Page 275 - Emerging Trends and Innovations in Web-Based Applications and Technologies
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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ eISSN: 2456-6470
interpreters for videos, improving accessibility and fostering rotation, scaling, flipping, and temporal interpolation for
a more inclusive digital environment. dynamic gestures. Such techniques not only improved model
robustness but also enhanced its ability to generalize across
In conclusion, innovative approaches to sign language are unseen data. Furthermore, domain-specific pre-processing
transforming the way deaf individuals communicate, steps, such as noise reduction and normalization, were
breaking down barriers, and increasing understanding applied to improve data quality.
between communities. As technology continues to evolve,
these tools promise even greater opportunities for B. System Architecture
accessibility, independence, and social inclusion, creating a The proposed framework comprises three core modules,
world where communication is not limited by hearing ability. each designed to handle a critical aspect of the translation
Extensive research has been conducted to enhance 1. Gesture Recognition Module
communication for deaf individuals using technology. This module is responsible for accurately identifying sign
Gesture recognition systems have evolved from simple static language gestures from input video frames. It employs
image classifiers to dynamic, real-time systems. convolutional neural networks (CNNs) for feature extraction
and classification. To capture temporal dependencies in
1. Vision-Based Recognition: dynamic gestures, architectures such as Long Short-Term
Ø Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) have been Memory (LSTM) networks or Temporal Convolutional
widely used for hand gesture and facial expression Networks (TCNs) are integrated with CNNs. Pre-trained
analysis. They enable effective recognition of static and models like InceptionV3 and ResNet50 are fine-tuned to
dynamic signs but face challenges with complex gestures enhance performance on sign language datasets, enabling
and overlapping features. high accuracy in recognizing complex gestures.
2. Sensor-Based Recognition: 2. Language Translation Module
Ø Wearable devices embedded with accelerometers and Recognized gestures are translated into natural language text
gyroscopes capture motion data, facilitating accurate using transformer-based models, such as BERT or GPT.
interpretation of gestures. However, these systems often These models are fine-tuned on annotated sign language
require expensive hardware and may lack user- corpora to understand the semantic context of gestures and
friendliness. map them accurately to natural language equivalents. The
3. Hybrid Approaches: use of transformers ensures that the system can handle
Ø Combining vision-based and sensor-based techniques syntactic and contextual nuances, resulting in grammatically
has demonstrated improved accuracy and reliability. coherent translations.
This synergy addresses limitations of individual 3. Speech Synthesis Module
methodologies but adds complexity to system design The final output text is converted into natural-sounding
and implementation. speech using pre-trained models like Tacotron 2 or WaveNet.
4. Speech-to-Text and Text-to-Sign Translation These models are capable of generating human-like speech
Ø Researchers have employed NLP models to translate with variations in tone, pitch, and cadence, making the
spoken language into text, and subsequently into sign system more user-friendly for real-time applications.
language animations. However, challenges remain in Additionally, customization options are provided to support
accurately capturing linguistic nuances. multiple languages and accents.
III. PROPOSED WORK C. Implementation
This study proposes a robust and scalable multimodal The system was developed using Python, with TensorFlow
framework aimed at facilitating seamless communication and PyTorch serving as the primary deep learning
between sign language users and those who rely on spoken frameworks. Key libraries such as OpenCV were employed
or written languages. By leveraging advancements in gesture for video processing, while NLTK and Hugging Face
recognition, natural language processing (NLP), and speech Transformers were used for natural language processing
synthesis, the framework enables real-time translation tasks.
between sign language and its spoken or written The gesture recognition model was trained in a GPU-
counterparts. The system's design ensures inclusivity, accelerated environment to ensure efficient processing of
adaptability, and usability across diverse linguistic and high-dimensional data. Transfer learning techniques were
cultural contexts. employed to speed up training and achieve high accuracy
A. Data Collection with limited training data. Hyperparameter optimization was
To build a reliable and comprehensive system, datasets were conducted to fine-tune model parameters such as learning
sourced from publicly available repositories such as the Sign rates, batch sizes, and layer configurations, ensuring optimal
Language MNIST dataset, RWTH-PHOENIX-Weather dataset, performance across all modules.
and the ASL Fingerspelling dataset. These repositories For deployment, the system leverages Docker containers,
provide a wide range of sign language gestures, including enabling cross-platform compatibility and ease of integration
static and dynamic samples, covering multiple sign languages into existing communication systems. Cloud-based solutions,
like American Sign Language (ASL) and British Sign such as AWS and Google Cloud, are considered for scaling the
Language (BSL). framework to support real-time translation for multiple
To address challenges such as class imbalance and variability users simultaneously.
in gesture representation, data augmentation techniques
were employed. These included transformations like
IJTSRD | Special Issue on Emerging Trends and Innovations in Web-Based Applications and Technologies Page 265