Page 360 - Emerging Trends and Innovations in Web-Based Applications and Technologies
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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ eISSN: 2456-6470
By addressing these issues, AgroConnect aims to improve 2. Real-time Monitoring: Mobile applications equipped
agricultural productivity, sustainability, and food security with image recognition and data analytics can provide
while empowering farmers with the knowledge and tools instant diagnostics and disease identification.
they need to thrive in an increasingly digital world.
3. Resource Optimization :By using data on weather
III. The Role of Technology in Modern Agriculture patterns, soil conditions, and crop health, farmers can
Advancements in technologies such as mobile applications, make more informed decisions, leading to better
machine learning, and remote sensing have the potential to resource allocation and increased productivity.
transform agricultural practices. These technologies enable:
4. The Intersection of Locality Language and
1. Locality Language Dis-Adaptability :Language spoken Adaptability: How local languages preserve and
by farmers in specific geographic or cultural regions. The transmit indigenous knowledge about farming practices,
role of local language in preserving agricultural pests, weather patterns, and crop varieties.
knowledge, traditions, and practices. How
communication within local communities, using the local The impact of using a local language for training and
communication about new technologies or agricultural
language, influences cooperation and resource-sharing practices. Whether farmers who speak a common language
among farmers.
are more likely to share information and thus adapt
collectively to changes.
IV. AgroConnect: Concept and Features 3. Data Analytics Dashboard: The app integrates farm-
AgroConnect is designed as an intuitive mobile application specific data, such as crop growth stages, disease
that integrates the following core features: outbreaks, and weather patterns, into an easy-to-
understand dashboard. This allows farmers to track the
1. Disease Management Recommendations: Based on progress of their crops, assess risks, and make informed
the diagnosis, AgroConnect offers actionable insights decisions. The dashboard also provides historical trends
into the most effective disease management strategies. and predictive analytics for future crop cycles.
This includes:
4. Community and Knowledge Sharing: AgroConnect
Ø Pesticide Recommendations : Advising on safe, efficient includes a platform for farmer-to-farmer interaction,
pesticide use.
where users can share experiences, advice, and success
Ø Biological Control : Offering information about natural stories. In addition, it features access to expert advice,
pest control methods. agricultural extension services, and curated content
about best practices in plant health management.
Ø Cultural Practices : Suggesting crop rotation and soil
management strategies to reduce disease recurrence. V. Impact and Benefit
1. Empowering Farmers: AgroConnect empowers
2. Crop Productivity Optimization: AgroConnect helps farmers by providing them with real-time, actionable
farmers optimize their crop yield by providing information that helps them manage their crops more
recommendations for:
effectively. By simplifying disease diagnostics, pest
Ø Soil Fertility : Suggesting soil amendments and fertilizer control, and resource optimization, the app reduces the
use based on soil testing and plant nutrient needs. reliance on expert consultations, which are often
expensive and inaccessible.
Ø Irrigation Management : Offering weather-based
irrigation schedules to prevent overuse or underuse of 2. Improving Crop Yields: By using AgroConnect’s
water. tailored recommendations, farmers can increase crop
productivity. With more precise disease management,
Ø Climate-Adaptive Practices : Providing climate-smart efficient use of water and fertilizers, and optimized
farming recommendations based on local weather data
and forecasts.
IJTSRD | Special Issue on Emerging Trends and Innovations in Web-Based Applications and Technologies Page 350