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International	Journal	of	Trend	in	Scientific	Research	and	Development	(IJTSRD)
          Special	Issue	on	Emerging	Trends	and	Innovations	in	Web-Based	Applications	and	Technologies
                                    Available	Online:	e-ISSN:	2456	–	6470

                AgroTech	Advancements:	A	Unified	Platform	for	Plant

             Information,	Disease	Resolution,	and	Sustainable	Farming

                    Miss.	Shruti	Wankhade ,	Miss.	Chetana	Girhepunje ,	Prof.	Anupam	Chaube
                                         1,2,3 Department	of	Science	and	Technology,
                     1,2,3 G	H	Raisoni	College	of	Engineering	and	Management,	Nagpur, Maharashtra,	India

        ABSTRACT	                                              and	 weather	 forecasting,	 agro-industry,	 and	 agricultural
        The	 agriculture	 sector	 is	 a	 vital	 part	 of	 human	 life	 and	  business.	These	technologies	have	been	adopted	in	India,
        global	economies,	but	it	faces	numerous	challenges	that	  particularly	 in	 Andhra	 Pradesh,	 Karnataka,	 Maharashtra,
        threaten	 productivity,	 sustainability,	 and	 food	 security.	  Punjab,	and	Gujarat.
        These	include	crop	diseases,	inefficient	farming	practices,	  Industrial	 technologies	 have	 been	 used	 in	 modern
        and	 limited	 access	 to	 comprehensive	 information.	 This	  agriculture,	boosting	farming,	improving	food	security,	and
        research	paper	proposes	a	unified	AgroTech	platform	to
        address	these	issues,	integrating	plant	information,	disease	  improving	livelihoods.	Real-time	automatic	devices,	optical
                                                               flow,	and	infrared	technologies	have	been	used	in	poultry
        identification,	 and	 sustainable	 farming	 practices.	 The	  farming	and	smart	farming.	of.	During	pandemics,	farmers
        platform	uses	cutting-edge	technologies	like	AI,	IoT,	and
        data	analytics	to	provide	innovative	and	scalable	solutions.	  often	suffer	losses,	while	middlemen	earn	the	most	profit.
                                                               High	fertilizer	prices	for	farmers	and	occasional	cultivators
        The	platform's	architecture	is	modular	and	interoperable,	  also	 hinder	 production.	 E-commerce	 has	 been	 applied	 to
        adapting	to	diverse	agricultural	environments.	Key	features	  overcome	these	challenges,	but	it	has	not	shown	significant
        include	 a	 comprehensive	 plant	 database,	 AI-powered
        disease	diagnostics,	IoT-enabled	farm	monitoring	systems,	  results.	Agricultural	technologies	have	been	innovated	and
                                                               invented	in	various	sectors,	such	as	animal	husbandry,	crop
        and	data-driven	recommendations	for	optimizing	resource	  farming,	 farm-link	 activities,	 organic	 farming,	 protected
        usage.	 Its	 user-friendly	 interface	 makes	 it	 accessible	 to	  cultivation,	 land	 development,	 climate	 and	 weather
        farmers	of	varying	technical	proficiency	levels.
                                                               forecasting,	agro-industry,	and	agricultural	business.	These
        The	potential	benefits	of	this	platform	include	accurate	and	  technologies	 have	 been	 adopted	 in	 India,	 particularly	 in
        timely	information	on	crop	health	and	growth	conditions,	  Andhra	 Pradesh,	 Karnataka,	 Maharashtra,	 Punjab,	 and
        helping	farmers	make	informed	decisions,	enhancing	crop	  Gujarat.
        yields	 and	 reducing	 losses	 due	 to	 diseases.	 It	 promotes
        responsible	 use	 of	 natural	 resources,	 minimizes	  Industrial	 technologies	 have	 been	 used	 in	 modern
                                                               agriculture,	boosting	farming,	improving	food	security,	and
        environmental	 impact,	 and	 encourages	 collaboration	  improving	livelihoods.	Real-time	automatic	devices,	optical
        amongstake	holders.
                                                               flow,	and	infrared	technologies	have	been	used	in	poultry
        The	 paper	 explores	 the	 platform's	 design	 and	    farming	and	smart	farming.
        implementation,	 evaluating	 its	 potential	 impact	 on	 the	  II.   Comprehensive	Centralized	Plant	Information
        agriculture	 sector.	 It	 emphasizes	 its	 potential	 to	     for	Sustainable	Cultivation
        revolutionize	 traditional	 farming	 methods	 and	 create	 a
        more	 resilient,	 efficient,	 and	 sustainable	 agricultural	  A	centralized	database	of	plant-related	information	would	be
                                                               a	valuable	tool	for	a	wide	range	of	users.	The	platform	would
        ecosystem.	 By	 addressing	 critical	 issues	 and	 providing	  provide	detailed	descriptions	of	plants,	including	taxonomy,
        practical	 solutions,	 the	 AgroTech	 platform	 represents	 a
        significant	step	towards	transforming	agriculture	to	meet	  physical	 attributes,	 and	 growth	 patterns,	 helping	 users
                                                               identify	plants	and	understand	their	biological	significance.	It
        the	 demands	 of	 a	 growing	 global	 population	 and	 an	  would	also	provide	specific	cultivation	requirements,	such	as
        increasingly	unpredictable	climate.
        	                                                      soil	 types,	 sunlight,	 water	 needs,	 and	 optimal	 growing

        KEYWORDS:	 Sustainable,	 plant,	 Food	 security,	 Global,	  conditions,	 ensuring	 successful	 cultivation	 in	 diverse
        Farmers,	Agrotech,	Practices	                          environments.
        	                                                      The	platform	would	also	highlight	the	versatility	and	value	of
        I.     INTRODUCTION	                                   plant	species,	helping	users	make	informed	decisions	about
        India	has	a	large	internet	user	base,	and	80%	of	farmers	use	  what	to	grow	based	on	their	objectives.	It	would	also	provide
        e-commerce.	Despite	modern	methods,	traditional	farming	  a	 comprehensive	 section	 on	 plant	 diseases,	 pests,	 and
        methods	still	exist,	with	terrace	farming	being	supported	to	  threats,	 providing	 practical	 solutions	 for	 prevention	 and
        meet	 the	 growing	 demand	 for	 organic	 food.	 During	  management.	This	feature	would	be	especially	valuable	to
        pandemics,	 farmers	 often	 suffer	 losses,	 while	 middlemen	  farmers,	 gardeners,	 and	 horticulturists,	 enabling	 them	 to
        earn	the	most	profit.	High	fertilizer	prices	for	farmers	and	  protect	their	crops	and	gardens	from	common	challenges.
        occasional	cultivators	also	hinder	production.	E-commerce	  The	platform	would	also	offer	detailed	information	about	the
        has	been	applied	to	overcome	thesethe	challenges,	but	it	has	  environmental	conditions	necessary	for	each	plant	to	thrive,
        not	shown	significant	results.Agricultural	technologies	have	  enabling	users	to	select	and	grow	plants	suitable	for	their
        been	 innovated	 and	 invented	 in	 various	 sectors,	 such	 as	  local	climates,	promoting	sustainable	cultivation	practices.	It
        animal	husbandry,	crop	farming,	farm-link	activities,	organic	  would	 cater	 to	 a	 diverse	 audience,	 including	 botanists,
        farming,	protected	cultivation,	land	development,	climate

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