,  accounting  and  finance  ,       The initial version of the software Winqsb® called at
        procurement or marketing.                               that  time  QSB,  was  created  in  1985  by  Yin-Long
                                                                Chang  professor  of  the  Georgia  Institute  of
        Geovanah (2017) points out that the simplex process     Technology (Henríquez and Hernández, 2010). Lugay
        is a powerful, sophisticated approach to innovation. It   (2014) points out that Winqsb® software, which is the
        is  suitable  for  projects  and  organizations  of  almost   intellectual property of Dr. Yih-Long Chang, consists
        any scale. This process is an eight-stage cycle. At the   of a series of individual modules or applications that
        end of the eight stages, you have to start again to find   help  in  the  investigation  of  operations,  work  study,
        and  solve  another  problem,  thus  helping  to  ensure   planning  and  control  of  the  production,  project
        continuous improvement.                                 evaluation, quality systems, simulation, statistics, etc.,
                                                                and there are a total of 19 modules, one for each type
        Success stories                                         of problem.

        IOSA  Operations  Research  S.A.  (2016)  in  its  page   General objective
        presents  different  achievements  that  the  companies
        have had when implementing the simplex method. For      Improve the production planning process by applying
        example, the following examples stand out:              the simplex method.

          CHILEXPRESS. Project: Models of optimization         Specific objectives
            and  simulation  of  Courier  routes  nationwide  in
            Chile.                                                Understand the contextualization of the topic.

          Agricultural  Society  DROKASA  S.A  Project:          Know the existing models to evaluate the quality
            Optimized  planning  of  the  asparagus  harvest  -    of an industrial process.
            master  planning  model  for  opening  and  closing
            fields.                                               Calculate  the  representative  sample  using  90%
                                                                   reliability and 10% error.
          Minera Yanacocha S.A. Newmont Gold Company
            -  Peruvian  Branch.  Project:  Development  of       Apply the simplex method for the planning of an
            Mathematical  Models  Oriented  to  Long-Term          industrial process.

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