Page 276 - Emerging Trends and Innovations in Web-Based Applications and Technologies
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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ eISSN: 2456-6470
D. Evaluation Metrics Ø Implementation of emergency response features
To evaluate the system's performance, metrics such as ensured timely and accurate communication during
accuracy, precision, recall, and F1-score were used for the critical situations.
gesture recognition module. BLEU and METEOR scores were 3. Workplace Integration:
employed to measure the quality of language translation,
while mean opinion scores (MOS) assessed the naturalness Ø Employers used the system to facilitate workplace
interactions, promoting inclusivity.
of synthesized speech. Comparative analysis with existing
systems demonstrated the framework's superiority in terms Ø Integration with conferencing platforms ensured
of speed, accuracy, and user experience. accessibility in remote and hybrid work environments.
IV. RESULTS AND ANALYSIS 4. Healthcare Application:
A. Performance Metrics Ø Hospitals adopted the system for seamless
Ø Precision and Recall: communication between deaf patients and medical staff.
• High reliability in translating complex gestures.
Ø Implementation of emergency response features
Ø Real-Time Latency: ensured timely and accurate communication during
• The system achieved near-instantaneous processing for critical situations
most tasks, ensuring usability in practical scenarios.
Ø Accuracy: 1. Expanding Coverage of Regional Variations:
• Recognition accuracy reached 88% on standardized Ø Incorporate diverse datasets representing
datasets, with ongoing improvements through iterative underrepresented and regional sign languages to
model training. improve inclusivity and enable global applicability of the
• It is decided via partitioning the amount of nicely
grouped instances by means of the whole wide variety of 2. Augmented Reality (AR) Integration:
instances. Precision is a measure of how often the Ø Leverage AR technology to create immersive
classifier accurately predicts a effective instance. communication experiences, such as virtual sign
language interpreters, to enhance accessibility in real-
, time scenarios.
3. Advancements in AI Models:
• Here TP is the real +ve, TN is the real -ve, FP is the fake Ø Develop generative AI models capable of interpreting
+ve, and FN is the fake -ve. It's computed through ambiguous and context-dependent gestures with higher
dividing the entire of TP and FP via the overall quantity accuracy.
of real positives.
Ø Employ reinforcement learning techniques to enable
• Recall is a degree of how often the classifier effectively continuous system improvement through adaptive
predicts a +ve example out of all +ve instances. learning based on real-world user feedback.
It's decided through 4. Innovations in Wearable Technology:
Ø Design affordable, lightweight, and user-friendly
isolating the amount of actual up-sides by means of the wearable devices that enhance gesture recognition
quantity of TP and FN. accuracy while ensuring convenience for daily use.
Ø Real-Time Processing: Achieving instantaneous
translation remains a critical obstacle, particularly for
*NOTE:TP (True Positive),TN (True Negative),FP (False large datasets and dynamic gestures.
Positive),FN (False Negative) Ø Scalability: Systems must accommodate diverse sign
B. Comparative Analysis languages with regional and cultural variations.
Ø The system outperformed traditional gesture Ø Usability: Ensuring that solutions are intuitive and
recognition tools in terms of accuracy and latency. accessible to a wide range of users, including non-
Ø Multimodal approaches reduced errors caused by experts.
ambiguous or overlapping gestures, making the system Ø Cultural Nuances: Addressing regional differences in
more robust and reliable.
sign languages and ensuring that the systems respect
C. Case Studies cultural contexts and linguistic variations.
1. Educational Tools: VII. CONCLUSION
Ø Real-time sign-to-text systems in classrooms enabled This research highlights the transformative potential of
better learning experiences for deaf students. innovative approaches to enhancing sign language systems,
Ø Collaborative workshops with educators helped refine emphasizing their vital role in bridging communication gaps
system features for optimized usability in academic for the deaf community. By leveraging cutting-edge
settings. advancements in artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning
(ML), and multimodal technologies, the proposed
2. Healthcare Application: frameworks tackle critical challenges such as real-time
Ø Hospitals adopted the system for seamless translation, gesture recognition accuracy, and seamless
communication between deaf patients and medical staff. integration with existing communication platforms. These
IJTSRD | Special Issue on Emerging Trends and Innovations in Web-Based Applications and Technologies Page 266