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International	Journal	of	Trend	in	Scientific	Research	and	Development	(IJTSRD)	@	eISSN:	2456-6470
        Collaboration	 across	 disciplines	 will	 be	 vital	 in	 realizing	  [4]   Real-Time	Translation	Devices	for	Sign	Language	by	L.
        these	 goals.	 By	 prioritizing	 innovation	 and	 inclusivity,	  Chen	et	al.	(2021):	[invalid	URL	removed]
        researchers	can	help	create	a	world	where	communication	  [5]   Legal	 Recognition	 of	 Sign	 Languages:	 A	 Global
        barriers	for	the	deaf	community	no	longer	exist.
                                                                    Overview	 by	 T.	 Johnson	 (2018):	 [invalid	 URL
        Ø  1960s:	William	Stokoe's	research	on	ASL	structure	lays	  removed]
            the	groundwork	for	future	technological	advancements.
                                                               [6]   AI-Based	Sign	Language	Recognition	Systems	by	X.	Li
        Ø  1970s:	Early	attempts	at	automated	sign	recognition	     and	         H.	        Wang	         (2020):
            using	gloves	and	sensors.		                   
        Ø  1980s:	Development	of	computer	vision	techniques	for
            hand	tracking	and	gesture	recognition.		           [7]   Education	and	Bilingual	Programs	for	the	Deaf	by	C.
                                                                    Brown	(2022):	[invalid	URL	removed]
        Ø  1990s:	First	prototypes	of	sign	language	recognition
            systems	using	hidden	Markov	models.		              [8]   Virtual	 Reality	 in	 Sign	 Language	 Education	 by	 M.
                                                                    Garcia	  (2019):
        Ø  2000s:	Machine	learning	algorithms,	such	as	Support	     7080/11/4/83
            Vector	 Machines	 (SVMs),	 improve	 sign	 recognition
            accuracy.		                                        [9]   Challenges	in	Developing	Low-Cost	Assistive	Devices
                                                                    by	         A.	         Singh	        (2020):
        Ø  2010s:	 Deep	 learning	 revolutionizes	 sign	 language
            recognition	 with	 the	 use	 of	 Convolutional	 Neural	  3838/
            Networks	 (CNNs)	 and	 Recurrent	 Neural	 Networks
            (RNNs).		                                         [10]   Comparative	Studies	in	Regional	Sign	Languages	by	R.
                                                                    Davis	                                (2021):
        Ø  Present:	 Advancements	 in	 computer	 vision,	 natural
            language	processing,	and	AI	continue	to	drive	innovation	  intelligence/articles/10.3389/frai.2024.1297347/pdf
            in	 sign	 language	 technology,	 including	 real-time
            translation,	 avatar-based	 signing,	 and	 personalized	  [11]   Public	 Awareness	 Campaigns	 for	 Sign	 Language
            learning	tools.	                                        Adoption	    by	     K.	   Wilson	    (2022):
        VI.    Conclusion	                                          3838/
        Breaking	communication	barriers	for	the	deaf	community
        requires	a	holistic	approach	that	integrates	technological	  [12]   Integration	of	AR	Technologies	in	Deaf	Education	by	J.
        innovation	with	socio-cultural	advocacy.	While	significant	  Huang	  (2019):
        progress	 has	 been	 made,	 challenges	 remain	 in	 achieving	  7080/11/4/83
        universal	 access	 to	 sign	 language	 systems	 and	 fostering
        inclusivity.	By	prioritizing	research,	education,	and	policy	  [13]   Policy	Recommendations	for	Inclusive	Workplaces	by
                                                                    M.	Taylor	(2020):	[invalid	URL	removed]
        reforms,	we	can	create	a	future	where	sign	language	is	not
        only	recognized	but	celebrated	as	an	integral	part	of	human	  [14]   Improving	UX	in	Assistive	Communication	Devices	by
        communication.	                                             E.	             Robinson	             (2021):
        References	                                                 intelligence/articles/10.3389/frai.2024.1297347/pdf
         [1]   Machine	 Learning	 Approaches	 to	 Sign	 Language
              Recognition	   by	    J.	   Smith	    (2021):	  [15]   Neural	Networks	for	Sign	Language	Recognition	by	F.
          Khan	                                 (2022):
         [2]   Advances	in	Sign	Language	Translation	Technologies
              by	  R.	  Patel	  and	  V.	  Kumar	   (2020):	  [16]   Expanding	Sign	Language	Datasets	for	AI	by	D.	Lopez
         [3]   Cultural	 Barriers	 in	 Deaf	 Communication	 by	 P.	  [17]   Media	 Representation	 of	 Deafness	 by	 S.	 Evans
              Anderson	                             (2019):	        (2021):

        IJTSRD	|	Special	Issue	on	Emerging	Trends	and	Innovations	in	Web-Based	Applications	and	Technologies	  Page	263
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