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International	Journal	of	Trend	in	Scientific	Research	and	Development	(IJTSRD)
          Special	Issue	on	Emerging	Trends	and	Innovations	in	Web-Based	Applications	and	Technologies
                                    Available	Online:	e-ISSN:	2456	–	6470

                  AgroConnect:	Developing	a	Comprehensive	App	for

             Plant	Health,	Disease	Management,	and	Food	Productivity

                       Miss.	Ananya	Khara ,	Miss.	Bhumika	Parate ,	Prof.	Anupam	Chaube
                                         1,2,3 Department	of	Science	and	Technology,
                     1,2,3 G	H	Raisoni	College	of	Engineering	and	Management,	Nagpur, Maharashtra,	India

        ABSTRACT	                                              where	a	large	portion	of	the	population	depends	on	farming
        This	 review	 paper	 examines	 the	 challenges	 and	   for	their	livelihood.	Despite	the	critical	role	of	agriculture	in
        opportunities	in	the	food	supply	chain,	focusing	on	building	  ensuring	food	security	and	economic	stability,	farmers	face
        relationships,	 trust,	 leveraging	 technology,	 reducing	  numerous	 challenges	 that	 impede	 productivity	 and
        intermediaries,	 improving	 logistics,	 and	 encouraging	  sustainability.	 These	 challenges	 include	 limited	 access	 to
        collaboration.	 It	 highlights	 the	 need	 for	 greater	  agricultural	 knowledge,	 inefficient	 disease	 management
        transparency,	efficiency,	and	sustainability	in	the	supply	  practices,	 suboptimal	 resource	 utilization,	 and	 a	 lack	 of
        chain	and	suggests	potential	avenues	for	future	research.	  understanding	about	soil	composition	and	nutrients,	which
        The	paper	also	proposes	an	application	to	connect	farmers	  can	lead	to	poor	crop	yields.
        and	retailers,	providing	regional	languages	and	allowing
        farmers	 to	 share	 their	 experiences,	 techniques,	 and	  In	many	rural	areas,	language	barriers	further	exacerbate
                                                               these	challenges,	as	farmers	may	not	be	proficient	in	the
        knowledge	about	fertilizers	and	pesticides.	Agriculture	is	  official	 or	 widely	 used	 languages	 in	 agricultural	 sectors,
        crucial	 for	 a	 developing	 economy	 like	 India,	 with	 the	  limiting	 their	 ability	 to	 access	 modern	 agricultural	 tools,
        majority	of	its	population	relying	on	it	for	income.	Data
        mining	can	efficiently	predict	crop	yields,	but	farmers	often	  information,	and	best	practices.	Moreover,	the	food	supply
                                                               chain	in	these	regions	is	often	characterized	by	inefficiencies,
        lack	 knowledge	 about	 soil	 nutrients	 and	 composition,	  a	 lack	 of	 transparency,	 and	 the	 involvement	 of	 multiple
        leading	to	minimal	yield.	A	system	has	been	developed	that	  intermediaries	that	reduce	profits	for	farmers	and	increase
        uses	 macronutrients	 (NPK)	 to	 provide	 suitable	 crop
        suggestions.	 The	 paper	 also	 proposes	 an	 application	  costs	for	consumers.
        connecting	farmers	and	retailers,	focusing	on	agriculture	in	  Data-driven	solutions,	such	as	data	mining	and	predictive
        developing	economies	like	India.	                      analytics,	have	the	potential	to	assist	farmers	by	providing

        	                                                      insights	 into	 optimal	 crop	 choices,	 effective	 disease
        KEYWORDS:	 Technology,	 Communication,	 Agriculture	   management	 strategies,	 and	 more	 efficient	 resource	 use.
        production,	 India,	 Farmers,	 NPK,	 K	 Neighbor	 algorithm,	  However,	the	lack	of	digital	literacy	and	internet	connectivity
        Connection	                                            in	rural	areas	often	limits	the	adoption	and	effectiveness	of
        	                                                      such	technologies.
        I.     INTRODUCTION
        In	 recent	 years,	 the	 agricultural	 sector	 has	 faced	  AgroConnect	is	developed	as	an	innovative	mobile	platform
        unprecedented	 challenges,	 including	 climate	 change,	  aimed	 at	 overcoming	 these	 challenges.	 It	 integrates
        population	growth,	and	the	need	for	sustainable	practices.	As	  technology,	 local	 language	 support,	 data	 analytics,	 and
        the	 global	 demand	 for	 food	 continues	 to	 rise,	 innovative	  community	engagement	to	provide	farmers	with	real-time,
        solutions	 are	 essential	 to	 enhance	 productivity	 while	  actionable	information.	However,	several	issues	remain:
        minimizing	 environmental	 impact.	 AgroConnect,	 a	   1.  Language	Barriers:	How	can	AgroConnect	effectively
        pioneering	 initiative,	 aims	 to	 bridge	 the	 gap	 between	  bridge	communication	gaps	caused	by	regional	language
        traditional	agricultural	practices	and	modern	technological	  differences	to	ensure	all	farmers	can	fully	engage	with
        advancements.	 This	 research	 paper	 explores	 the	      and	benefit	from	the	platform?
        multifaceted	dimensions	of	AgroConnect,	focusing	on	its	role
        in	promoting	sustainable	agriculture	through	the	integration	  2.  Limited	Technology	Adoption:	How	can	AgroConnect
        of	digital	tools,	data	analytics,	and	community	engagement.	  enhance	digital	literacy	and	facilitate	the	adoption	of
                                                                  new	technologies,	particularly	in	rural	regions	with	low
        This	paper	will	delve	into	the	methodologies	employed	by	  internet	connectivity?
        AgroConnect,	the	impact	of	its	initiatives	on	local	farming
        communities,	 and	 the	 potential	 for	 scalability	 in	 diverse	  3.  Disease	 and	 Resource	 Management:	 How	 can
        agricultural	contexts.	Through	a	comprehensive	analysis,	we	  AgroConnect	 provide	 real-time,	 accurate	 disease
        aim	to	highlight	the	significance	of	AgroConnect	in	fostering	  diagnostics,	  and	  resource	  optimization
        resilience	within	the	agricultural	sector	and	contributing	to	  recommendations	 to	 farmers	 with	 varying	 levels	 of
        global	 food	 security.	 Ultimately,	 this	 research	 seeks	 to	  expertise	and	access	to	technology?
        provide	insights	into	how	technology-driven	solutions	can	  4.  Scalability	and	Customization:	How	can	AgroConnect
        transform	agriculture	into	a	more	sustainable	and	efficient	  be	 tailored	 to	 meet	 the	 specific	 needs	 of	 different
        industry,	ensuring	a	better	future	for	generations	to	come.	  regions,	crops,	and	farming	practices,	ensuring	that	the
        II.    Problem	Statement	                                 system	 is	 scalable	 and	 adaptable	 to	 a	 wide	 range	 of
        Agriculture	 is	 a	 cornerstone	 of	 the	 economy	 in	 many	  agricultural	contexts?
        developing	 countries,	 particularly	 in	 regions	 like	 India,

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