Page 280 - Emerging Trends and Innovations in Web-Based Applications and Technologies
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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ eISSN: 2456-6470
providers. This evaluation is conducted through a Ø Evaluation of market penetration and user adoption
combination of quantitative and qualitative methods, rates.
focusing on the platform’s usability, efficiency, and overall 5. Pilot Study Results
user satisfaction. The evaluation process is divided into the Ø A pilot study is conducted in a controlled environment,
following key areas:
focusing on a specific region or user base. Key outcomes
1. User-Centric Metrics are analyzed, such as:
To measure the impact of GarageLocator on vehicle owners, Ø User feedback on the platform’s usability and
the following performance indicators are analyzed:
Ø Service Accessibility: Ø Changes in service provider revenue and customer
• Number of garages available within a specified radius of inflow.
the user.
Ø Identified challenges and areas for improvement.
• Average time taken to locate and book a service.
6. Key Findings and Insights
Ø User Engagement: Ø The data gathered during the evaluation process is
• Frequency of app usage. synthesized to provide actionable insights:
• Number of features utilized, such as filters, reviews, and Ø Strengths: Highlighting aspects of GarageLocator that
real-time updates. significantly enhance convenience and efficiency.
Ø Customer Satisfaction: Ø Weaknesses: Identifying limitations in the platform and
• Ratings and reviews submitted after service completion. areas requiring improvement.
• Survey feedback on ease of use, transparency, and time Ø Opportunities: Exploring potential enhancements, such
efficiency. as expanded features or partnerships with additional
Ø Time Efficiency: service providers.
• Reduction in the time required for booking and VI. RESULT ANALYSIS
completing services compared to traditional methods. The result analysis for GarageLocator focuses on interpreting
2. Service Provider Metrics data collected during the performance evaluation to
To evaluate the platform’s benefits for garages and service determine its effectiveness in improving auto service
providers: convenience and its overall impact on users and service
providers. The results are organized into the following
Ø Operational Efficiency: categories:
• Average utilization rate of garage resources, such as
workforce and equipment. 1. Impact on Users (Vehicle Owners)
Ø Service Accessibility:
• Reduction in idle times between service appointments. • A significant reduction in the time required to locate and
Ø Revenue Growth: book nearby garages was observed. The average search-
• Increase in bookings and customer base through the to-booking time decreased from 25 minutes (traditional
platform. methods) to 7 minutes using GarageLocator.
• Users reported a 90% satisfaction rate with the
• Average ticket size of services booked via availability of garages that matched their needs based on
GarageLocator. proximity, service type, and pricing.
Ø Customer Retention: Ø Transparency and Trust:
• Percentage of repeat customers engaging with the same • 85% of users appreciated the clarity of service pricing
service provider. and customer reviews, which increased their confidence
3. Platform Performance Metrics in selecting a service provider.
Technical aspects of the platform’s performance are • Real-time updates on service progress were highlighted
evaluated to ensure reliability and scalability: as a key feature that reduced uncertainty and enhanced
Ø Response Time: trust.
• Speed of search results and loading times. Ø Convenience and Efficiency:
Ø System Uptime: • 78% of respondents indicated that the platform
• Availability and reliability of the platform during peak significantly reduced the hassle of managing vehicle
usage hours. maintenance, particularly for emergency repairs.
Ø Accuracy of Recommendations: • Repeat users accounted for 65% of total bookings,
• Relevance of search results based on user preferences indicating strong customer loyalty.
and filters. 2. Impact on Service Providers (Garages)
Ø Operational Efficiency:
4. Comparative Analysis
The performance of GarageLocator is benchmarked against • Garages reported a 30% reduction in idle times due to
traditional methods and competing platforms: improved appointment scheduling and better resource
Ø Comparison of average service booking times. allocation.
Ø Analysis of customer satisfaction scores and retention • Service providers noted an average increase of 20% in
rates. the number of daily bookings after joining the platform.
IJTSRD | Special Issue on Emerging Trends and Innovations in Web-Based Applications and Technologies Page 270